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10 Good
  1. Strongholds which are located at the bottom of the SH page are limited to the first 18 Characters/Alts at Max Resolution (2560x1440). Any characters created (19 and up) cannot be selected, as there is neither a scroll option or a sort option. Lower resolutions exacerbate this problem (meaning the available name list is even shorter). For example, only 13 Characters/Alts are available at 1024x768.
  2. If you open the GTN, select "Equipment" and browse through the pages, transitioning from Page 10 to Page 11 causes it to instead change to Page 1 and display the Gamorrean Axe. This happens whether using the "Next 10 Pages" (>>) button or the "Last 10 Pages" (>>|) button. This first started back when 2.1 was released and was reported at the time and one additional time with release of 3.0, however it remains unresolved. As this is the only GTN item which has more than 10 pages, it may well be the code that changes out to page 11 and higher... I'd guess that any other Item Tabs which exceed 10 pages would have this same problem. And yes... GTN. Collections have TONS of items with more than 10 pages.
  3. Could someone (preferably the programmer who made this change) please explain the logic behind the change to Crafting Menu behavior? Before, I could find the item I wanted to create and see if I had enough materials. If I happened to be lacking a particular component (gathered, missioned or purchased [flux etc] ), I could obtain the item, reopen the crafting window and be RIGHT BACK AT the item I intended to create. Now, it defaults to collapsed, sorted by difficulty (seriously? maybe when power leveling crafting, but WORTHLESS when true crafting) and unselected. Ever single stinking time I open the window, I have to expand, resort and search for the item I intend to make... every... stinking... time. Please, explain how this new way is "better", because I just can't see it. The only thing I find more idiotic than this change is the 4 SORT choices in the bags/bays and not a single one of them is "sort by NAME"... you know, as in something worth sorting by?
  4. 4 phases of SWTOR issue resolution. blah blah blah. wait for troll response. realize the community sucks. Delete post.
  5. Sadly, I've run into even worse coding.... AION. Pretty game, but O M G the coding is even worse than the SWTOR engine. Not only does the game require UAC to run, it also installed a "helper" program that runs at startup and ALSO requires UAC. I'm not sure which I find more disturbing... the pathetic code that's being spewed out for games or the people who happily dumb down their PC security and accept the subpar programming. Being in the IT field (primarily security), at least the latter = "job security" for me, so /shrugs. Kids are tech savvy as ever, and just as stupid about real world security, so I'm guaranteed a paycheck at least. TLDR - AION is even worse than SWTOR as far as the coding goes.
  6. Content is awesome. Quests are fun. Game -content- gets a 9.0. Granted, the character creation has less options than games 3 times as old (cough WoW cough), but no sense bothering with that at this point. No, I'm talking about the underpinning engine. 32 bit? Requires UAC in order to RUN it ... seriously? Install maybe (though most games don't regsvr32 or REG modification so don't need UAC for install either), but to RUN it? Large percentage of Users have to run it in Compatibility mode just to keep it from locking up? As a programmer, I'd personally be embarrassed to have spent 2 (going on 3) Y-E-A-R-S and still have a pig in lipstick to show for it. On top of all of this, I don't think I've run a single Esseles/Black Talon and not had SOMEONE in the group crash to desktop (me included). Support response? "Must be your PC". Look, if you don't give a rat's patootie about fixing all the above (plus all the other bugs that have been there since launch), how do you expect to release any new games and have people take you seriously? Basing my experience on SWTOR over the past couple years, while I won't stop playing THIS game, I won't be buying any others from EA until you get better programmers. Just saying. You're the ones selling it and your company and your support online.
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