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Posts posted by thebutthat

  1. Brilliant logic Sherlock, but if you actually read all the posts OP said, in his own words, that he played Kana'ba (Guardian) since season 3, which is true, you can verify it yourself.


    Being Kana'ba has the All-Galaxy title, you'd have to say at least since season 2. Also, Kana'ba doesn't write like english is his second language. And those speed hack videos are from an EU server if I remember correctly. Buuuut keep QQing on the forums. Toxic community is toxic.

  2. So, at the risk of sounding like a bit of a nub here, what exactly is Que dodgeing?


    When you wait for players you don't want to play against or with to go into a match, and then que in hopes of not having them in your game.

  3. Solo ranked has always been a crap shoot. Same as queuing solo in regs. Just a risk you take when you hit that que button. Only difference is there's now a quantifiable number assigned to you. If you get bent out of shape over a number and the antics of other people, then yeah, solo ranked is going to be a miserable experience. However, if you want to play in an environment where people use their CCs, interrupts, forced to use defensive cd's, and not have to worry about 2 tanks and 2 healers, then it can be a fun experience and you do progress a lot more as a player.


    I really don't even understand why people get so bent out of shape anymore. It's not like anyone is going back to season 5 leaderboards and saying OMG U DIDNT GET TIER ONE...**** ****. Now more than ever, rating doesnt matter since you can just farm tokens for the reward you want, aside from Top 3 AC.


    I personally get zero satisfaction from regular WZs. The teams are typically so lopsided and full of sage/sorc healers and tanks that it just becomes a damage farming match.


    1. What is PvP like here in both regs and ranked? Are reg queues typically as slow as they've been the past several days, or is that more due to the group glitch as well as the start of ranked Season 7? I've already enjoyed the sweet blame-heavy nectar of salty, bad DPS in ranked, so that isn't something new, at least!

    Que times were never an issue up until the last patch. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the cross faction map being worked into the game. Ranked pretty much has been popping non stop on the pub side. Imp side on ebon hawk has attracted a larger new player base, so the experience gap between the pubs makes it difficult for the imps to be competitive right now in solo ranked. Regs, are fairly balanced in term of factions. Which is something I don't think many other servers can boast.


    2. Holy RP, Batman. Are there a lot of community-wide RP events on the server, or are they typically inside of guilds? I'm not too interested in guilds right now, but would like to participate in RP.

    Fleets are the easiest place to do some sleezy pick-up on the spot RP. Guilds are probably the way to go if you want anything deeper than that.

    3. Is there an Enjin or website that coordinates/posts specific TEH events? Is there a forum for roleplay?


    4. What is the overall community like? I'd like the good and bad, but of course, no random guild mud-slinging. That I can eventually figure out for myself.

    Relatively mild in terms of sheer toxicity when compared to other servers. It's early in a new season, so there's going to be a lot of open smack talking in gen chats, but again...it really is a small portion and most of them are usually the new transfers.


    5. What is the economy like most days? I'm quite surprised to see how expensive MK-9 kits are here compared to Harbinger, and I am rather mystified with the insane prices of several armor pieces and sets.

    Economy is typically more expensive here. There's a smaller pool of players able to obtain or craft end level game stuff so the demand is higher. Things like decorations from operations also tend to sell for a little more here, for the same reason.


    Anyway, welcome to the Ebon Hawk. The PVP community is pretty small and for the most part, pretty approachable and friendly. There are exceptions of course, but compared to the other servers, I think it's one of the more enjoyable ones. Most of the headaches you'll run into are more from game mechanics/current meta and not as much the community.

  5. The bottom line is the hardcore pvp crowd, like the hardcore pve crowd don't spend the amount of money casual star wars fans do. They want to look cool, have gizmo's, and enjoy an easy to play story they're engulfed in that allows a mild feeling of accomplishment. They've catered to the money. That's why you get new cartel market items on the reg, and a new WZ or Ops at a rate that's stupid. Could they overhaul the engine, redesign a whole new arc reigniting the fight between imperials and republic encouraging open world pvp and rewarding it? Yes. Would people pay money to play that? I think so. Does it make any where near the profit margin of reskinning or remodeling something, and putting it in a lottery draw cartel market pack? I think that answer is no. BW is a business before a game designer. They'll do what's profitable. They know what they have, a brand that sells to a multitude of markets. Make a cool light saber or blaster rifle, a nifty helmet, or large monster mount, make it "exclusive" by the lottery chance, and people will pump quarters into that stupid thing all day until they get it. Essentially it's people gambling real money, for pixels. Costs BW a small fraction of time for a huge payout. Versus, spend a year+, designing a large expansion of multiple planets, operations, and adjusting the entire game to accommodate, costing them several pennies, for a payout that doesn't even scratch the surface of what the CM pulls in profits.


    They're definitely leaving money on the table by not actually designing new content, but I don't think the risk vs reward payoff is worth it in their eyes. They know where there bang for the buck lies, it's in the casual player who's going to dump a 100 dollars in cartel market crap before they burn out and move on, until they watch episode 8 next year and decide they want to be luke skywalker again, and drop another 100 bucks.

  6. Couple Saber Ward with your WZ Adrenal when you need a big damage reduction. It's stackable.


    Use endure pain before medpack, it gives you a bigger heal.


    Time your mad dash if you're about to/are taking big damage to resist it all like an operative roll.


    Interecede away from melee.


    Those are a few big CD's when played right will make you live a lot lot longer, and probably longer than whoever your team if focusing.

  7. I'm having a blast in solo ranked as a lethality operative. 8 wins 4 losses so far. Jung ma server. Seems to be a lot less fotm issues here. Great sportsmanship too.


    Wait until the last few weeks of the season. All the madness sorcs that couldn't T1 on their server will xfer there to try and win trade for T1 so they can xfer back and show off shinies and tell everyone they're super gud players. Happens every season. Now that lvl 60 tokens are a thing, and leveling to 65 takes about an hour, I bet it'll be worse.

  8. I'm hoping the cross faction map is them putting in the infrastructure for cross faction solo ques. Bigger player pool and ends the ability for 4 people to que on a dead faction. I'd think those two factors alone would improve QoL of at least solo ranked a lot. Add in a little bit of class balance, and voila, solo ranked is a viable and sustainable way to entertain some of the pvp community.
  9. Perhaps they have implemented some sort of match making for premades? To prevent them from playing against PUGs?


    That seems like something that would of made the patch notes. My guess is it's an issue with the cross faction map in the rotation.

  10. Sorry if this was already said, but wasn't the point to give players on PVP servers an incentive to transfer to a larger server, while still being able to have PVP flagged zones? So you can't kill a player who derps and flags himself, and it's punishing the pvp community? Open World PVP has always been less than fun imo. Planets weren't designed for it, and there's such a small area that it can happen in most areas. Whatever. People will ***** about anything I guess.
  11. even with the ****** balance and current meta, i'm glad it's here. Regs are *********** beat. I'm sure most of us have min/maxed 10+ toons by now. Now at least we can grind something else out, regardless of how painstakingly awful and frustrating it is. Good luck, and may we reap reskinned ****** rewards.
  12. Ok, a few follow up questions. What are you doing in game at the time of the lag spikes? (ie: Warzones, sitting on fleet, heroics, or is it just totally random) Do you know what kind of video card? Based on what you provided I'm guessing you're playing on a laptop with an integrated card. SWTOR is a very processor heavy game, and a 1.6 Mhz processor is going to struggle. You may be experiencing lag because your hardware is unable to keep up. If this is the case, best thing I can recommend is make sure you close unneeded background processes after a fresh reboot to allow yourself peak performance. The other option, which is less desirable is upgrade. Even if it isn't your PC and it's your ISP, you're still playing on a low end PC.
  13. I figured out the technical difficulties that I am experiencing in SWTOR are called "Lag Spikes". What they do is cause the game to freeze and eventually you get booted out. I sent a help ticket to customer service they asked me to perform a complexed procedure that actually does nothing to fix it. It only tells them if there is something wrong with the SWTOR servers. The tried this procedure several times and could not get it to work perform properly. I do not know if I am doing something wrong or if it is another side affect from "Lag Spikes".The advice that I was finally to contact my ISP. Of course there is nothing wrong on their end so it looks like the "Lag Spikes" are here to stay; unless I can find somebody that has a solution.


    So does anybody have anything? Please serious answer only.


    Give us some specs. Processor, RAM, Vid card, Modem/router, ISP then perhaps maybe we can pinpoint if it's a hardware issue or ISP issue.

  14. I just absolutely LOVE how <The Core> think they are good, when they try hard-nade-spam, queue 2 healers and a skank tank (please tell me more how this never happens because i've seen it on multiple occasions). Taking all this into consideration and they still manage to lose.

    You guys are like the old school bullies in high school: you pick on kids half your size ( *******s which compose about 65% of total ebon hawk pvp population), trust me you're not good.


    I wonder if I search <The Core> how many hate threads come up under Ebon Hawk forums? .

  15. Or we could give Mercs' reverse leap.


    Been my thought the whole time.


    The fact I can completely break LOS every 45 seconds is pretty absurd. Also the burst heals with no real force management has put the class on official easy mode. My opinion on this has been to drop the heals on innervate and add them onto Dark Infusion with a longer cast duration/high force cost. Lastly I'd change the auto fire on roaming mend to something else. Maybe a lower force cost or it can only hit a target one time instead of bouncing back to the initial target and healing it twice.


    I know a lot of people want to see the class nerfed to the ground since it's reigned king since the introduction of force barrier. Personally I just want it brought in line so it's a challenging class to play again. That goes for DPS as well.

  16. Thanks for this. I am still torn between the EH and JC. Judging from tor status population EH deff has more people consistently. I basically just want a cool guild of good PvPers that can organize ranked solo, or grouped and do plenty of regs. I've played 5 seasons of ranked and achieved gold twice. Shadowlands is just so exhausting, the community is pretty toxic and its ranked is dominated by one guild that queue syncs and face rolls everyone because no one else can get a proper team around and then nobody queues. The only thing it had going for it was the migration of POT5 people, but most of them either quit the game entirely or transferred to Harbinger. Ranked Solo's were frequent but also there was queue syncing going on and some win trading. The guild i'm currently in is slowly dying to where 1-2 members are on at a time instead of 8-10, and none of the other guilds are worth a dime. Its time for a change.


    I have a few toons over on JC. When they drop these new WZs and announce a ranked season I'll probably dust off my toons and get back into it. I liked JC as well. I think EH has more to offer as a whole, though.

  17. Hey everyone,



    Looking for a server with an active PvP presence. Pops through all levels, multiple guilds both factions running ranked, things of that nature. Harbinger is out of the question, ping is to terrible, played there for a season. Currently reside on SL, have been for years. The only thing that pops are 65s now. Lowbies are only half filled 6v6's and middbies are non existent. Wondering how things are over here on EH? Can anyone provide a state of the PvP on the server? Toxic community? Friendly?


    The Ebon Hawk has always had a healthy PVP scene. Faction balance switches back and forth, lots of good players, and a moderate amount of ranked pops during the season. It feels more like playing a star wars game on Ebon Hawk than other servers as well because of the atmosphere an RP server provides. There's a few jaded players who hate the world, but most of the time it's a pretty solid community.

  18. Regarding the Dev harassment, personally I would never use my real name online. Not sure why they couldn't have just used made up Dev names when interacting. That's why I don't use facebook, twitter, etc. Don't put it out there and you won't have these issues.


    Ya, it's the Dev's fault for using his real name and social media. LMAO. The dude who did it was a punk, and honestly, the dev should of said fite me irl fgt. Then they both could of swatted and scratched each other.

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