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Posts posted by soletnsol

  1. I'll edit the bumps to something more constructive.


    You are obviously mad that your trolling failed and now you're resorting to the ToS.


    I'm pretty sure there's something in the ToS about inflammatory comments etc....When you continuously try to make a negative point based on bias thats call harassment as well just FYI

  2. Jugg's also have an AoE slow forgot to mention that too i guess O_O


    Don't be mad though you're not the first to comment on someone's playstyle without ever getting seasonal glad titles in WoW since s3.


    trolling trolls is fun

  3. don't worry i have a voidstar vid coming up where i'm back-peddling while keeping 5 ppl out of charge range by slowing/back-peddling and cone aoe'ing them until they knock me away.


    Haters will hate O_O


    Edit: btw did i mention juggs have a cone AoE?

  4. do ppl like commentaries on vids?


    edit: i mean i like commentaries on action moba's // rts like League and SC2 etc and even FPS games but do ppl like it on Swtor?


    Or does good music trump filler chat? lol

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