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Posts posted by Infighter

  1. So many deluded people in this thread.


    No, I'm sorry, but BH Ars right now are anything but fine in PvP. Sure, if I can stand on a ramp and nobody cares about me I can top damage, get 8 medals and immortal and I feel like I'm the best player EU; but that doesn't mean that my class is fine, it just means the people I'm fighting are dumb.


    Meanwhile, as soon as people notice where those missiles are coming from, I get a melee leaping or coming out from stealth to rotflstomp me. Reason? Our mobility is tied to a 2m CD, 3/4 of our damage comes from an ability we have to spam and our defensive cooldowns have long CDs and are mostly useless. Let's also talk how we have no reliable snare, no sprint and our ONLY peel is a knockback with 15s cd after it's talented and a set bonus. Because, I'm sorry to tell you but Rocket Punch knockback is nothing but a melee interrupt since it knocks people back like what, 3 meters? Helps a lot. And it also fills the Resolve bar!!!


    I have heavy armor, yes, but I feel like that means absolutely nothing in pvp right now with all the armor pen going on and elemental damage.


    The only thing we have right now is DAMAGE. And that means a lot when OPs can run around in stealth and open for 4k non-crit and do 3k in their other GDs, while having much more effective defensive cooldowns (vanish, evasion, bubble) or Sorcs that have so much more mobility and effective heals (together with bubble) compared to us.


    So please, before spouting about how great you are at this class and wreak everything, fight against actual people in similar gear and level and not level 11s who are doing their pvp quest.


    On a side note: lack of mobility seems to be a huge part of this class in general. Even as a healer I only have 1 heal I can use on my self while on the move (with looooong cd) and, while Pyrotech has more mobility than Arsenal in its damage, it's still stuck into casting its 1.5 cast time skill and Unload for procs to do the most damage... in which you'd rather just be Ars since it does much more damage and Pyro doesn't have the shorter cd on Jet Boost (which is still the only peel even in that tree!).


    After this small (!!!11!) rant, I believe that a way to fix us it to have a 6s snare on HSM and a "blink"-like skill on a short CD... it would at least give us a CHANCE against melees. I don't care if this mean our damage is nerfed, I'd rather live than being a glass cannon.

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