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Everything posted by MajinEddie

  1. No point arguing with the EU fanboys bud. Im sure they also think superman pulling the earth out of its obit with a big chain was a good move.
  2. Writers of the old republic try to keep there storys a bit more belivable. Sure Bane and Revan did awesome stuff but it was all within reason. The writers of UI or whatever make up noncence stuff. Example. Palpatine opens up a blackhole and luke uses the force to resist it. If you know anything about a blackhole you would know that it would destroy the solarsystem it is in. Even the force itself would not survive. The worst part is George. I made palp/luke and I say they are the strongest. So there. Then they try to back it up with feats of power that seem cool to the brainless. Hopefully now you understand why a well written character revan could never beat unrealistic noncence like palp/luke. So please stop doing Revan vs. You can't beat brainless in an argument.
  3. It was nice to get a bit of backstory on good old palpatine. Other then that is was so damn boring. What did you think of it?
  4. I liked jar jar in robot chicken so ima vote for him.
  5. Are you srs? Vader would get smashed. No sith /jedi could come close to fighting someone like thore.
  6. 1 Jawas/Droids as a playable race. 2 Mini games. 3 This is a big one. Space combat more like starfox. 4 Small scale pvp. 5 Last but not least a AV style mabby 25 vs 25 with pve elements WZ. I enjoy playing this game but things like this would make it better.
  7. 5 Eric Cartmen. Only someone strong in the force can pull of the things he can. 4 Bliiy Blanks. The creater of tybo wich helped fat woman everywhere lose some pounds. 3 Tupac. He took the worst music of all time and turned it into a house hold name. 2 GW Bush jr. George and friends killed a bunch of people. Made a bunch of $ and they got away with it. Palpatine would be proud. 1 Bugs Bunny. With the power to alter reality at will noone is a mach for bugs.
  8. Puerto Rican. Its not a joke to hype up or talk down on the race. Im just saying look at him. He looks puerto rican.
  9. Both are sick but none can even come close to the power of Bugs Bunny.
  10. I would have to say most of you dont know anything about startrek if you think sw would even give them a good fight. Besides not even wormhole createing papaltine could beat cap kirk in a fight. Everyone knows that.
  11. Bugsbunny by far. Bugs would take palps wormhole dunk it in a cup of coffy and enjoy the snack. He would make vader cry for about 3 days. Vader crys for anything anyways. Luke was like 20 and he never had a girl =\. Bugs would show up in a weddingdress. Its all over for luke there. Revan would hit bugs with the saber. Bugs would play dead. Revan would start crying. Burry him then bugs would stand next to him crying also. As the are crying together revan would be like ***? bugs would kiss him then jump into the ground. If he wants to kill any of them he would just drop a 1 billion lb anvil on there heads. Dont fug with the rabbit.
  12. I dont get how Bane just became so strong. 1 min hes nothing then he trains with the Blademaster and in a few monthes kills him in a fight. Its like the deal with luke. If you know anything about combat you know that 1 or 2 years is nothing. You cant become a master of fighting art in 2 years let alone a damn jedi/sith master. Thats why i think the whole thing with bane and luke is crap. So then vader wins.
  13. He had count duku. Duku had both ventris and grevis. When palp had vader vader had starkiller. not sure if duku and his 2 sith followers were under palp at the same time as Mual. Ifso then thats 5 sith at 1 time. The Darkside only wanted 2. Do you think this is why good old palpatine failed?
  14. Im not pro. I play a guardian. I do just fine fighting sorc. Just dont see the problem. Any WZ i enter i see atleast 4 commandos on ouer side. Just how it is.
  15. Darth vader has a male private part shaped helm. He walks around all slow and stiff useing his right hand to grab other men and force them to there knees. This is what it takes to be all powerful for some guys i guess.
  16. Episode 1 is a kids movie. Episode 2 is a chick flick. Episode 3 is a good action movie. Hated the i love you more ani crap in ep 3. Episodes 4/5/6 have great qualitys about them for movies made at that time. I just find them to be verry boring.
  17. I think the original 3 movies suck. Some people just like looking at a guy with a man privat part looking helm walk around all slow and stiff moving his hand around squeezing other men.
  18. We would be fighting Dks and mages from azaroth.
  19. Bugsbunny can alter reality at will. There is your answer.
  20. Nice to read this. Great job to you and your guild.
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