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Everything posted by USCG_Davis

  1. Dear 3rd to last person on our team (since im not allowed to say names on the forums), telling me I suck when this is your skill level really makes me hope for PvP at 55
  2. Gross man. That's what Gort was saying tonight...
  3. We have Hatred, Haterade, Animosity, Tyranny, Select Few, Decimation, and APEX as top end PvE guilds. Our PvE scene is very competitive with a ton of great guilds
  4. Dude, hop into our mumble again...drunk you is funny as hell
  5. lol I LIKE that photo http://imgur.com/eTLgKb5 Here's Sil dead again...
  6. http://imgur.com/cfn20Gq,yPs2wW3 I know were going to get trolled for this, but we got bored waiting for our last dps to log on. And we were gimped by having a girl in our raid. I really cant wait for the NiM version to drop. This is far too boring
  7. Looking for 1 healer for our 5th raid...
  8. Battlebug!!!!!!!1 I have a screen cap on my old computer of that original...ill have to see if I can find it
  9. Pretty sure that's kinda self explanatory,,,
  10. Hadn't noticed you left man seeing as you still whisper our raiders all the time about joining your new guild. Creeping in our mumble poaching players for your new guild. Classy as always. How is this gonna make people want to join you? Also, way nice on the hate whisper to Kreaton after he muted you...seeing as it was the only way we could get you off our mumble, guess you should whisper me too
  11. Well done Mahfouz Officer Chat: http://imgur.com/4Aj1jPi and then a whisper http://i.imgur.com/aFlmrxX.jpg Have fun finding a new guild man
  12. Preferably not a sorc. But we can make it work if you are
  13. I trade pokemon cards...but never traded players. GORT!!!! youre on the table...taking offers now
  14. Ha thanks man. Works been crazy...on another note, recruiting 1 healer for our raid 1.
  15. Ah yes, the mine field...forgot about you. King of free loot.
  16. As much as i hated EC in general; NiM was a blast due to it being a super challenging on every fight. SaV and TfB while, no where near as hard, i love just because of the design of the OP. Oolok (or however its spelled) and Operator are some of the best fights the game has...Cant wait for NiM of both to come out. 2.1 better be great Endgame wise
  17. <APEX> keeping it classy as always. You did forget that we have kidnapped prostitutes, we poach pandas and tigers, and we actively fix elections
  18. 3 things; First off, Mith you were right. My apologies. I've been at work all weekend and I found out last night it wasn't a full APEX run. When I first heard Shadowshot I assumed they meant our guildie Dethshot. Again, my mistake. As Gort posted for me; we withdraw our kill for Styrak and will resubmit on Wednesday. And finally, Uglyworm, it's good to see you again old friend
  19. Why do you say that? It was a full <APEX> clear
  20. http://imgur.com/vpEjxGb Oolok the Shadow down
  21. <APEX> Ops Boss down http://imgur.com/gXq0VSR
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