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Posts posted by OldSpiceSwag

  1. Everyone loves to win and there's a couple little mindset things that help you win no matter the class or matchup.


    -Always- find something you could have done better. Assume that your team would have won if you performed just a bit better regardless of how skilled your team might have been. Even if you win, find something you did wrong. Blaming things on which you have no control (bioware, teammates, lag, etc...) just puts you in a foul mood.


    Actively learn and adapt to the nuances of every class in solo queue (especially the pure dps matchups.) There -is- a solo ranked specific playstyle. It is not the same as regular warzones or team ranked.


    Most important, always always stop queuing after a string of three losses in a row. Statistically, the majority of my losses come after losing three games. I've noticed a substantial reduction in effectiveness when I'm in a poor mood (which results in more losses and a perpetuation of the poor mood which results in more losses etc...). Stopping after three losses might be unsatisfying, but it's better to cash out while you are ahead.


    #1 tip right here

  2. Do we really want to compare Smash to Thundering Blast?


    Why does the DOT from Rage do so much damage?


    Either way, Sages/Sorcs already provide soo much utility that we really can't afford to give them too much aoe burst in abilities like death field without creating imbalances.


    you only have utility if you have a team that lets you do anything. now im not saying balance around yolo qs, but madness definitely needs a little buff there to be as individually viable and not 100% dependent on your team


    bc atm in yolos, utility=bubble, run, run, run, dot a little, run, break, run, barrier, die


    edit: really the only direct buffs needed are a bit better force management and fadeout baseline. the big indirect buff is removing the root on obliterate

  3. I havn't lost a game the past 30 I played ;)



  4. That's where most people start out pretty much. Although I think the entire matchmaking system is just ********.


    I just got matched up with a bunch of 2200+ people 3 times in a row and im hardly 1700 myself.


    Not that it mattered, I'm over 3:1 wins to losses anyway.


    i was 1600 and ive been suck fluctuating from 1500 to 1600 and back down into the 1500s again for like a week

  5. People that roll around and use maul over and over are bad, if you are having trouble with them I'd suggest reading some guides. Sins are absolute garbage at everything right now outside of pub star in pvp. Do ranked or pve, you are going to have a bad time.


    deception sins are pretty good in arenas they just lack sustained damage. once their burst is used they kind of just mill around till its up again

  6. He said a couple rotations

    A PT rotation would be the entire setup for the 3 stack flamethrower plus fillers for waiting flamethrower to come of its cd. And he said two of those, plus he didn't mention any healer either. So really he is saying it can kill a unhealed 41k tank of unknown gear or class in about 20+ seconds. That's perfectly reasonable for most burst specs.


    oops, misread that. not as outrageous, but pts have burst up only with shoulder cannon, other than that its fluff. so with no heals that isnt a very good example of any opness tbh

  7. pre 2.0 I would have been in agreement that they are really squishy and die easily.


    But at the moment, I will side with the OP on this one, post 2.0 this class has some of the highest sustained burst DPS with defensive / damage mitigation over any other class in this game. I have seen one take a tank with 41K health from full to zero in just a couple of rotations. no class should liquefy players like that. my complaint isn't with the fact that their dps is high but they have way way way to high damage mitigation with CC and anti CC capabilities.


    they definitely need some sort of look over by BW. the leader boards are filled with top ranking PT / VG dpsers.


    no you havent


    stop lying to prove a point pelase

  8. my rules were no medpack, nades or adrenals. you can clearly see none of those in my bars (no nades / wz meds), also at first he screwed me over by only using warrior buff, I made sure to buff him too when I used my other 2 buffs.


    Aside from that I made some serious mistakes such as wasting stealth and not getting more than a stack of annihilation , or not charging 30 stacks in carnage.


    If anything, Kaleedo had guard on him for the duels he won lol... A rematch isn't worth my time, if I can beat him without even warming up in my worst spec, I'm sure I can do it even better with a little practice. I would love to do smash vs smash, most people complain jugs are worse but honestly it's just because I'm better.


    also luxford u should duel me on my sorc in a week or two when I have some more conqueror


    pretty obvious that you cheated thats prob why he refuses to xfer

  9. Its getting nerfed, Deal with it, what other class has 35% damage reductio on stun, 25+ damage reduction base, aoe damage reduction 30%, and pop shield 25% extra reduction.



    And still make a lot of damage.


    what? where is that? i actually dont know what youre talking about plz inform me


    lots of classes have aoe damage reduction


    the stun reduction is just something you have to deal with, its not even a unique thing, sorcs have it too. learn to counter it, otherwise theyd just be that much easier to kill


    the shield isnt even that great of a cd when compared to cloack of pain 30% reduction for up to 30s vs 25 up to 12s (?) dont remember but its not as long as 30. mara also has saber ward camo AND undying. jugg has fake life saber ward and in tank 40% reduction for 10s plus active damage reduction with scream and retaliation. pt has ZERO of those active reducers. ALL IT HAS IS THE SHIELD AND PASSIVE REDUCTION. ITS NOT EVEN THAT TANKY. CRY MOAR

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