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Everything posted by DeathHenk

  1. OP is not lvl50 in pvp gear. Scoundrels and operative do NOT crit easdily above 4-5k without buffs or the target being <lvl50 or no expertise.
  2. oh no look at me i got killed my an assassin. im lvl18 i got 9000 damage i cannot see assassin its so good toy i want it too.
  3. Happened to me alot. Either server side mobs are facing different sides than client side, or I don't know what the front of a person looks like. Looks really clumsy and is really hard for me as a player to anticipate as my target is clearly facing his/her back to me.
  4. Dont blame the BioWare boys for prematurely release. Its EA pushing the red button.
  5. How about a beta? Again I will come at the famous company Blizzard. Do you know how they handle Diablo3 beta? One of the things you are obliged to send for is a dxdiag. A wide variety of specs are chosen and thrown in the beta key lotery. Simply because Blizzard wants David and Ken with a moderate income and game machine to play and enjoy their game too. Did SWTOR had any spec check? I don't know, but it surely did not work out quite well.
  6. They were. During the december period EA shareholders showed big concerns in EA's titles currently on the market. EA stocks dropped and EA's answer was SWTOR. I read this on a stock market site. I can imagine EA's infamous CEO pushed SWTOR's launch. It's funny there is a dev message saying they respect us for buying SWTOR and note that the game is not finished...and never will be. It seems we have to take the last thing very seriously. @OP, sorry for your guild to have come this far, only to see it wasnt worth it. I hope you can make the right decision for your guild for the future.
  7. ya exactly, and in addition if she is grey and I mean very grey, why is she still Light side when I check her stats when she is on MY ship?? Just burn that witch already. Nice start. You are a good boy. Great fabbing material there bro. awww yeaahh.
  8. Yup you are right there is not much of a difference. I relogged when I went from Dark IV -> Dark V only to be dissapointed by the minimal change. When I first started the game I thought Darth Malgus' whiteness and darkness and veins were THE Dark V effects, but ya...now that I'm a chocolat boy I just deny this fate in vain.
  9. Another attempt to explain how WoW animations work: Heres my attempt to explain instant cast animations to you. I have a diagram for you and a movie where stacking and character clipping is shown. It just shows how perfect Blizzard has made WoW gameplay and feel. To start off, there is no instant without GCD, except for a number of exceptions. Lets keep these aside just to keep things clear. Those without or with a modified GCD are there, because it fits in the system. See Overpower of warrior rotation, I won't go into this because it goes too deep. Casting and animation relate to each other the following way: Lets take [url="http://www.wowhead.com/spell=2136"]Fireblast[/url] as our sample spell and Undead Mage as our race/class. [b]Time-----------Start-------------------------------Target hit[/b] Fireblast >>>> Press key Damage registered Animation >>> Right hand starts from backwards Right hand is[i] moved*[/i] forward /middle position finishing the animation The important things to note: 1. Moving* is not actually moving. There are actually alot of skipped frames in the animation allowing space of client side lag to be undone as animation has to keep up to the speed damage is registered. One might say the animation is jumping from point to the other. On a sidenote, lots of fighting games use this technique to free up space for fluid animation sequences and to show the player clear boundaries between abilities. 2. The moving happens as fast as the damage is registered. 3. If there is any animation going on that prevents from doing this animation to show smoothly and fancy(like moving), the Fireblast animation is clipped. To indicate you are still casting Fireblast your hands glow fire. Ok, I hope that should bring you closer to what I mean. But heres the movie that gives you a clear image of how spells are dealt in WoW. This mage is legend for all old school mages in WoW(hihi) and generally the movie community that was born at that time. Sorrow Hill: ps. movie has rock music. turn off sound if you dislike. I chose this movie because there is alot of cast+instant spell sequences: Scorch (cast)+Fireblast (instant) and Presence of Mind (instant) + Fireball (cast) + Fireblast (instant). Things to look at: 1. Look at how Fireblast animation is clipped after a Scorch or a previous spell like fireball is cast. 2. Look at how his character walks and runs while he is casting. 3. See 2 but now when he finishes casting and moves. 4. See 2 but now when he starts casting and follows up with a spell. What animations mean for melee classes can be seen in the next movie but is notably more difficult to see for the non-WoW players. These dudes use GCD to the max. So watch carefully. Six Silent Shadows: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=106597 All of these things you looked at have one thing in common: They are fluidly connected one after the other and he isn't slowed down between any of these steps by animation or any form of delays. ps. I'm not asking TOR to become WoW clone. I'm hoping BioWare can learn from the concepts of clipping and stacking WoW has used to allow fluid gameplay.
  10. DentedThimble told me it looks like when you are eating too much chocolate without caring much about how you look like while doing it. Thats right, choke on it like a baus. Clutch that sjiii in your mouth. I'm not really bothered, because everytime I see my lil sith it just reminds me of 'hey you ate too much chocolate lulz'. But I can see some people not as crazy as me finding it plain annoying the way corruption looks above Dark I. I'm Dark V and I confirm the chocolate is there. Its me: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/screenshot2012010405554.jpg/ ps. I have put my graphics for optimisation in-game and gpu wise, if you use uber graphics just imagine the vague veins being there highly visible. The dark areas dont connect the veins really well. And compared to Dark III you become less yellow(like palpatine in Return of the Jedi) but become rather dark brownish/black/purple.
  11. Do as the jawa tells you. Visit the thread. Join the union. BioWare should be more responsive towards the development of a solution to this gameplay issue. No pun intended.
  12. I'm using a laptop which has ati radeon mobility. I can say Nvidia has much better support than AMD. So I'd say Nvidia, because I also find Nvidia support better on desktop cards.
  13. WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN. CANNOT BE UNSEEN. ps. it gets worse at Dark V.
  14. I'm with you bro. I sometimes get the feeling people who haven't played WoW don't know how an mmorpg feels like when you have absolute total control of every ability in your pocket. Waiting in this game to pop jolt is unpredictable. While in WoW you easily have the choice when you are going to interrupt, heck casters even answered this by introducing 'fake casting'. How are you gonna do that in TOR where cancelling casts is only going to give you extra GCD to the ALREADY extra response delay. Other games that got big pvp scene is guild wars. Interrupting spells really meant you had a real good awareness and knowledge of other classes. Timing was crucial and thankfully the interrupt skill was immediate and reacted instantly has you used your skill. These players developed skills that come forth out of passion for the game. However...we cannot build a passion for a game that uses a flawed system and gives you a misshaped feeling of character control like TOR. As shown on first post, some abilities across a variety of classes have spells that go beyond the GCD will it because of the buggy responsiveness or animation.
  15. Zabrak get to look pink as dark V. Hope I warned you before it was too late you rolled one.
  16. WAR wasnt fixed for years. And that was by EA games. Not sure who decided the cut in WAR, EA or Mythic, but EA has a say in resource spending of BioWare or Mythic was being unable to fix it for >2years or ignorant. So lets hope the second and BioWare has the right people who can fix this soon and keep us up to date on this.
  17. That still does not justify the fact we cannot stack ability. Even so, abilities cast repeatedly one after the other does not go fluidly has it should go. There are brief pauses between each cast. If the pauses are meant to be part of the animation then this responsiveness problem we are talking about here would be solved simply by editing the animations. Whats more of a problem is the delay in the START of the animation which you cannot explain by your theory. But as stated in the first post it has to do with the system or a mix of other factors(see the quote from BioWare first post).
  18. @OP agree. What is a light sides Jedi doing on my Inquisitor ship when I'm dark V??? The way you meet her as a dark sided sith is trying to turn her to the dark side. You even say quote: 'Now you become Sith'. As a dark side sith you say alot of these things. Trying to convince her. But what happens??? She is just staying the way she is and theres nothing you can do about it...because shes a mad lady. Why do I want her in my team when she is Light side when I am Dark V and cannot make her turn dark side??? BioWare where is your moral in this.
  19. They have to mimic the system any game that uses clipping and stacking which are plenty other than WoW: Starcraft2, DOTA, Warcraft 3, Guild Wars, LoL, HoN...more? They all have their own unique feel of gameplay but still all of them use clipping and stacking. So your hopes are correct if BioWare decides to go with this. In my opinion what they have to do is: 1. Damage/heal is direct on target when key is pressed (unless it has something traveling of course). 2. Animation follows. 3. Animation can be clipped(interrupted prematurely) to cast next spell. 4. Allow stacking so you prevent the idle moments during combat.
  20. Get an SSD and watch your back account go down. PM with lulz later. Sorry bro, but buying new hardware is not the solution to this problem. Which is the poor quality of immersion the hallways and elevators are currently providing and the time we have to go through all of them.
  21. The point the OP tried to make is not 'something we got used to', it was to show what works correctly. Games that come close to a popular pvp or competitive audience are for example WoW, GW, SC2, HoN, WC3, DOTA2 and LoL. They all use stacking and clipping to run things smoothly and give you the feeling that you have complete control over your character and his abilities. Now TOR on the other hand, uses none of these and not any new solution either. So we have no choice but to suggest BioWare the solutions that have worked for games in the passed. Bioware could go for the full animation like you would like to see. But they would have to make sure that: 1. Spells that are already cast while in animation but have actually finished, that the next spell IS registered or allowed to be stacked. This way we don't suffer from idle characters or characters trying to start an animation, before it has triggered the spell's effect. 2. Use clipping, which you dont seem to like, but allows abilities to be cast as you press your keys which bypasses the lag between server and player for animations to finish up. I don't know any solution for this problem. 3. It's basically the way BioWare decided to handle the game client side which is the opposite of how the games above work. Exactly, the way animations work now is like having an extra global cooldown where you lose time.
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