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Everything posted by Zafine

  1. I think that is the end for me playing swtor.
  2. sorry dude, but her in germany we haven't any patchnotes released in our language. i have red all about the merc/arsenal changings here in the forums(we won't have a ptr-thread in our german forums) so, most here begin to whine about that changes and i can't make them sure that the BH wont be nerfed at all. i wanna thank you for your information and maybe you can tell me, were do i find more information about the ptr. and pls tell us more about the changes from the bodyguard tree. with patience from germany Skult BH (sorry for bad english)
  3. laut us-foren und spielern auf dem ptr bekommt der arsenal einen dmg boost. patchnotes sind definitiv nicht so aufm ptr wie sie hier stehen. wer mehr wissen will sollte mal in die us-foren schauen bevor hier irgend ein gefährlisches halbwissen in die welt gesetzt wird was genau mitm bodyguard ist kann ich erstmal nicht sagen, aber TM und PS haben z.b. keine 2-sec activation time. lg
  4. shouldnt tm have a 2-sec-activation time? Tracer Missile has been rebalanced in order to encourage more active gameplay rotations. It now generates 16 Heat, has a 2-second activation time, and deals approximately 10% less damage.
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