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Posts posted by Zethrodek

  1. Yes, I would agree that miralukans are kinda shortchanged with options.... But I also understand that its possible the main artist/s responsible for species development with the 'lukas could also not be at bw anymore, so while its nice to ask and perhaps receive, I'm not certain of the outcome.. I do support this mind you, just pointing out that the people for the job may not really be present anymore.
  2. Not sure if its noticed by others or not, but when I turn on the mark of Agony flair option, there seems to be this weird ghost box effected off to the left side of where my character portrait is. Said ghost "box" flickers in/out. Just something that should be checked.
  3. So, the unfettered trenchcoat is a classic design, and yet, what about the sleeveless duster? Just cut the sleeves off of the unfettered coat and slap it into the game as another piece of gear?


    I think more then a few people fail to appreciate how well done the cathar species really is, in some respects, I feel it is only right to bare the cathar as much as possible if only so that the excellent texturing on the skin can be seen, this is one reason for the above suggestion.


    Also, Togruta color options, expanded to include dark navy blue, black or dark gray, and perhaps a variance of white. I realize this has been suggested elsewhere, I was unsure where precisely the topic is now, just thought I'd submit it to the proper area at least.

  4. L69 vanguard trooper on ch13 of KotFE. Part where you need access card to deactivate the alert before getting to gilded star. On Ebon Hawk server.


    Instead of just one simple wave to kill from the side lifts for the spawn. The game continues to spawn wave after wave from the side lifts, never spawning the quest item needed. I've been able to do this quest just fine months ago on other toons, have no idea of this being a bug or intended.

  5. So, in a matter of speaking, having had this issue for over a year now, I've decided to inquire here and see if others have this same issue... This has to do with the named weapons you can get from one of the cartel vendors in the bazaar.


    You know, the named weapons like Fortitude and Grit


    Or Prowess and Valiance.


    Basically, this is an unexplained error where when you pick one of these items up from the vendor the first time and lock it into use; you unlock that weapon and disable the apparent ability to unlock the other named weapon of the same type.


    That is how I have surmised anyway; what gets me is that bw fails to explain this in any sort of manner on purchase from vendor [or at least, I dont recall any such explanation box given]. So if you get Prowess, but also want to unlock and use Valiance, presently it is not possible for that to occur.


    Is it a design intention or is this bug in collections a bug by way of ommitted explanation? Certainly, at the time I got Prowess, I do not recall seeing any warning explanation where "If you get this weapon, you will be unable to put the sister weapon in collections" was given, so at this point, I assume it is an accidental oversight on the part of the collections database people. Thank you for listening, and if others have a similar issue, please feel free to add to this thread.

  6. Well, character is rubber banding back to republic fleet whenever I logout from playing it, no matter where I have her in the game. Last time I played her, I logged out on Belsavis, now character select screen tells me she's back at the fleet... Ticket filed in game yesterday, reply today said to post about it here as its a game thing that needs addressed by the devs.
  7. Hello again, another rare sighting. :p


    Night of the [Luckily] Living Dead Prompt


    Characters: AnySama, AnyZama

    Companions alluded to: Kira, Ashara, Khem, various inquisitor Crew

    NPCs: Zash, Satille Shan [apologies for mis-spell]






    Kira stared as her master brought huge amounts of lightning to bear on the unsuspecting captain. Last the apprentice knew, her master was lightside.... so what was this sudden lightning affiliation?




    Ashara stared at her master, or rather, her master's sister, in suprise. "So you are her twin sister then?"


    A mute nod answered the question.


    A faint smile crossed the Togruta's features, "Well, I'm glad I'm not the only lightside person here anymore..." The Jedi apprentice trailed off, "My master DID tell you about the Dashade right?"


    The blue twilek's eyes went round with her words and the Togruta let out a sigh. "Oh man..."




    It was some days later, and AnyZama was prowling around the ship on her own, in the databanks. She was not happy on what she found regarding her sister's upbringing, discarding the fact that her own childhood was likely just as bad, she focused on her sister's and dived in...




    Kira blinked as she heard a thump preceeded by a scream and sighed, her master seemed so different lately; the only change she could note was a force shift from light to neutral. She recalled how Anysama had then talked about how being extreme in the force was a bad idea, too much light, and you tend to be blinded by material items. Whereas the dark side was just as bad, being abusive of power and rank in differing ways.

    She slipped back into her meditation as best she could considering her own troubled thoughts, not noticing the ship starting to move.




    On Tython, Anyzama had to be careful as she walked the halls of the Jedi Temple. A few of the senior masters glanced at her, but said nothing as she walked down the stairs to the first level where many of the grandmasters had their own offices.




    The most prominent figure of the Jedi Order looked up as her doorchime rang.The admittance display showed a blue skinned Twilek.


    "Jedi Anysama to see you Master."


    Shan nodded and let the door admit the visitor. "Greetings, What can I do for you today?"


    The twilek strode up to the desk, but refrained from bowing. "I'm not Anysama, but I am AnyZama, her twin sister."


    Shan nodded, "Yes, nice to.... meet you...." The Jedi leader's eyes narrowed in realization, "You're the one we actually didn't get to resc-"


    The disguised Sorceror nodded, "Yes, and I found the files on my sister. I'm saddened that she never got to her full potential...." The Twilek went on to describe how her twin sister's death came about, and considering the mishap happened before landing. The punishment to be handed to the Da'shade had yet to be administered.




    The Togruta and rest of the Fury's crew watched apprehensively as the Da'shade gripped his head in his hands, the powerful wracked with spasms as voices once again. At the giant's feet lay the crumpled form of the Twi-lek who, until a few moments before, had been living and breathing.


    "Well well Khem, looks like your own ire has released me again... Hello Jedi, oh this is too good! the pet master's sister?! My my Khem, you have really a deathwish don't you."


    A new voice, slightly confused, joined the mental conflict. "What the kriff was that for? Wait..."


    Khem's headache only intensified as he suddenly realized that he had TWO mental passengers in his head. "Get out!" He stumbled as he continued to roar in pain, gripping his head in agony. "You! I thought you were out of my head for good, Argh!"


    The Zash voice sounded from the Da'shad's mouth in and introductory sound that was akin to a chuckle, "Yes you beast, and you've picked up another passenger as well; your master's twin sister!" The Zash voice let out what only could be thought of as a cackle by the issuer. "You brought this on yourself."


    Around the spectacle, everyone shared the same general thought among those who were organics, agreeing with the disembodied Zash. "That Da Shade will be extinct when the Master returns."




    The two council members stared at eachother over the width of the Grandmaster's desk, "I may be on the Dark Council Grandmaster Shan, but I don't ascribe to their ways that much. They are corrupted by their own power and rank; and while I occassionally slip, I do remember about my own mortality."


    Shan nodded, "What you've imparted to me about the Empire's situation bears some consideration, so you are free to go... Councilor AnyZama."


    The Twilek nodded in respected and left the Jedi Temple to deal with the mental state of a Da'Shad.




    "Please Master...." the powerful beast groveled before her.


    "You devoured my sister." The words were spoken very quietly, stopping the beast's speech as Khem sensed finality of her focus. "You can live with 2 people your head Khem, until I can find a way to redo that ritual that got Zash into a mental box and put you in it instead."


    Khem's horrid visage of a face looked absolutely stunned for a moment and then the giant slumped to the deck in defeat, "Yes Master."




    Well, my take is that Khem isnt a likeable fellow anyway personality wise. But honestly, this is as bad of punishment that I could ponder where Khem reopened the one head, many minds agenda and brought it upon himself, adding another voice to the mix. Other things related to this; I just couldnt come up with a decent personality for Anysama in the first place, proving that in some respects, lightside is boring. And the VA for the JK female could use a tad more emotion. Difficult enough trying to play a darkside jk female, but I digress. Apologies for the rushed writing, because this was rushed really.




    <returns to lurker mode>

  8. Prompt: Goodbye


    Bit of a inspirational shout out to Mags for some of this piece., but I just summarize here.



    "I understand Corso, take your time." The newly minted Catharette watched the long time crew member disappear toward the airlock. Her blue eyes watching as the man she'd known since that time on Ord Mantell, went to determine his path, and the future of her heart.


    Corso exited the ship and wandered toward the spaceside air shield and gazed to the stars beyond. There were times he thought he knew what he wanted, areas of life he trusted to be stable, issues that he thought would be stable. But his wife just decided to change that on him, everything he had known before now seemed moot. To him species was something you couldn't change, and yet, it was proven to him that if one desired to, a change of species was within the realm of possibility now. He was a bit of a xenophobe admittedly, even after all the time he'd spent with the Captain, being around others for the most part he hid it very well. This time though it was too much, His wife had after all taken the calamari with her most of the time since Hoth, and he felt slighted by the lack of consultation before Xynri had went with her seemingly whimsical idea. A change from practically human to a cat-based humanoid was pushing his tolerance sensors a bit far. He was a country man at heart, and things generally stayed the same when born; but now since he came to the more civilized and modern life, technology had exceeded the bounds of the standards of his galactic view, and things were so complex now as to threaten to impede upon his standards. The Mantellian got up and wandered toward the station's target practice range, still thinking about his situation.


    Xynri's tail belied her thoughts, curling and un curling as she sat thinking to herself, frowning slightly, she had no idea what to do or where to go from here. She looked up at the nearby female members of her crew, "I think I need some exercise." She needed to do something, not just sit around and mope.


    Risha nodded decisively and elbowed the Mandolorian beside her, "Captain, we should go on an outing, don't you agree Spar?" The princess was not too enamored with the Zabrakian warrior, but she respected the alien's strength.


    The latter female of the crew tilted her head to look at the ship's engineer and thought on the spoken words. "Yes, an outing would do some good." The stoic woman admitted rather icily.


    "Then let's go."


    Corso returned to the ship his mind made up. Quietly, he crept aboard, glad that C2 was not in his usual place at the airlock so he could move to his bunk space and sorted his stuff so that he only took with him what was necessary to get back home. He never noticed that Spar came into the bunk room, pausing to briefly look at him, but saying nothing as she quietly left the room with Corso unaware.


    A while later, having sorted out and leaving most of his personal armory to the Captain and stowing as much as he was able to carry in his one knapsack. The Mantellian native took a last look back at the ship he'd been on for years and took a deep breath before stepping out of the hangar alone and on his own. He took out his datapad and started a message to the captain. "Hey Captain, I've decided to leave your service... And divorce you..."


    Xynri stood still in her quarters, listening to the playback of Corso's message. "...I just can't handle your species' change Captain, I'm sorry. This is goodbye, you have a fine crew to help you and its been fun." The words became background noise as Xynri squeezed her eyes shut in a vain attempt to stem the tears that were starting to spill out.


    A while later, the tears subsided, but the emptiness remained. The catharette looked at the ring left on the desk in her room and frowned. Foricing herself to walk out the door, but with a near mechanical motion she made the short journey to the bridge, not daring to look at the now vacant spot where Corso had always kept watch for her. "Fleet Control, this is Captain Hawklyn of the ship Black Horizon, Blue Verticon requesting clearance to leave station."


    "Black Horizon, Blue Verticon, you are free to go."


    With near instinctual practice, Xynri eased the ship out of the docking bay and once she was clear of the station, plotted a course for Makeb. Mindful of the questions her crew had about leaving Corso behind, she intercommed the ship. "No, Corso isn't on board, and nor will he be back again." She tersely cut off the mic as emotions threatened to overcome her countenance again, knowing that at Makeb, she would have to explain the situation.


    Having arrived at the orbital station orbiting Makeb, she summarized the situation for the crew and then looked at the assassin droid she'd acquired from Belsavus, "HK, you will accompany me on Makeb. There are," she paused, licking her fangs before finishing the statement, "Meatbags needing to be exonerated."

    "At once, Master."


    "Bowie, keep the ship prepped for flybys. HK and I are going surface-side."



    The Catharette and droid team reigned carnage accross the surface, in one of the moments where they'd stopped to recharge, Xynri recieved a startling observation from HK.


    "Master, I am not wired for emotion, however I am compelled to state that you have an edge in total damage output over me." The assassin droid stated as Xynri chugged down some water...


    "Hey! what ar-AH!" A fireball exploded in the midst of mercenaries.


    "Duty isn't all baby rattles and churchbells you know!" The Catharette snarled to the dead and burning corpses as she took all the items of worth from them that she could find.


    "Nor is just standing around and looking pretty!" A heavily fortified enemy replied as he charged the duo, having overheard the captain's outburst. A few well placed shots and life reducers brought the living fortification to the ground in short order.


    Soon it was night time, and fires raged in the Regulator camps on this particular mesa. It was reflected in the Captain's blue eyes as she looked over the landscape that burned. Yet all the carnage that Xynri caused could not asuage the pain in her heart, finding out the Corso was xenophobic and then losing him. It was excruciatingly difficult to let it out, even as violence.



  9. Not sure under what prompt to place this under.. there's been so many anyway..


    SW / Smuggler Unspoiled




    A mindless drabble on Masks...


    "Master, can I see what you look like under that mask?" The Cathar apprentice asked of Darth Baras one day in the latter's office.


    "Speak of this to no one dear apprentice, I do this for you because I like your face at the moment, though I'm sure in the future I may dislike your face, but that is for a different time." The Darth unlatched his mask and lifted it from his head, saying as he did so, "There are reasons that we wear masks-"


    "Ew, put your mask on!" Vette shrieked warding her hands in front of her. Beside the twi'lek, the Cathar Marauder could only agree with both her slave's opinion and her master's observation. Even as the Darth reversed the motion of removal into one of attachment, the snow tiger colored Cathar pondered her own looks and decided she didn't need a mask for her face.


    "Why would I show you my face when all you've known of me is this helmet?" Einyrica's modulated voice eshewed in the room.


    "Makes sense." Darmas mused, "Still, I can tell you're a woman."


    "Watch your gaze pal, or you could end up like Riggs." The suited smuggler produced a holo-picture of Corso's bruised face, and Darmas had to admit that some issues were better left alone.





    More on Family





    The Twi'lek Knight read the message and nodded to herself; she'd been expecting this from her sister lately, a request of urgency with a behest to come alone without any of her crew to ride herd on her. Anysama would meet the pirate in the Promenade....


    ....And there the rough and tumble guy was, leaning against a structure pylon waiting. He nodded as she approached and did a quick glance around evaluation of the surroundings. The passerbys were still passing right on by, all the bystanders were none and not standing by like idiots. "You ready?"


    She mutely nodded and fell into step with him. They would take a speeder to an area of imperial control, then another one to a fancy casino complex. Effectively the route doubled back on itself about five times from variously different angles and locations before the ex-pirate took her to the Imperial spaceport where the security was quite lax. Before Anysama knew it, she was entering her sister's world of crimson red flags and dark metallic grey walls.


    The ship waited for them and Anysama supposed she was surprised at the crispness of the space craft before her; certainly it wasn't some old out of date design like the Defender was. The blue knight squared her shoulders and allowed herself to be led up the ramp by Revel and into the ship where she entered an environ quite unlike the one she was used to.


    The lighting was designed to promote, or at least allow for the eyes to operate in low illuminated areas so that one could look out the viewports more easily into the black void of space with little adjustment. Furthermore, as the Knight discovered, the path from the airlock to the main room led to the main activity room where a similar holo-com dominated a piece of acreage and everything was orderly and well maintained.


    "Sith, I'm back." The pirate called out into the semi-darkness of the interior.


    "Wonderful, bring Sama to my quarters please Pirate." There was no mistaking her sister's voice as the procession of two tromped the way to what Anysama surmised to be where her sister was.


    "So, what's the reason you called me here sis? Certainly it's well and good to see you but meeting you on your ship seems a bit odd." 'Sama looked at 'Zama and the latter slowly rose from her chair to gaze at her older sibling quietly.


    "You have a lot to learn about how the galaxy works sister; I'm not saying anything against the Jedi Council either, but I'm a Dark Council member now, and I feel like taking a break from it."


    Older twi'lek stared at younger twi'lek, stunned at the amount of success that her sister had achieved in a setting that was certainly xenophobic in general to aliens. "Congradulations then."


    "Thank you, but as I said, I want to take over for you for a while, and let you effectively rest and get to know a different environment for a while. No one will know the difference really."


    In the end, the Knight capitulated and sat staring into the ship hangar as she felt apprehension at the aspect of her temporary relocation, She only hoped that her sister could handle her job as well as she thought she could.





    Maybe more later.. I don't know yet.

  10. Prompt: Friends and Allies


    Xynri with new guild.. Very short..




    Xynri looked around the assembled motley group she was a part of, listening to the instructions over the helmet comlink. Mentally classing everyone as best she could, even knowing that a great deal of her pre-classifying would get rearranged over time.


    Even as the assignment progressed, the Catharette found herself watching the unorthodoxially dressed sage for cues. Partway through, she felt herself starting to smile as the well oiled group waded through the various obstacles; and Xynri was an important cog of that group which helped the squad complete the necessary tasks. For the first time in a great while, Xynri felt content and happy to be where she was.




    Prompt: Family






    The Twi'lek nodded as her apprentice completed his meditations, "That will be all for today Xal."

    The apprentice would've replied respectfully as he left the room, but a shout from Revel precluded that intent and the apprentice scurried out of the room as the former pirate invaded his wife's sanctum. "You have a message from Intelligence."

    Anyzama tilted her head as her holoviewer brought up the message in question and the other messages obviously rerouted to her through several different methods and sources. When she was finished reading the Darth sat back in her chair and considered all she'd been sent; what had been asked of her was certainly no easily accomplished feat, on top of that, the fact that she did have an older near-twin sibling who as far as the messages reported, had gotten lax in her training. All of that coupled with this revelation of familial ties...


    The Sorceress brought up the included holo image of her purported sister and studied it carefully, frowning at the slight facial differences. The displayed Jedi knight on the holo wore robes of the primary color of blue and white, this would be child's play for that of her caliber, if it just stopped there. No, the far more complex issue would be the Force; lightside the report suggested, with very little darkness. It would be do-able, but problematic, and yet, Anyzama had done hard tasks with good results in the past. But this involved family, and involved meeting her sister for the first time in decades. "Pi-rate, punch in a course for Nar Shadaa." The sorceress called, more yelled, to the bridge.




    Welcome back to Morgani and good job to the other writers who've contributed.

  11. Not sure what sort of prompt this would fit under...


    A Change.


    Xynri and crew.




    Xynri frowned as the machine displayed the choices to her. It was about changing her future and her appearance. After all, enemies as a smuggler tend to be in the rather numerous category, specially with bills to pay. The Genetic Splicer booth was one way to change that so one wouldn't be seen right away. She browsed the selections for the Cathar slowly, weighing the options, choosing carefully; frowning at the lack of proper richness in the darker blue eyes. She shrugged, signaled the machine that she was done choosing, and instantly go a communication from one with authority.

    "Ms. Hawklyn, we appreciate your business here, however we wish to remind you that the process which you have selected to take place is very very dangerous and carries a great deal of risk. Are you positive that you wish this course of action to be taken?"


    Several hours later Xynri opened her eyes after what seemed like a nice nap. She felt little difference right off the top- wait. She lifted her hand and examined the black fur, then rubbed gently at her face, Whiskers, perfect..


    The Mon Calamari frowned as he beat the game "Whack-s-Sith." for the 7th time in as many hours. He was rather annoyed honestly that the captain was still in there, but his senses told him there was something new in store, so he put down the game and watched the exit door as it swung open to reveal the captain, dressed like before.

    "Captain?" At first, there didn't seem like anything was out of the ordinary, but as she approached, he noticed an additional feature that hadn't been present before. Before he could speak up however, she place a gloved finger to his lips.

    "Not now Guss, just be aware that I got what I wanted. Let's go back to the ship." She took his hand as it was necessary to get through the massive population of people in the line for the new business aboard Carrick Station, and they made their way to the hangar.


    The entire crew was in the lounge for a change, which made this easier-and harder; she had no idea how Corso would react. Dive right in, with both feet.

    "So," She stated to ensure that her crew's focus was now on her. "I've gotten what I wanted here and I'm sure most of you have wondered what it is that I wanted to get done here." She unlatched the helmet and removed it under their collective gazes, though it was only Corso's reaction she really worried about.


    His reaction came soon enough, "Y-you're a Cathar now... Your hair is different- I - Why Captain would you do this?" His mind was reeling, the Zabrakian had changed to a Cathar... He sat down in a dignified sort of way as his mind tried to process the happenings.


    Xynri frowned at Riggs' reaction and raised her hands for attention. "I did this to make our enemies pause as they go looking right past us, intent on a Zabrakian and crew, not a Cathar and crew. True that eventually they will pick up the trail again, but for the time being, this was a convenient way to throw them off for a bit longer." She paused and looked around her crew, catching each gaze with her own as she spoke again. "I'm well aware of some of the sacrifices made to acquire this species change; the hair, the eyes, tail and tail holes in armor. I made this choice to do this, and I like it."


    "Well Captain, I'm not sure what to think right now." Corso trailed as he frowned, looking at the floor. "I need time to myself." He muttered quietly, even though everyone heard him speak, and Xynri nodded slowly.

    "I understand Corso, take your time." The newly minted Catharette watched the long time crew member disappear toward the airlock.


    Corso exited the ship and wandered toward the space-side air shield and gazed to the stars beyond. There were times he thought he knew what he wanted, areas of life he trusted to be stable, issues that he thought would be stable. But his wife just decided to change that on him, everything he had known before now seemed moot. To him species was something you couldn't change, and yet, it was proven tonight to him that if one desired to, a change of species was within the realm of possibility now.

    Riggs was a bit of a xenophobe, even after all the time he'd spent with the Captain, being around others for the most part he hid it very well. This time though it was too much, His wife had after all taken the calamari with her most of the time since Hoth, and he felt slighted by the lack of consultation before Xynri had went with her seemingly whimsical idea. A change from practically human to a cat-based humanoid was pushing his tolerance sensors a bit far.


    Xynri's tail belied her thoughts, curling and uncoiling as she sat thinking to herself, frowning slightly, she had no idea what to do or where to go from here. She looked up at the wookie nearby, "Bowie, can you start putting tailholes in my armor?" She needed to do something, not just sit around and mope.


    The giant monolith of fur rumbled a reply and Xynri nodded her head, "Yes, I'll help you, both me and Akaavi will."


    The scene fades to black as everyone goes about their prospective duties... And Corso? Poor guys world turned upside down, give him some slack.





    I figured that someone should try the near impossible. :)

  12. Yes, that is a good point, I've actually gotten that "suggestion" of doing exactly this sort of thing. Of course, the trick is not to let it get buried under all the other suggestions made. I feel my post makes the points needed made. Many players have been here a long time, gained items that are bound to the character, as a result of that or just time spent on the toon, we get attached to them... Enough so where we feel it becomes a necessary thing to keep them despite having made another on a different server.


    So this in a way is a rewording of my statements from before, where we players find thru time that another server better fits our needs. With that in mind, we prepare for that hope of being able to shift desired characters from one server to another in hopes to not only streamline our own play time and experience of fun, but also as a means to assist whatever guilds we may be in to a better degree than before.


    This issue of character transfer needs to be officially addressed as I've stated previously. Certainly an estimated summary of problems facing the devs in this subject could at least be shared in a very basic way at least. Like is the stumbling block more an issue of upper management disallowing what was alluded to last year? Or is it more of a technical issue? I would think that it would more be an issue of administration than the technical side, but let's not forget either about possible security issues around this topic as well.

  13. I've gone thru the dev tracker and the recent forum threads and I can find nothing on this topic thhat is truly official before last September. I'd hate to submit an ingame ticket on this subject for the 10th time.


    This may seem a bit of a bothersome issue, however, there are those players who have several servers worth of characters with ample room on a couple servers where they spend the majority of their time on. Thusly wanting to streamline their playing experience by shifting characters to the servers they spend most of the time on and thereby avoiding the servers with communities that may not fit their tastes all that well.


    Its been a fair amount of time already and I think the term Soon has gotten old in regards to this issue. 2.0 is out, and I realize you are working hard on fixing/creating the current or new content for the game, but if someone could take the time to address the issue of character transfers [ie, why is it still an option under account page if it isnt seemingly being pursued / addressed?]; I think a lot of the more veteran players would certainly appreciate insight on the current situation on the subject as the character transfer page faq that has been repeatedly referenced to me in the past has not been updated since fall last year [new info would be nice..]


    Just looking for a general time frame, and I realize you can put anything out without half the players jumping down your throats about it, but I would appreciate some feedback on this item.

  14. Why not add a higher amount of Cartel Coins?


    I know theres plenty of players out there who get the general error when trying to purchase Cartel coins, and the rather limited amount of choices that are given drives to frustration. Simply offering a higher amount of coins would trim the amount of general errors that people complain about.


    And since I'm suggesting stuff for the Cartel Market...


    Put gamble packs in offerings of 5-10 each as well, gamble packing meaning the blockade runner/ cartel and crime lord packs respectively.


    Just a couple ways to perhaps make it less of a click-athon for those buying from the cartel market.

  15. What If... [Hoth Story spoilers]

    JC/Smugg on Hoth

    Decent size




    The Shadow frowned as she sensed Revald's Chief Engineer approaching them even as she nodded to the pirate Captain's words. "You speak wisely sir, but I sense uncertainty. Please have patience with those who approach."


    The pirate Captain frowned as the Jedi turned to address the approaching group of Republic people. He waited to see what the new arrival would say while trying to keep the Jedi's word in mind.


    "Okay, let's take this cannon back. You ready?" The Chief stalled as he noticed the Jedi looking perturbed and felt himself calm down. "Er, what's the situation Master Jedi?"


    Zethryncia knew Theran didn't like her manipulating others, and she found it distasteful as well at times, but this was one of those times where it needed to be done. "Let's all take time to listen and understand the present situation." She stated with the force assisting her voice, "Now Captain, you said your people had made copies of the Null Cannon?"


    The Captain relaxed and nodded, "Yes, our engineers reverse engineered the prototype."


    The Jedi nodded and turned to Arim, "I realize that the mission was for one cannon and you didn't expect this surprising turn of events, but would it be feasible to as the Captain for his engineer's assistance in moving these cannons to the Republic Base?" Again, she paused to use some persuasive logic. "After all, these pirates have simplified things for you in their replication efforts; maybe you should consider this option."


    "I think I will. Thank you Master Jedi."



    Same quest, Smuggler point of view.. What if



    "Captain, try to keep calm and let me handle this." Xynri stated as she heard some crunching of the hard ice floor behind her and turned to face the approaching group of three. "Nice to see you Chief, now shut up and listen to the situation-"


    Chief Arim frowned at the smuggler captain before him, really wishing that he could see her face instead of the helmet she wore. "I'm sorry, but orders are orders."


    Xynri scowled at the engineer and her eyes caught Tuno's, `I hate that sort of person.' "I'd like to-" What little apology she was going offer was shunted aside by the two lackeys handling their weapons.


    "I was attempting to give you a peaceful solution," The pirate captain growled, glaring at the Chief engineer. "But since Revald's insistant on sending people here as well; You will all die."


    It didn't take long for the firefight to be over and the White Maw bodies to be burning on the permafrosted floor, because scarcely a second after the captain had fallen, the freighter captain had the Chief Engineer back up against a wall. "What in the galaxy was that idiot? We could've worked out an agreement to take all the cannons here, but nooo." She snarled and punched the wall beside his head, uncaring of the fact that hitting said wall had a nasty side effect of pain. Arim flinched as her voice got more involved in the tirade, "Mr. Shoot-first-observe-situation-AFTER- the-fact here..." She stepped back and released him, still fuming. "LOOK dammit. See all the cannons they made; these could go on ships! Don't you see that theyve done part of your work for you?"


    The engineer frowned and pulled out his comm unit, getting Admiral Revald. "Sir, the situation is not quite as expected."


    "Go on." Xynrti liked Revald's demeanor and unflappable attitude as the chief explained the extent of the issue. "I see." The large admiral stroked his chin in thought, "So you made a mistake of shooting first without listening to the situation and needlessly caused violence when we were on the apex of a peaceful solution?"


    "Yes sir." Arim really looked like a kicked dog now, Xynri smirked a bit behind her mask as the Admiral nodded in thought and continued.


    "We can talk about that after you return. You say there's multiple copies of the cannons now? Bring the prototype back to base and I'm sure the Captain can help clear the way for additional teams to collect the copies. Revald out."


    The engineer frowned as he pocketed his comm unit, looking at the blood that had been spilled earlier, "Captain, I'm sorry-"


    "It's okay really. I know how it is. Us Zabrakians tend to shoot first sometimes without taking the situation in."


    Arim looked surprised, "Really?"


    Xynri pulled off her helmet and grinned at the dark skinned Zabrak, "Yeah."


    "Wow... Now I feel really down."


    The small woman clapped him on the back and turned to depart with her crewmate in tow, then stopped. "Would it be possible to put one of those guns on ship?" She grinned at him winningly; a grinned that slid down a few degrees as the Chief engineer shook his head.


    "Sorry, but the power requirements are a bit large for a ship like yours. But I will designed a smaller version to see if that can be worked around." He added hastily at her frown.


    "See you at the base." She turned and walked with the fishman out of the room.


    "Right." Arim steadied himself and got to work on the cannon, securing it for transport.







    I'm not happy with how this null cannon quest culminates. Obviously, I've done this on cons and smuggler so far. Sent in a ticket about the mission, very unhappy with the lack of choice options. Jedi has no force persuade options when there clearly should be some. Horribly played out. Revald is very unflappable person tho, great character in my thinking.



    Some of these short stories posted here are hilarious! :D Great job!

  16. Trooper, what's thy name?






    The two soldiers looked out over the rock plateaus of Balmorra, quietly contemplating the time ahead.

    "Jorgan, did I ever tell you how I got my name?" The aforementioned glanced at his commander listening as she continued. "My parents wanted a name that was different from my sister. Zethryncia was certainly a unique name, but they wanted a complete difference, so Azydria apparently fit."


    "Well Captain Hawklyn*, that suits you. I find your name to be very orderly, but we have a mission to complete, so we should be about it." The Cathar offered the Mirialan an assist in rising from the ground and the two of them rearmed for the journey into the unknown.







    When servers did their merge thing, I had to change legacy name from Hawklyn to something else, not sure any of the present legacy names I have really fit though. I really wish they'd add more character slots a server, but thats a different kettle of fish entirely.




    I don't mean to not compliment you others on your writings, what you do write is stupendously great. I get focused on doing a task and thats it, I apologize if I seem uncomplimentary to the rest of you; just know that I enjoy reading what you all write very much.

  17. Cute! :)




    Sometimes I wonder though if you're writing Koa too fast in perspective of the force developing....


    Granted, there are so many virtual unknowns with this. How strong is Lord Scourge in the use of the force for example, and what precisely would happen were two strong force users to interact and procreate. You give us a very good idea here of at least one side of the coin concerning Force using offspring.


    I'm saying that this is really good reading that gets the read thinking and asking questions.



  18. Guilty Pleasures and Health Combo


    About 750 words, maybe more. I use wordpad to write these drabbles, so do not think there is a word count feature there.




    Hoth, the place where white is never out of season.


    Xynri made sure the country boy was asleep and then sneaked off to the refresher. After fishing around in her bag and finding what she wanted; granted that these sort of clothes were meant to be worn without armor over them as they supposedly were some sort of armor themselves, but this sort of armor looked rather skimpy and Hoth was a frozen freezer.


    By the time the gunslinger managed to get out of the refresher, Corso was awake with his mouth creased in worry that disappeared once he noticed her returning. "Refresher?" The captain nodded to him in confirmation of the note she'd left him.


    "Let's get going." The captain kept walking and Corso following.


    The blowing snow greeted them outside the base camp as they made their way to the taxi speeder and while the two traveled, they shared a conversation.


    "So countryboy, did you know I spent much of my childhood in entertainment?"


    "Huh? No.... wait, your childhood?!"


    "Yes, mostly waiting tables, but I would watch the dancers and then practice when possible."


    "Ah." Corso couldn't say too much at that point, he was just glad his body armor was warm as he felt the razor sharp cold through the seams of his armor.


    "And I've wanted to try something here on Hoth for a while now."


    "What's that?"


    "Dancing in the snow."


    "Ah." Corso's mind drifted even as the taxi brought them to their destination.


    After a walk of a few minutes, slogging through the drifting snow and braving the blowing knives of the frozen wind, Xynri stopped and looked around. "Good enough."


    Corso watched in morbid fascination as his CO shed her regular armor to reveal... He swallowed as her amber eyes watched him watching her. The gold hues of what little was part of her top matching the color of her eyes. The blend of the Zabrakian markings making it easier to tell her from the snow ridden world around them. The loincloth at her hips matching the strands of her red hair. He activated his armor-cam to record her motions for later review because he had a feeling she would appreciate that.


    First thought Xynri had after about a minute of her dancing was `COLD! Why am I doing this? Brrr.' She hoped Riggs was recording this for later. She also hoped as she danced and pirouetted toward him that closeups would also be included; but first, she really needed to get back into her warm armor....




    Corso frowned as he sat by the bed Xynri rested on. The medical droids had advised that she get plenty of rest and keep warm. A weak chuckle from the bed forced the farmboy from his thoughts and he looked to find Xynri smiling at him.


    "I got hypothermia didn't I?" The Zabrakian laughed weakly at herself, "It was worth it; maybe it wasn't worth it to you and I don't mean to have put you through that worry, but I wanted to do it knowing full well that I could end up like this." Xynri looked back up toward the ceiling sighing, "Yes, it was a foolish thing to do, and I'm sorry Corso."

    The apology cooled the Mantellian's anger and he simply nodded in response, not trusting himself for words.


    "This was one guilty pleasure that I allowed myself to do knowing full well that my life was in the balance. Log end." Xynri sighed and sat back in her seat having finished her recollection of that eventful day.





    Silent Allies

    Zethryncia, [shadow]




    Zethryncia growled in frustration as she scanned the area for the honorless cur of an assassin who seemed to enjoy attacking her when she was engaged with the White Maw people. She knew there were other Jedi in the area, yet refused to give herself away by shouting for help.


    She watched closely as at least one Jedi Knight neared the entrance to the power station and smirked as the assassin that had been irritating her efforts decloaked near the knight and a fight started. Being cloaked as she was, the Mirialan moved quietly as the assassin realized she was outgunned and started trying to flee.


    "I don't think so." Zethryncia growled catching the assassin attempting to run behind some crates in a sudden force pull which then allowed the Knight and the Shadow to mortally wound the Sith.


    The other Jedi nodded their appreciation and moved off to the power station while Zethryncia frowned at the body for a few seconds before moving on into the power station itself.




    What's in a Name?

    Anyzama, SI

    Really short




    The blue skinned Twi'lek remembered.


    She remembered the day she lost her twin sister, Anysama, in a Mandolorian Raid.


    She remembered growing up that point forward in one of the orphanages on Korriban reserved for raising children in the Sith ways. In all that time however, she had this feeling that somewhere, her sister still lived; and with her sister was the answer to why the sisters were named with Any.




    Small note:


    There are times I want to write something and yet it doesn't want to come out right. I have a what's in a Name idea for my femme bh, but the wording for it escapes me.



    @Magdalane: Btw, I do follow your stories on FFN, greatly enjoyable. :)

  19. I see I spurred someone else out of the shadows. :rolleyes::D


    I'm kidding..


    Small Note:



    Xynri is a Gunslinger, wonder how many other 'slingers are in this thread, not that it really matters. I enjoy writing and certainly use my head to ponder certain details and subjects.


    Like my shadow who is tasked with Belsavis now. Her name is difficult to think of a reason and meaning behind it. Zethryncia is more of a personally created name which I tend to prefer, but have no real prepared history as to why my shadow was named such. Maybe such ideas will come to me in time.




    Some really good stories here, I might intro my male operative in the future as I have an idea or very general plan regarding him. Oh well, time to get some sleep...

  20. What's In a Name?


    First time poster here, I just lurk usually.

    I know its under 750 words..




    The red haired smuggler frowned at the datapad screen. Thus far she had managed to avoid aquiring a surname, until some government lackey decided it was required; which was why Xynri glared at the screen that waited for either vocal or tactile input of a surname. The smuggler thought hard, her yellow eyes hidden in furious mental debate. She had been abandoned on Coruscant as an infant with no name; having been forced into the depraved underground of her birth world, she chose the moniker she'd been given as her first name. Xynri. Now she was having to choose a surname, and while many epithets raged through her thoughts. She unknowingly voiced her frustrations in two words, "Mutter grumble."


    Her eyes opened in shock as the datapad beeped approvingly of the name, "Surname `Muttergrumble' approved."

    Few bystanders noticed as the smuggler started banging her head of the wall after throwing the inactive datapad into the abyss of the station depths.



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