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Posts posted by Bludjinni

  1. hey yeah i would like to comment on that i went dark on my sith sorcerer till lvl 16 bought the sword of vendor wich requires dark 1 so then i thought to be smart and go to light... :rolleyes:

    afther getting neutral i socketed the crystal wich shouldnt be possible but it did

    when i used my fleet pass afther a few lvls when i wanted to check AH

    and went back to balmora i got an error above my character icoon

    sword isnt working anymore i tried unequip and equip and voila not equipeble anymore

    so there i was stuck on a planet without a sword haha


    anyway so think before you choose takes a while to get back to what you want


    furthermore, if you try to attack with it, the animations will work but nothing damagewise actually happens, in my experience. I bought an entire new saber when I could have just replaced the colour crystal. Ah, what did I know. :D

  2. I guarantee you won't find a single shadow who believes this is a disadvantage and more than a few would be upset if it were nerfed to be completely instant like ours. Is it really too much to expect that "Mirror" classes actually be mirrored? I guess you are happy with flawed design?


    Actually, the topics I saw about this where in fact shadows thinking it IS a disadvantage. Not sure where it went but there was this huge topic about mirroring classes properly. One argument was that shadow's shock can be cloaked, for example, while shock can't.


    ..I honestly don't get where people get the energy from to care so much about such minuscule details. I'm an assassin, by the way..

  3. I'm all for it, of course, having a specific form of colourblindness myself, as well as my b/f. Both our colourblindesses however are very different and they also sound different from what your friend has.


    My point being: which colourblindness are you gonna enable support for?


    I've always been very annoyed with WoW, because the boss abilities on the floor are often of a colour I don't see clearly. Freya was hell to progress, they couldn't have me on trees because I couldn't spot them, to name a notorious example. My boyfriend on the other hand had no issues with Freya, but he had issues on several other bosses that were fine for me. Now we can help each other and call out, but yeah, I'm sure you see where I'm getting at.

  4. I'm totally for allowing this change simply because giving people a choice on what they wanted to be at such an early level when their only judgement on the class is a paragraph or two description only makes for poor choices.


    If people are serious, there's google, there's a swtorwiki, there's an official page. It's stated loud and clear it's permanent, if people don't care to check what they're getting into, then I don't know what to tell you.

  5. I have been absent from this thread for a bit but let me offer a constructive idea instead of saying hey bio/ea you should devote time and money to create a system for which I will then give you pretend in game money for, someone says hey bio/ea I would be willing to pay 15 usd to be able to switch ac no more often than every 30 days per character as is normal procedure for this kind of feature examples including server transfers and name changes. 1 time per 30 days is hard to abuse and will quell opposition to it easily enough and offering to pay real money as opposed to credits (effectively monopoly money) offers an incentive for the developers to actually want to do this.


    Did you honestly suggest this? I'm DONE with cash shops, I'm so done paying for games and then being spammed with cash items and options, just get over that, please. If they put development time in this instead of the heaps and heaps of issues plaguing the game instead, that for me would be plenty reason to quit. That's not having priorities straight (or a sense of honesty, for that matter). It's theft.


    Anyway I'm with the Please Don't group. I rolled a sniper and sort of regret I didn't go Operative, but I'm just rerolling one now. The Advanced Classes are vastly different. Leveling teaches you how to play, say, your assassin. You can't just respec at 50 and expect to do properly, because you'll have no clue what all those skills do.


    Furthermore, it will severely decrease the amount of content available. Essentially, you're going from 8 classes to having 4. Having a lot of classes keeps people playing. After I'm done leveling these 4 classes, I'd have no reason to reroll anything. In current light: I have a 50 assassin, and a 42 mercenary. I rolled a sage, and will be rolling a powertech (whatever it's called Rep-side). If I could just respec my assassin to sorcerer, then why would I ever reroll anything else (and thus keep playing).


    It's bad business on top of it being a bad idea. I don't want to be forced into a sorcerer role either right now because they do a lot better than assassins. It will cause lazyness on the side of class balance as people can "always respec one of their 5 specs".


    No, this is really one of the worst ideas ever. Just reroll if you want to play something else, don't be lazy. :(

  6. I hope for good solutions for you scoundrels/operatives!


    However, I could hardly believe the nerf was already live. In lowerlevel warzones, scoundrels are still obliterating anyone they see. It's highly frustrating to be on the receiving end, as I'm sure you will understand.


    I can't say for 50, as scoundrels don't usually open on me then (I'm a fellowstealthie! I just prefer a sparkly blade :o).

  7. I'm pretty sure that Bioware stated they plan to add Neutral content. I'm sure a few searches should give you the results. :o


    I'm going for a neutral character myself now. Or well, I'm just going to turn off Alignment showing and see what my light/dark turns out to be at 50. Would be nice if I don't suffer penalties for that!

  8. Hello,


    Exactly as the title states. The voices in all warzones, but especially Alderaan and to a lesser extent Huttball, are getting very much on my nerves since, well, since day 1 to be honest. I like my quiet and not some gorilla voice stating the obvious. Now the work around is to put Voice sound to low/off, but this will affect all other voices. That is, of course, highly annoying when you're leveling at the same time, spending half your time toggling voice sounds on/off.


    I realize this is not high priority, but still figured I'd throw in the suggestion. :o

  9. Anyone correct me if wrong, but isn't this numlock a feature stuck in Windows and not something a game can easily bypass?


    Anyway rebind autorun to something less obscure, I think that would fix most of your issues. My b/f is lefthanded and plays with numpad in every game, this one included, so it's definitely possible. :rolleyes:

  10. Wouldn't it be a better idea to introduce a better tiered PvP gear system? Right now, I for one am at a 20 valor vaccuum where the champion bags will mostly yield me nothing, while being weeks of grind away from battlemaster. It saps my will to play (really, it does).


    On the other hand the crappy badges you get weren't ever better than even the *******st gear I dinged 50 with. I have tons of them and nothing to spend them on.


    Crappy pvpgear (but less crappy than it is today, I hope) -> champion pvp (at say, valor 30 or 40), battlemaster stuff (60), where the valor stuff gets revamped to be less of a horrifying grind.


    So you can slowly bridge the gap, without feeling horribly crippled, and without the progress of gearing your pvp character feels stalled or stuck at any point. Cause for me it does, it really is 'stuck'.


    And change Ilum in something more interesting while they're at it. :D

  11. Hah, interesting. My Merc hit level 40 today, and I came here to say how wrong I was saying it's not OP.


    It's ridiculous. Coupled with Heatseeker Missile, procced Unload, Rail Shot and the dart, people stand no. chance. whatsoever. I will nuke them and they will die and that's the end of it and it doesn't matter what class, as long as I can freecast.



    On the other hand: when melee is upon me chances are rather big I'll get owned. Pretty much like with most ranged classes, BH's are 80% crippled if you're on top of them (and @50, on my assassin anyway, this looks to be the same, they're a joke when I sit on top of them). I have no serious ability to kite, and my heavy armor only does so much at this level (in fact, I feel way squishier than I did on my assassin at the same level). I have a pocket healer friend so it could be MUCH worse, but in the few warzones when people actually use their eyes and notice that spamming bounty hunter there every time, I'll suffer and my BH will die. A lot.


    I don't know how this works out at 50 PLAYING one (I never let them freecast, if I can stop it, on my 50 assassin). But right now, I'd really like to trade off this insane burst damage for more mobility and more ways to defend myself properly against melee. Cause honestly, it's not really interesting gameplay either is it. :p

  12. Same. I played wow for years; compared to that, the character creation is fantastic...

    More options never hurt though. ;)



    This! Such a relief after WoW. When I first got the game, after every time I logged out to go to bed or something, i'd first make a random new character. Just because I love creating characters and the many things you can do with the options we have here. :D

  13. As others said, you'll get used to them as long as you're persistant in learning them and actually use keybinds (not clicking..).


    For me, the best way to learn a class and its keybinds is to simply pvp (even though I mostly prefer pve). Pvp forces you in a lot of dynamic situations that makes you use a variety of skills, and after every defeat you can look back and re-consider what you could have done otherwise. Maybe this works for you too? :o


    Anyway, my keybinds are pretty consistent. A lot of them transferred over from WoW, too. Stuns will always be on B, and abilities that require incapacitated will be on x, for example. Interrupts are always F1, medpacs on F2, cooldowns on one of my extra mousebuttons, etc. Damage over time abilities are always Shift-2, Shift-3, and if needed Shift-1, while my filler ability will always be 2, and my longer cooldown rotational ability on 4. Etc. I'm sure you get the idea. :D If you're consistent like that on all characters, and in all games even, you'll have a lot less trouble remembering your keybinds.

  14. 12k is a lot if you're leveling, it's your first toon, and you really want that mount and are saving every credit. Been there, done that.


    I know bioware refunds sometimes. I say sometimes, because I saw on forums people getting refund while I was getting a closed ticket for a similar purchase.


    If you're on Exiled Crystal-EU, give Minth or Mrysh a poke. :)

  15. I was just like you when I started playing, wanting to get there asap. You really have to follow where your class missions point you to go however, because Tatooine is way too high level right now and you won't be able to enjoy the planet like you would at the proper level. As above poster said, you can visit it anyway but yeah, that wouldn't do the planet justice. ;) But you'll get led there sooner or later, so be patient! :D
  16. You can't remove alignment points, however that shouldn't stop you from getting to Light V - there's plenty of Light choice options even after max level. However, if you're picking Light side and you're NOT getting light side points updated, preventing you to get Light V, you're just experiencing a known bug Bioware said they were going to fix (I'm having it too).


    Don't fret, it'll be okay! :o

  17. What above said. The first knockback does nothing, you won't notice anything. The second one within the same lightning cast he does, however, will knock him back.


    Furthermore I don't really recommend plunging to your death as a tank on this encounter - on HM anyway if you do that, you can't get ressed (obviously), but you also cannot re-enter the instance and you'll be excluded from loot. I don't know if this also happens on normal, but just a heads up. :o

  18. If it hasn't been fixed, you can maybe still bypass the boss like we did weeks ago by kiting him forever. He despawned and never respawned (note that wasn't our intention, it just happened and we were like oh kk fine /shrug :D).


    He was severely overtuned and I don't know how his current state is on normal now. On HM he's a joke anyway.

  19. If arenaplayers do not get any extra advantage over other pvpers (less even so arenabalance doesn't become the #1 priority in this game);


    if random arena actually has a reward (no team required);


    if it does not stop the development of more warzones;


    then I'm all for it.


    If any of the above is false then ty but no. I'm done having 2 camps of pvp'ers where 1 camp is at a disadvantage because they really dislike arena, and the other camp is being high and mighty about facerolling their way to superior gear in OP teams, no. Really.


    But anyway I think there's far more pressing issues in this game to be adressed.

  20. Please... Everyone said and knew it was OP in beta. We were completely ignored and flamed by people we outdamaged by DOUBLE on the exact same class we were telling the devs they needed to look at.


    The problems all stemmed from a hybrid spec which could have been fixed by putting no cooldown lighting spam as the 31 point talent.


    Bioware/EA ignored us so they deserve what they get. A 1-2 class game with people quitting left and right.


    *shrugs* I didn't know. I didn't really follow SWTOR news because it made be too impatient. I wasn't in the beta. I didn't know such an overwhelming amount of people would roll inquisitors. My fiancee and I both are. He always likes playing a caster; I do too normally but I went assassin because I just think doublebladed sabers are awesome.


    He's also an exceptional player, so I can't really say if he's OP. You can take my word on that. Most sorcs I meet really suck balls, even the semidecent ones have a rough time if they're properly interrupted. So I never believed the THEY'RE OP claims either. As opposed to scoundrels, were even my grandmother could twoshot people on if she wanted to.


    Anyway. From my uninformed PoV when I bought this game I figured people would either massively roll dualwielding sith warriors or jedi knights. I was very wrong, obviously.


    Still, I love my assassin. Even if they become OP or UP. It's stupid to claim people ONLY roll classes that may be OP.

  21. Or pvp can reward with what is now considered 'pve gear', so people can choose HOW they play to acquire the gear and be on equal footing with other players in all settings.


    If you want to show how awesome you are at pvp (or pve), there's always ranks and titles or ratings to implement.


    (mind this is coming from a rather properly pvpgeared player, so I never really experienced the 'getting facerolled ALL warzone' thing people talk about (I do sometimes meet insanely well geared players, no denying, and they will be a pain and a threat especially in what passes for a premade). I do however get to faceroll occasionally and tbh that sucks. How is that fun?)

  22. OP, you sound pretty worked up. i love it when people like you are in my warzone, because you always offer some good rage.


    what's interesting is these raging individuals always seem to have a horrible command of the language.


    And a horrible command of the game itself, too, in my experiences anyway. :D


    Anyway join a guild or queue up with some friends. Just with 2 friends we can accomplish so much because we can communicate over vent and fill the gaps people who're uncertain what they're doing are leaving.

  23. I came here to this forum hoping I'd find a topic like this.


    I quit doing Ilum. I know this will set me back by a considerable marging pvpgear wise. Sucks for me, but I can't bear Ilum. This is the first grind ever I simply refuse to do.


    These are the bandaids I suggest:


    - The zone is huge and traveling through it takes forever. With the population issue on many servers, and even on populated servers, getting from A to B and hoping to catch anyone there is practically impossible. Create more graveyards and a more reliable way to get somewhere, such as flightpaths scattered around strategic locations that cannot be capped, just are available to everyone. That will make the needlessly HUGENESS of this zone at least somewhat surmountable.


    - Armaments. Honestly. Scatter them all over the map and center them around capture points, NOT JUST THE MIDDLE. I'm tired running that 1 circle for 3 hours (yes, that's how long 1 daily is gonna take on my server, grouped with friends, AND I'M IMP I can't fathom how the pubs are getting it).


    - Repeatable kills. Why a repeated kill does not count towards your daily is beyond me. Not grant valor - whatever, who cares, if that's what it takes to stop farming. Do you honestly expect me to grab a notepad and write down all player names I killed in the past 10 minutes for 3 hours?


    - 30?!?! objectives? Honestly. And the weekly: 150?! Are you.. i mean. Seriously. All weeklies are on a 1:3 basis: warzone weekly requires 9 wins (3 wins for daily), hardmode weekly requires 3 hardmodes (1 hardmode for daily). So what went wrong with the 30x3 math?


    - Anyway, bring back the 30 to something managable: 15 tops. A daily doesn't mean you spend your entire day doing it.




    Long term fixes I came up with on the fly now:


    - The zone is just to big for the population on any server, and even if a big server can support the hugeness of it, Ilum is giving many players a FPS headache as it is. Think of a 200vs200 warzone and you can imagine where I'm going. Ilum needs to be reduced in size.

    ~ A way to do this would be to split Ilum in several smaller zones, that open at random at set intervals so people don't get bored by the same landscape.


    - A solution I personally do not like much, is making Ilum timed based like Wintergrasp. Say it's up every 2 hours, and a maximum of 30 players can join (because of performance/lag, more would be unwise in the current state of the game). It kills the openworldness intent of Ilum however.


    - Make capping points a bigger deal. Say capping one point grants you 1 update towards your daily (the valor bonus will still exist), killing players gives you 3 points. This will stop the pointjuggling we had prior to the changes while encouraging movement, exploring, and killing.a

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