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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by StrEdgeViper

  1. I was able to pull revan's mask on the first pack I bought with my sith inquisitor AND IT FELT GREAT...i was considering selling the pack for the 300k but opted to open it instead. I pulled revan's mask and a blaster rifle that goes for 350k so i am still able to make my money and have revan's mask...i will forever keep it and wear it with pride. I LOVE SWTOR.
  2. Centurion Armor for sith sorcerer


    and now Battlemaster for sith sorcerer


    put those in the cartel some people wanted the gear for looks not just stats, centurion may have had lesser stats than war hero has now...but it sure as hell looked amazing.


    I would pay real money for a set of Moddable Centurion Armor for my sith sorcerer

  3. Here is what we need out of the Cartel Market....




    Im sick and tired that i was not able to get the centurion armor for the inquisitor even though it was the only cool looking armor...it was purple and awesome etc...but no...now bioware is even getting rid of battlemaster....or those big corellian speeders.....give tht all back through the cartel coins...ide spend real money to be able to buy those items from the cartel market...i want my sorcerer's armor to actually look good, i dnt want the columi,dread gueard, or campaign armor cause no offence to anyone...it does not look as cool as what the purple centurion armor did

  4. One could argue that the Jedi are always chained, whereas the Sith at least have the option of breaking free, if they have the strength and will.


    On the other hand, the majority of Jedi seem to be content with their ways and I can understand why actually. When it comes down to it, I'd rather make the sacrifices necessary to become Jedi than live with the constant stress of being Sith.


    Besides, the Jedi code is misunderstood by many, it's not nearly as oppressive as it seems. It's not about repressing emotion but controlling it, rather than it controlling you as is the way of Sith.


    As someone who strives to be as reasonable and objective as I possibly can be (I am only human, but I do try) I find a lt more sense in the Jedi code than the Sith code. The Sith are all about relatively short lived gratification whereas the Jedi as more about lasting serentiy, which to me sounds like the best option overall.


    But, both sides are extremes, they both have flaws. Overall though I would say the Jedi code is actually much more liberating than the Sith if you take a moment to consider it. Is a Sith that constantly has to be on his guard really more free than the man who lives a life of serenity, not bothered by the restrictions put on his life?


    You know I completely agree, we know that for example LOVE, is technically allowed in the jedi code, there have been Jedi that fell in love and got married, the point tho is they cannot let that control them and hurt others simply because of love. If anakin lived a good life without being so arrogant and well...in TOR terms making tons of dark side choices, then he would have been allowed to be with padme....still this brings a very good point, the constant fear that some sith might kill you to try and reach beyond you is stressful as opposed to the jedi which constantly relax stay calm and focus.

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