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Posts posted by Bludjinni

  1. The thing with Ilum is that it's simply too big. Imagine some kind of balance was added. How are you gonna do that? 10vs10? Because that's the most reps I've ever seen on our server at a given time. Heck, I never see more than 20 imps at any given time there.


    So you have this giant map and then what, 20vs20 at best? That sounds, tbh, horrible. And even if there'd be say 50vs50, or even more, wow, how awesome that sounds - but when the majority of players have terrible FPS issues in Ilum in its CURRENT state (or even a simple warzones for that matter), how do you imagine this to work?


    Furthermore how are you going to organize this balance? The FP to Ilum being disabled when there's too many imps and an invisible wall around the area to prevent walking there? A wall at the FP similar to Warzones to prevent Imp players to get in? Sure I'd suck it up as Imp but I think eventually I'd quit coming there, because that means I'd spend most my time waiting. That sucks. If more people think like that, you'd quickly be down to 10vs10. In an area like Ilum? No way.


    I mean just writing all this down, it feels extremely clunky and complicated and the result would be as disappointing as it is now for both sides. Size Ilum down by a good bit. Make it a timed event though I really HATE timed events, but then you'd amass a lot of players at the same time in 1 place, PvPing. Like doing 3 warzones at the same time. With the horrible performance this game has on a lot of pc's it'd just become whinefest #2 on forums and absolutely unplayable for most players.



    In short, as far as I'm concerned, currently Ilum is beyond saving. A temporary fix would be to size down the map by at least half, remove the kill-cap per player for daily updates at least, get rid of that retarded armament grind and add a queue system similar to warzones so it gets factionbalanced. But that'd just defy the whole point of an open world PvP zone, which is how Ilum was intended.

  2. I think this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=160625 should answer a lot of your questions. ;)


    As for stealth not going off, happens for me as well. Also on cloak, on vanish, on my cooldowns, on my trinkets, on my speeder, and occasionally on discharge. Enough cause to rage when it actually gets you killed.


    On the other hand, Maul has been rather nice to me compared to the complaints in linked topic. :confused:

  3. I tanked everything up until cademimu (i probably misspelled this again) as deception. Sure, that's really harsh, and the repaircosts were rather skyrocketing (us 3 insisted on doing everything together, and I was the only one actually able to tank, so yeah). I actually specced tank at around level 30-35, after cademimu took the will out of me to keep doing it like this, and slowly built up tank gear as I went until level 50, where I went back to dps because we already have a tank friend at level 50. So, I tanked a lot of stuff without actual having proper tank gear, which I think I was fully in at around level 42 or so.


    In short, you should be able to tank stuff without tanking gear, however, if I recall, the incoming damage is rather relentless. Then again, we never used an actual healer specced healer, but a companion (3 manned the flashpoints mostly) and an offhealing sorcerer-dps.


    So though you will probably make your healer work a bit, you should be able to try and tank some stuff without the actual gear.




    I must note from personal experience, at first I absolutely hated the assassin tanking spec. If you're like that, allow it to grow on you, don't thrash it out of the window right away. It plays entirely different than deception - you lack the energy regen, for starters, making this spec a lot more planning ahead of your energy and the moves you can and will be able to use according to the procs you hope will proc. :) I was actually really sad to go back to dps at 50.

  4. Mercs/Commandos are only strong if you leave them free to free cast on you. If you just put 1 melee class or anyone with an interrupt, they're useless.


    As you can see in that youtube video, everyone ignores him.



    It's definitely frustrating fighting mercs with light armor though, they do so much damage to my assassin, if I don't immediately get on them, I'm basically forced to cloak or die.


    This really. Let anyone freecast for a prolonged amount of time and you will get (rightfully) obliterated. This goes for BHs, Sorcerers, snipers, etc. Honestly if I pay proper attention to who my opponents are and where they are located (LoS) it's not that complicated to put up very competitive play as an assassin (and I'm not full champ geared).


    I proved this again for myself anyway on my bounty hunter, which I rolled. I'm a maniac when people ignore me and they do so often because people just tend to have the environmental awareness of a bulldozer on speed, but the moment a melee decides to pay me a visit I'm likely toast or at least a threat very easily nullified; an issue assassins doesn't have because they can and will continue to hit like a truck (because, really, you're exaggerating, assassins can and will be extremely painful if played correctly).


    (this does not mean merc's burst is fine, because imo it's not, but as already mentioned, mercs have other issues to deal with).


    In short, both have their cons and prons. Mercs being vastly easier to play with the downside that you lack the buttons to put up any sort of defense when you or your friend really are targeted, assassins heavily relying on proper opening with cooldowns (hoping you can align them properly without the game refusing to pop one or another) to do some serious damage, but with more abilities to protect your healers adequately and with escape mechanisms if our glass cannon attacks didn't burn through enemy ranks fast enough, as well as bringing a whole lot more utility than a merc can ever hope to have. In short, for me, that's just way more fun than just stand in a corner and blast my tracer missile button through my keyboard. I feel useful on my assassin in warzones and like I'm contributing something; on my merc I just hope my raw output makes up for the many shortcomings I in comparison to my assassin displayed.


    I dunno. I vastly prefer my assassin and it's a relief to log her after my merc.



    But yeah, to each their own. :o I suppose we're all a bit biased about the classes we prefer or are disappointed about.

  5. Well, really, not even that. I can keep an eye on my procs and my surroundings perfectly fine at the same time. But the location of the buff coupled with the tiny size of them just makes it annoying. I can and am playing perfectly fine like this, but honestly some option to just increase icon size would be more comfortable for the eyes at least. /shrug


    Edit: I'd like to add that a few weeks ago my GPU was overheating so drastically I had to seriously lower the resolution. Then it actually became really hard to tell one icon from another (to give an indication, I had to put chat on Large so I could even read it properly). It's fixed now and I'm happy, but people who really are playing like this, I mean, that must suck hard. :eek:


    Edit 2: Also not everyone has such great eyes as most of us seem to have. Reading off how many stacks are on that icon isn't as easy for everyone as it is for us.

  6. I'm from WOW though I didn't quit WoW (one can play 2 MMOs at the same time, especially now that our guild quit hardcore progress). I also haven't 'gone back' to WOW as such but tbh it was an utter relief to play WoW today. I'm leveling a random new goblin after doing a fast raid today and just.. I didn't think I'd ever say this but compared to how SWTOR runs on my pc and all teh FPS issues I have WoW looked so amazing and such smooth gameplay, no input delay, no random FPS drops but just steady 50 (boss encounter)-60 FPS on high settings. :o


    I love SWTOR, I do, and my issues aren't even THAT gamebreaking, but I noticed after this short WoW intermezzo how annoyed I actually am by the 20 fps in warzones and spamming cloak or vanish without anything happening and dying for the nth time because of it. :confused:


    On the long run it may actually become a gamebreaker for me.

  7. Bonjour,


    Je comprends le Francais parfaitement, mais malheureusement je ne le parle pas aussi bien, donc c'est pour ca que mon ami et moi voudrais créer des soldats sur un serveur français. On cherche un serveur PvP (JcJ), avec un coté pas trop mal pour les reps, et surtout avec des gens sympa.



  8. I don't know anyone with a good frame rate in the game.


    My friend said his was fine so I went over and turned on Fraps and it was only 25. It just seems like most people who say theirs is fine doesn't seem to mind a frame rate below 60.


    Guilty. I thought I was fine, but the reality is I'm really not. I'm used to having really bad fps on my old pc, so having ~20-30 fps with everything save for AA and Shadows on bhigh doesn't make me want to throw stuff. Melee in warzones is sort of choppy, but not unplayable. It's on high because when I put the options on low, it makes no difference whatsoever, whether I edit the ini or not.


    Nonetheless I'm having far less issues than I'm reading some people are having. People with superior pc's are getting worse framerates, disconnects, crashes to desktop or even blue screens, and unplayable warzones. I had a friend quit over it because the performance was so bad he couldn't stand it anymore. So yes, compared to that, I DO feel I'm "fine".


    Also, you can press ctrl-shift-F in game to view the FPS in the lower left corner. ;)

  9. Obviously there were some truth to it or THIS wouldnt have been posted


    "Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

    Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "


    If nothing was done wrong.. well then no action would have to be "evaluated or action taken as necessary" now would there be?


    I thought that was posted because people were logging alts to get killed or something.


    Or so I heard.


    I too think this is very much overhyped, hence really on those ROLLBACK-topics I figured we'd need some actual numbers before we can say anything about the situation.

  10. If you get the 6th cap in Huttball, you don't get win credit. Or if you're supporting the capper in the opposing endzone when the match ends. Or if you're holding the ball. I hadn't realized that was the issue until I was told yesterday. In reality, it might be something else, but this has been the observation of others. I've gotten many creditless wins, but can't recall if any were in Alderan or Voidstar.


    Basically, don't support the carrier. Go solo stragglers and get more medals while you're at it. That's some funny ****.


    Interesting observation, though not true for us. When the bug occurs for us (we queue as a party, 2 - 3 people), the bug happens for ALL of us. :confused:


    I can't recall if it's only after a specific warzone, I'll try and pay attention to that.

  11. It ain't a bug. If you win by default because the other side ragequit while your team was in the lead, you get no credit- Which (though I wish it was otherwise), is, I suppose fair enough. The problem is that people get no punishment for ragequitting when they're not winning.


    That's b/s. I had wins through that ('not enough players') and they counted towards my daily, and I had many many proper games that didn't count towards the daily.


    ^ This. It definitely is a bug.


    Some guy told me not to auto-queue, but to leave queue after every match and re-queue. Said it fixed it for him, but I haven't tried it. Might be worth a shot as a "workaround."


    Seriously, though, this bug is as annoying as the reverse engineering button disappearing from your inventory menu bug. Both have to be simple fixes but they haven't been done for some inexplicable reason.


    I never auto-queue, as I always queue with 1 or 2 friends, so we always leave queue and re-queue after invites, yet the bug still occurs.

  12. While you are correct that we don't have numbers so we don't know how bad the damage really is you are failing to note one point here:


    It doesn't matter if they would have the same valor in two weeks, because having it now means their gear is much better now which means when they go into PvP against the people who didn't benefit they have a much greater chance of winning (which means the other players lose, which stunts their valor gain) and gives these people more gear and the problem compounds on itself.


    The fact is if this only effected these people, nobody would really care. BUT significantly accelerating the gear acquisition rate of a select number of players negatively impacts everyone (a much larger pool of players, I'm sure you would agree) who participates either in World PvP or Warzones with these players who did not benefit from that exact gear acceleration.


    I quite agree with this, of course. This would be a bad thing for the playerbase as a whole, however, only if the situation is as bad as is being claimed, which we honestly have no clue about. If the reality is that the amount of people with 'tons of valors' is, on the whole, insignificant, what is the point of rollbacks? That makes it so difficult. If indeed there is any risk of pvp gearing balance being jeopardized, then I'm all for a roll-back. However, without any indication on how big the problem actually is, I for one honestly can't say yes or no to it.


    Furthermore, it would be wise to look at it on a server-per-server basis. On my server we barely had enough reps to complete a daily, let alone even think of farming. When I first read the posts here I was thoroughly confused what was going on. Rollbacking on our server therefore would be, if I am correct (and I may not be) 100% unnecessary and affecting players who didn't even know this whole 'exploit' was going on in the first place.


    My biggest issue is that faction imbalance will remain an issue that will poison the system in the way you described: imperials are bound to simply gain more valor than reps ever will, certainly in Ilum, with or without aoe-campfests. A rollback now is a band-aid, I'd rather have a more permanent solution (possibly coupled with a roll-back).

  13. I'd like to add that though not PvP related, a lot of champion mobs (especially bosses), see stealthed people from a greater distance than non-stealthed people. Assassins, anyway. :eek:


    Furthermore, it'd be lovely if not everything and their mothers would put us in combat in warzones when we haven't even LOOKED at an enemy yet, let alone thought of touching him. Forcing a cloak everytime just so I can get out of my permanent combatstate gets draining. :)

  14. Im willing to be it's an imperial using little brothers account ... and that's just sad.




    And how is that even relevant to the topic of this thread?


    So far I only met 1 AFK'er and he started moving after some time, so I'm assuming he just had pressuring rl things to attend to. If it's 1 persitant AFK'er reporting him again and again when you see him with time and date, see if this will help anything, but bear in mind that especially now the GM's must be extremely occupied. The amount of whine on forums should give a fair indication of how many tickets they must be having on top of the usual tickets they get.

  15. How can anyone have any opinion about this when nobody knows the exact number of people this has positively affected and to what extent? The majority I'm hearing seems to vary from extreme rumor to trolling, there's no hard evidence for anything (I KNOW it happened, no need to rub that in my face, I'm just saying we don't have NUMBERS, only a handful of screenshots).


    Secondly, we don't know how those rollbacks would affect other things. We don't know if they can accurately pull the people and valor numbers from their database. I for one spent a lot of time in Ilum even trying to FIND reps to kill, taking 3 hours just for the daily with warzones inbetween. If that would be rollbacked I would be extremely sad. If it truly is for the greater good, I'd suck it up, however if the amount of people who benefitted from this 'exploit' is really an extreme minority compared to the real playerbase, is it worth the trouble at all? Is it worth risking to piss off your majority as a gamedesigner?


    Plus, you can't seriously mean to say that farming lowbies on your speedleveled 50 is by any means or way more skillful than aoe'ing the hell out of a bunch of persistant respawners. :confused: In a few weeks everyone would have had this amount of valor anyway, does it TRULY matter if we rollback now and they have their valor back within 2 weeks?

  16. I have to agree with you, the 50-only bracket has been rolled out too soon. Queues take a long time and when they finally happen, the match is often ended prematurely because there's not enough players.


    Still, it's managable on my mid-pop server, but I preferred yesterday's state of warzones. I'd much rather lose because of having a lot of lowbies in the group than to not be able to PvP at all.


    On the bright side, lowbie PvP has improved drastically. No more 'elitist' 50s blaming their backpaddling fail on alts or new players (though to be frank the vast majority of players have been extremely civil and patient with lowbies) and the queues seem as rapid as ever and I feel a lot more matched against the people I meet on my alts.


    Anywho, I posted mostly to say I am not in favor of cross-server battlegrounds. I've found it a huge relief to play against people my own server. I met awesome people and had great fun meeting them again and again. People are building names for themselves and I know exactly who to fear and who to faceroll when I come up against them. It's great fun. ;)



    If anything a solution could be to somehow merge low-pop servers or allow, though little sense it makes, the other warzones other than Huttball to be same faction vs same faction.

  17. I want to say 2 things.


    Electrocute IS affected by resolve, I can confirm, I just tore my hair out because of it in Huttball.


    And Unload DOES suffer knockback and loss of ticks. Just now, again, I was being thoroughly annoyed tanking one. I don't know if there's talents to stop this, but for now I am being knockbacked and I am losing ticks clear as day.


    Furthermore I honestly think a lot is unnecessary QQ. Who says both have to be equal mirrors? Yes, I play imperial. Would I have cared had I been at a "disadvantage" here? No, not at all. Why? Because I play Imperial for its flavour and not for its supposed advantages.


    Secondly, some people are saying the consular's shock does a bit more damage than the sith's. Is this actually true? I don't know. Do you hear me cry? No. Does it actually matter? No, because just like, in the end whether or not the shock has a travel time will NOT make a difference for a skilled player, and I have witnessed so time and again vs skilled consulars, and, vs horrible inquisitors.


    I do agree on the Death of Above thing, the reps' got shafted there. But I cannot comment on Heat myself, as I, interestingly enough, have heard the Trooper's ammo is much better than Heat and is a LOT less restricting.


    It's being nitpicky, is what it is. I do so believe the devs have MORE than enough other issues to fix than the, honestly, minuscule travel time on a consular's rock.



    TBH I think it's fine the classes are not exact mirrors. More balance? Sure, always welcome, but in its own time. Right now I'd just like to not get stuck on a boss and its bugs rather than worry over whether or not the dev will 'fix' these 'imbalances'.


    My apologies if I sound harsh, that is unintended, but upon rereading my post I realize I might have. I respect your opinions, of course.

  18. They should bring the servers down immediately and fix this.


    That's unreasonable. Though I'm unaware what the issue PRECISELY is, I think I got a good haunch of what's going on, and over the total player base that's still going to be a minority who's 'exploiting' (is it actually an exploit?) this. Taking the server down and duping all those players because of that is not effective. Meditating on a good fix, actually fixing it and then possibly valor rollbacks is a more fair solution. Be patient, if I gathered correctly what is going on then they can't let it slide, but taking overdrastic measures right now in a panic-attempt to fix the issue, won't benefit anyone. :)

  19. Honestly, resources are very easy in this game. I can fight indefinitely because my resources are constantly regenerating, and at a very rapid rate if I don't spam.


    What ever happened to a set amount of mana that you had to win the fight with?


    Long gone, thankfully. I always hated that. :eek:


    I came to this forum to read about opinions on heat. My BH is low level, 19 or so, but already I am 'struggling'. I don't like having to limit myself like my BH is forcing me to, and though I'm definitely not the best BH in game, the incredible ease at which I went through Hutta on my IA compared to my BH just kinda made me feel even more frustrated about my BH. I was wondering if this improves at all endgame, but it seems not.


    Our tank is a powertech and he's now rerolling juggernaut for the exact same reasons I have for not being motivated to play my BH - heat is way too restricting. I'd rather have all my abilities a lot less powerful but also cost a lot less heat, or, like someone suggested, abilities that actually require heat to use, so you can balance heat-devouring and heat-generating abilities into interesting gameplay that is not as horribly restricting as it is now.


    Furthermore, I feel Vent Heat at this point vents way too little. Maybe this improves later with talents, I don't know, but having an empty heat bar when I use this 2 minute cooldown really shouldn't be too much asked for. :<


    I like the idea of heat, and I really like my BH toon herself, but heat just strangles every fun I can have with this class. Maybe this means it's not for me, but I think I would love it if it were less punishing than it is now to burn something down.


    My main's an assassin, if this somehow is relevant.

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