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Posts posted by StrEdgeViper

  1. My friend, what you seek may just be the Centurion, Champion, and perhaps Battlemaster gear sets......I am afraid that aside from Battlemaster (which you need very high valor for)...you cannot obtain them....and the coolest looking "Centurion" which people beg to come back.....which I would pay real money for....is not coming back any time soon.
  2. I've been trying to find out what the Hard/Soft Caps are now that 2.o made alot of changes.


    Currently I have 0 crit rating because its basically useless.

    My surge is at 68.10%

    I keep my alacrity up 8%

    and then stack power for the rest lightning spec/healer

  3. I feel like they can take all our mounts, and add mods to it like "Advanced Turbo 22" or "Advanced Speed Module 31" etc to affect their speed maybe. Just to add realism because not every pod has the same exact speed at 110%
  4. So on the Republic side you rescue Revan from Maelstrom Prison, then on Empire side you track down Revan and attack him. You find out he is making a droid army with the sole purpose of wiping out anyone with even a hint of Sith Blood. To me that sounds like genocide and not something a Jedi would do. Also when you "finish" Revan he says "And now I know how you felt in the end, old friend" in which he is referring [i think] to Malek when he died on the Star Forge. Then Revan vanishes in a flash of light much like the Emperor in TOR and ROTJ. So in the end had Revan fallen back to the Dark Side? And a 2nd question. Do you think Revan is dead, or did he simply use the force to vanish.


    what? i never tracked down revan and attacked him...my story ended with malgus creating his own mini empire....

  5. I haven't had Khem off my ship in 6 or 7 months. I'm a healer and I actually have his gear slanted towards Resolve vs Force Wielder. The mods and enhancements of everything are useful tanking stats (abs,def,shield,acc) but with using resolve hilts and armorings. I feel it gives him a lot more firepower and he keeps aggro very well. The tradeoff in total health I feel I can make up as my healing is up to snuff. With myself in full campaign/partial DG and Xalek in Black Hole gear, I was able to go through the whole Makeb storyline (finished at level 54) without asking for help. I also like that if I had a piece of light armor that I had augmented and i want to go to a new shell, Xalek will be able to use that item with a new tanking augments.


    I went through a time where in some fights I preferred a dps companion and would use Ashara, but adding the extra willpower to xalek, I was happy with our combined dps.


    All that being said, I know plenty of other people that go everywhere with Khem. I do prefer listening to Khem speaking in combat to Xalek. I kind of wish they'd added some new phrases to his rotation. I just might put that in the suggestion box.


    Really, you have khem in full resolve/force wielder mods? No wonder you preffer xalek...and yeah you should re-read wht you said because your grammer makes it seem like ur giving khem vall Willpower...a stat that to him as entirely worthless


    Im upset....do they not realize that some of us use other gear like, champion, centurion, or recruit....BECAUSE IT DOESNT LOOK CRAP....even if they are not as good as war hero, i honestly cant take them off because the new gear just looks terrible. I am a sith sorcerer and as much as i want good stats....i really dnt like tht the gear they release doesnt have a very good asthetic appeal...something like centurion to me defines what the best looking gear was for a srocer....everything post has looked worse and worse...and to punish those who also care about appearance rather than just stat-whoring makes me feel like you are forcing us to wear clothes we despise....they really should have brought these improvments to a more variety of gear...centurion is moddable so fine maybe not there...but champion/recruit/mk-2 are nto moddable...and even if they become slightly less....they look better IMO than any new gear for sorcerers...and now im condemed to have terrible pvp just because i wanna wear clothing that i actually like... sigh

  7. So true If I have to have a jedi on my team the least I can do is humiliate the **** out of her.

    However she will probably only lose the jumpsuit when togruta are released, and going by how the cathar are going I'm thinking in 2016...


    Yeah honestly im really disapointed with this, Ashara is the only woman we have as inquisitors and we cant have her wear all those female outfits.....THEY KEEP COMING OUT WITH MORE AND MORE.....and she cant wear any of em....sigh....

  8. some accuracy might help...or...you can just deal with the fact tht 90% is still pretty damn high....it really depends on the way people view tht now...i honestly dnt get too far into accuracy at all so..its gonna be interesting what people do with that
  9. ..they honestly keep replacing the best looking armor...for worse...first there was CENTURION...it looked GODLY.....then it was removed.....we had CHAMPION.....it was awesome.....removed......recently we had BATTLEMASTER....it was not as cool as centurion...but....still removed....and now 2.0,.....and they all look like poop....i would gladly pay 1800 cartel coins for a set of CENTURION gear...
  10. you should also throw in some defense ratings...shield doesnt apply to all kinds of damage....also make sure ur picking armors and mods that focus on endurance more than strength and of course get them up to par...at lvl 50 he shouldnt be wearing mods below 21 or 22...heck get him the 25s tht are cheap now
  11. The point is that the should not have removed armor in general, theres much more to armor that stats....what about looks? They removed recruit again...and now have taken away every goodlooking sorcerer armor...centurion by far the coolest and removed....battlemaster....removed....champion...removed....they need to stop doing this because some people care about dressing right not statwhoring
  12. This was probably my favourite armour set in the entire game, finding out that it has been removed entirely before I was able to get a set brings tears to my face. On top of that my second favourite option, Battlemaster for Sith Inquisitor is gone too. it seems to me bioware is forcing my Sith Sorcerer to wear cliche robes and nothing that actually looks ****** or ritualistic. I request Centurion armor back through cartel market. I would gladly pay 1800 for a full set of armor Head,Chest,hands,wrists,legs,feet.
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