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10 Good
  1. This server is almost empty. The people who plays here wants CHANGE SERVER. We PAY to play a MMORPG, and in this server "Massive" not exist. We take hours to play a Warzone. Its a boring and useless server. I dont want reroll because i have a good leveled character here, but i want change server or shared server warzones or something to solve this matter. M8´s of the server, make noise to Bioware help us. Please, if the server no changes, ill leave Swtor. If you do the same, maybe someone ear us and help, or maybe they they don´t, but GW2 is coming soon, and will be easy forget swtor if we dont have a solution in a PAY server. We want a solution NOW. Thanks.
  2. Actually, the system to take Battlemaster commendatios is absurd. Why u dont create an option to change, for example, 50 champion comendations = 1 battlemaster commendation?. Why must i open 3 million of battlemaster boxes to recieve champion commendations?. Im with same gear about 1 month!!. Change it...some suggestion?...
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