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Everything posted by xenrail

  1. Never said i wanted them to allways die, It just seemed a little silly to me i die from just the first burst of attacks allready. I'd like to live longer than 3 seconds to respond to anything.
  2. i'm a little disappointed smuggler players just barge in here bleating like a goat at how inaccurate everything is. i'm saying what i'm seeing, not even exaggerating. I know over time my gear will get better and it would be more manageable. but this just really seemed a little silly to me.
  3. So there's a skill that just moshes away 50% of your life. Does it pass over resistances? I.E will it do -less- damage as my gear improves or does a form of true-damage? Should it be? i mean.. i'm not one to complain easily. but this just baffles me.
  4. i think i encapsulated oneshot fairly obvious for purposes that equate to the same definition. So far the only countermeasure i know is indeed cc breaker, but i simply don't have enough time to so much as run away or stun my opponent. Please be a little more constructive next time Mr. internet tough guy. I'll have you know i'm pretty avid when it comes to PVP, it's what i've been doing since the earlyest levels just for the fun of it. Both tactics and my class are pretty well under control. But this one smuggler just, it's insane really.
  5. Just here complaining about smugglers. There's this rep smuggler on my server which shall not be named. And however they say hate the game not the player, i'm fairly certain there's a sort of bug that allows smugglers to spam things they shouldn't be able to do. So there's me 50 Sith Sorcerer, wouldn't say i'm fully geared at all but heck, just walking in a random warzone or ilum, i get thrown down on the floor. and spammed full of shots and bashes that each deal 3.5 to 5.5k damage. until i'm dead. Unable to even so much as get out of that knockdown and up on my feet. i'm dead before i can even use my CC breaker. I will try and manage to capture this with fraps for further evidence, untill then however. i'm going to just post this and see if any of you know what to do to get out of it or how and if this is a bug or intended. because it's just ridiculous. Edit: Forgot to mention this fast and retarded takedown sometimes glitches me in warzones, where i am unable to respawn again and forced to either log off or wait untill the oh so mighty warzone afk timer kicks in and throws me out with force.
  6. I want to elaborate further on the issue, The romancing options in itself is nice to have in the game, But in the end-game scenario. what is it really good for? you get some bonuses for crew skills among a small array of other things. So it really isn't -that- important. Makes me wonder why they want to make everything so unique, and not just a basic "oh baby you're so hot" monotone line of text for everyone and every gender.. The oh-so-wonderful make-out animations we have now can be applied to any character., just to satisfy the needy that DO want to romance specific companions, be they male/female or alien Make it so you can only have romantic progression with ONE companion at a time, and not herd your companions around like a personal harem. The bonuses they give can vary for all i care, but you'll have to start from scratch after breaking up with one companion. However one-sided this solution is, and wouldn't really offer much story-wise to the availability of romantic options, i think its still the best choice. it keeps people happy. It makes people want to choose a favourite companion, and leading up from the thread about the limited female romancing options, fixes that problem as well.
  7. Female SI level 34 now, i've had two options, One was another sithv in house thul, it looked really dumb when you kept on flirting, lips weren't moving, then it goes into a cutscene briefly make-out and thats it. afterwards, if you choose the third dialog option you say something like "The words coming out of your mouth are making me want to kill myself" that was funny. The second time was on nar shadaa some captain as you return at level 31. i blew him off though, didn't like how he looked.
  8. So far, the companions that i got are overall a bit of a letdown, especially when you want to go full darkside. Khem, the dashade is a kickass guy, too bad you're always stuck listening to gibberish when he speaks. And he's about the only one that copes with dark and fearless choices well. Andronikos is a retard, And unless you're into the whole lover-boy romance, getting his affection up with dark choices ain't gonna work at all. Ashara Zavros seems like something awesome, and the quest to it, but then rep grinding isn't going to work unless you make 'rational dark-side' choices. and don't even get near killing any jedi with her, thats insta lose. The fact she's still all light-side minded after you've gotten her as a companion makes me cry. The jedi consular's Nadia Grell which is like the counterpart of Ashara seems to be pro-lightside and fits the lightside-role perfectly. *confused* Apparently allso the only female companion you get. (and is such a prude) Sadface. I'm not sure if ashara is prone to change as you progress her affection. Or if the other two companions are any better than this. But i'm a little dissapointed so-far. Khem seems like the -only- viable option.
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