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Everything posted by Harold_I

  1. I have a completely opposite view on this, and think this is a move in the right direction. I post very rarely, and there was significant effort into people voicing their opinion, so I did as well. First, my view on all aspects of a game is you do not get good if you do not put a significant amount of effort into it, and secondly that if you do you are somewhat rewarded for it. Until 6.0 crafting, like it is in many (probably nearly all) MMOs was an afterthought, a hobby, a pastime, if you want an apt comparison, its like fishing in LOTRO. Yes its there, but it could be done by anyone, and as such had little to reward you if you wanted to be really good in it. Materials could be gathered just as you did other stuff, were plentiful, and as such even if you couldn't be bothered doing it yourself, they were so cheap you could just buy them. Crafting itself was extremely easy, and research was a given (60% research rates anyone?). So, it made no sense for anyone to say, hey, my focus in this game is CRAFTING. It was pointless. It was like saying, hey focus in this game is standing on fleet and trolling, it was about as easy. So, crafting, in general, for me is fun, and I like to tool my play experience around it. I like making things (in real life too). I like to invest time into a set goal, which is NOT easy, and achieveing it. So crafting in 6.0 is exactly that. Far from perfect but a huge step in the right direction. There are 3 steps for me in the process. Gathering base materials is still extremely easy. However the sheer amount of materials makes this non trivial - and as the there are only 2 node sources, Onderon and Meksha, both heavily populated, having multiple alts on gathering missions is necessary. Also, nearly nothing is now made with just base resources, and the "special" resources require missions. So, you need multiple alts, with max skills and invest time (no personal skill necessary) to cycle them regularly to continue. Now, you need to get the extra material not available through the wrold or missions. 2 main sources, PVE and PVP (both do pretty well for me). So if you want to craft, you need to play the game. Amazing isn't it? A crafter can't just stay in her/his stronghold. You need to do FPs, Ops and WZs to get the materials you need to craft. As a corolary, you will achieve your conquest goals pretty easily (it takes me around 2 hours on average now to achieve personal conquest goals on my PvE characters and 2:30 on PvP, depending on ranked WZ pops. Could be slightly higher if you do unranked.) Now, the third part (my favourite) you actually craft. Basic stuff is the same as always. Just more mats needed, and the result is useless. But the new crafting system doesn't care about the base. You have multiple levels of research, which means that the people who bother to invest time will be rewarded. 5% research chance for augments and 10% for stims/adrenals (basically the only items which you can't get anywhere other than crafting, since the gear level curve is so fast, crafting will not compete) is difiicult, since you need a fair amount of time invested to gather the mats, and the most important one, the matrixes, you have a max of 4/6/8 (depending on conuest target) you can get per character per week. So, actually getting to the point where you have the ability to craft these should give you some sense of achievement (unlike old crafting which did absolutely nothing since anyone could craft anything). Actually crafting them at this stage of the expansion is both (for me) game rewarding, and if you care nothing for that, at least its credit rewarding. It should be said that legendary augments, top level stims etc are not necessary, You can play the game perfectly well, not being able to craft them and not having them on your gear/using them. You will get to 306 gear just the same, and hell, you can use old stims/augments (cheap and easy as dirt) and they still give you something. Aside, personally I don't like that everyone can get top level gear doing just regular stuff, and would prefer you DON'T get top gear unless you do something exceptional (MM Ops or significant ranked WZ wins as an example). But at least for crafting, if you want those extras you get to work for them a little bit. That will likely last a month or two, and then the system will be changed so its easy, and I'll start to lose interest again, but at least its given me a good couple weeks right now.
  2. Onslaught first mission - Throne Room door won't open. Same on various characters. Despite the quest progressing to the point it sends you to the Throne Room, door won't open. No story missions in the way (all completed long ago). This is the case on multiple characters (tried it with 6 so far, all the same). Repatched just in case, restarted, no help.
  3. As said, despite the quest progressing to the point it sends you to the Throne Room, door won't open. No story missions in the way (all completed long ago). This is the case on multiple characters (tried it with 6 so far, all the same). Repatched just in case, restarted, no help. Characters Halana, Hydrch, Haljeer (among others) on Darth Malgus.
  4. don't need a group finder. need a fully global lfg chat, preferably one limited to lvl 65 chars. with the Dev's intent of content sending people on heroics, events etc - being able to post everywhere should shorten time to set up. if there was a reasonable option of making it cross-faction (since most people have chars on both sides) that would be even better, but I can't think of a reasonable way to do that.
  5. Zone only activates if there are 8 people per side in the zone. This is an 8 man variation on 4 man arenas, but faster paced and with more single combat, which I prefer. Zone divided into 4 sections, with 3 locked gates leading out of each section. Each team is subdivided into 4 groups of 2. So in each section 2 people spawn from each side. The fight is strictly 2v2, with no respawns, but combat rezzes allowed. Combat state happens as soon as you spawn, so no pre-combat buffs or stealth. There is no communication between the sections - no tells, general chat, or guild chat. Obviously out of game communication (like TS) would still work. However, the players inside a section have no idea what section they are in or where they are in relation to the other sub-groups. Inside their section there is no group condition view. They know nothing about their team-mates condition. Sudden death occurs in 2m, so no stealthing in a corner forever. Once a team is victorious in its section, it can open 1 gate, and 1 only, and help another section. The team would have no idea what is happening in that section. The teams from those sections join to form a group. The goal is to open up all 4 sections and be the last woman standing. Go KILL!
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