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Posts posted by zandadoum

  1. Anyone else was overhyped by this game?


    i wasn't. i didn't expect much and i didn't get much either. this game is like many xbox titles lately.

    company decided to put multiplayer into a franchise that was perfetly fine as single player. and the MP part failed big time. (bioshock 2 and dead space 2 comes to mind)

    same in SWTOR. MP is horrible in every aspect, but the single player story is awesome.


    i am not dissapointed for the 45€ i paid. that's what i pay for most xbox titles and they usually don't have any replayability value. i might renew a month or not. if i do, i might come back after 6 month... or not...


    i am just comparing this game to any xbox title i have, that's why i am not dissapointed.




    my wife on the other hand had huge hopes on this game. she wanted to leave WoW. she spend 150€ on the collectors and after 4 hours she got bored because all the voice acting and RP story. she is more the kind of "instant gratification" player. she loved diablo 2 coz she could just go and kill things. she loved neverwinter coz we just entered a dungeon and killed things. and she stays on WoW because she already has 12 maxxed chars and doesn't need to level them up and she loves raiding.




    so... one family. two sides of the coin :)

  2. Well...this game isnt a pvp game.

    so how comes there servers labeled as pvp (goluud corridor is not one of them, but still)?

    if you gonna implement something in your game, at least try to make it work.


    you replied to my post quite quick after i posted it, did you even bother to read it? i doubt that. because as i said: our guild clears the PVE content in 2-3 days...


    so, if this game isn't pvp like you said, and there is no more pve for us... what are we exactly suposed to do?

  3. Hello...


    I know this happens on other "normal" servers too, but I can only talk for the server I am playing myself.


    there aren't many lvl50 on this server. and before any troll tries it: no, we did NOT rush to lvl up.


    so, I am playing on empire side. there are many imperials and not so many republic players on this server. (again: before any1 tries the "that's for joining the easy side" argument: i didn't know it would be like this when i created the character)


    while i understand the frustration of a low lvl fighting a lvl50 geared in pvp gear, i think the brackets have been handled poorly.


    since the 1.1 patch was released, i haven't been able to be in a single (NOT ONE) warzone. and i play a lot of hours and i am queued most of the time.


    a few guild mate lvl50 have been able to join a warzone, just have the game end after 2 minutes due the lack of opponents.


    ilum is dead too. i admit getting the daily done was too easy... but there are no enemies, so i have to run around 45 minutes to get some items from chests...



    this probably just takes a developer to change a couple of lines of codes, i would suggest a different bracket:



    which in a further future could be changed again to something else.


    i really hope this will be fixed as soon as possible. our guild clears lvl50 PVE content in 2-3 days, which leaves the rest of the week for whatever, which is mostly pvp.

    since patch 1.1 i notice half the guild either being offline (probably on a better server or trying republic or maybe even RL) or being on alts idling around bored.


    it's quite amazing to see how a single game patch can easily break a community because everything became utterly boring...

  4. well, i will observe the deduction from dark side this night, but i have been at 10000/1800 for 2 weeks now.


    i didn't do any flashpoints or quests yesterday (my guild cleared eternity vault) si i didn't have a chance to observe if it will work now after the patch.


    but even if it works, i am not quite happy with the solution. i prefer still having my 1800 dark points. they are part of my character and remind me of my past actions.


    i'd rather be 15000/1800 than 10000/0 but i guess that ain't gonna happen

  5. I have opened a ticket and received a copy&paste response from some1 who obviously didn't read my bug report. response was "yo uneed to complete the quest to get the light side points".

    thx, captain obvious.



    my problem (and i know some others who happen to have the same)


    i am bounty hunter. my choices through story and flashpoints were as fair as i could think of, netting me 10000 light side points, but also with a firm hand punishing those that got on my nerves, netting me 1800 dark side points.


    so, 10000-1800 = 8200 light side, which puts me into rank IV


    and i can't progress any further into light side. it's capped at 10000. and there is no way to decrease my dark side points either.


    i have done so many flashpoints now that i should be at 15000/1800 but it's capped at 10000


    so, i can't achieve rank V



    is this planned to be changed? is BW aware of this? or will it stay like that forever?

  6. there are around 20 lvl50 players on empire side and maybe 10 on republic side on my server


    yesterday at 18:00pm after the patch i joined a WZ queue. i logged off 6h, later and didn't play a single warzone. that's how bad the queues are now for lvl50 on light/standard servers like mine.


    also, ilum is totally dead. and it was before, difference is that now i have to run around waiting for some chests to respawn. doing my daily before the patch took 5 minutes (which i admit was too easy) and now takes around 45min.

  7. Greeting boys and girls.


    Someone may consider that its just another nerdrage thread, but ill try to be constructive.

    Major issue - no brackets. Lvl 10 with 10-12k hp vs full PVP geared lvl 50 with 20-24k hp. No chances. Steamrolled. 3 shotted.


    I would really like to put PVP designing team or those one with such brillaint idea with his lvl 10-20 char in warzone and say "Play MF! PLAY! Kill lvl 40-50! What?! You cant?! FIRED!"

    Yes, i know 1.1 incoming and we will have lvl 10 vs lvl 49 fights. Should i be happy now? No.


    I would really like to hear official BW/EA answer on creating this kind of PVP and their logical arguments. Because for me, personally, its just pure idiocy and far beyond my understanding. Or maybe all BW PVP designing team on heavy drugs? That could explain.


    P.S. Please, BW, just a single answer! What made you to create most stupid PVP ever? Darwin Award?

    please do tell what lvl50 has 24K hp. i'd like to see that

  8. The words "hardcore" and "player" should never be used together with a straight face. What's next? Hardcore stamp collectors?


    you're wrong.

    there are hardcore players.


    and there are also hardcore stamp collectors. i know a couple personally, who took a 3h. queue on a rainy day just so they could get 9/9/99 9:09 printed on their stamp. sounds hardcore enough for a stamp collector...

  9. This is how i think it goes


    1. hardcore players:

    some might have got all the way to 50. Other probably quit on their way to 50 after dealing with ability delay, no recount, no lfg, dungeon gear binding on pickup with no way to trade, and terrible faction balance. most of these players have likely given up on tor


    2. casual players:

    Some are probably hitting 50 around now, most are wishing for recount, lfg, and a fix on the ability delay, but are still enjoying the game for what it is. However most are on the verge of impatience with some of the key elements missing (ability delay, recount, dungeon finder, intance loot binding on pickup). These players have their fingers crossed for tor, and their mouses over the unsubscribe button


    3. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuper casual borderline fanboys: Loving this game cause its Star Wars. Downvoting and flaming every post reguarding recount, LFG, and ability delay. They are frivolous with the word "ninja" and find things like rotations to be too hard. These players likely so are overwhelmed with the surface mechanics of games that players who are better and ask for features such as recount are "hardcore elitists." You can likely find these players distracting BW from the current flaws present in ToR, and making posts about how "hardcore" players should go back to WoW, which they probably already have.


    and your point is... what exactly?

  10. pick cybertech and use moodable armor you got from missions/commendations.


    once lvl50 you might want to change to something different, but picking cybertech and outfit yourself in moddable armor is pretty good for leveling.


    i also agree with the poster who mentioned armormech for leveling, but i think in the end that becomes too expensive. i did it and i spend too much money on it trying to get lowlvl blues (stupid me xD) so i didn't have money for my speeder at lvl25

  11. ppl. think something broke because they get less schemtaics than before,


    but the truth is they don't realize that the higher level the item/schematic, the more difficult it will get.


    you have been doing lowby stuff without problems and now that you start doing higher level stuff you expect it to work the same. well, newsflash: it won't


    i have been sitting at lvl50 since first game week, doing lvl400 stuff (items for lvl49 and 50) and and nothing has changes. the chances seem to be completely the same. sometimes it takes 4 tries, sometimes 20


    if you expect to get all schematics in game by sitting in the cantina, you're doing it wrong. go out, do missions (ilum & belsavis dalies) and get money. THEN you can have your companions doing stuff 24/7

    you thought you could become rich and learn all recipes without any actual work? you were wrong!

  12. Or will they be obsolete when you start getting hardmode/raid gear? Can I still mod them to be as effective or will mods be useless?


    i am sure itr will be improved in the future, but as it stands now, moddable gear can NOT compete with lvl50 pvp and hardmode gear, except a few exceptions maybe.


    also, apparently, crafted moddable gear does NOT have a chance of critical craft (aka: additional augment slot)

  13. If bosses are dying, who cares who did the most DPS?

    and here's tha flaw in all your post.


    damagemeters were invented to see why bosses were NOT dying


    if i am wiping for 3 hours on the last boss of hardmode boarding party i would like to know if the problem is too little dps and who or lack of heal or whatever.


    as for normal fun runs n stuff, i couldnt care less about damagemeters. but when you're trying to achieve progress in a "raiding guild", then you need damage/heal/aggro meters to analyze whats going wrong when you're wiping for several hours on an encounter.

  14. bioware just thought "lets make a mass effect MMO with star wars skin for casual players"


    and they didn't count on the gazillion of hardcore MMO players coming to this game.


    now, huge part of the player base is bored at lvl50 (some even with already two lvl50) thinking about leaving.


    lvl50 should have been DOUBLE as hard to get as it really was.


    why didn't they make it harder or why didn't they make it to lvl60 from the start for example?

    because there is not enough content for that.


    i remember the WoW start well, when i hit 60 after it's release on my first toon, i had done less than 75% of the content.

    how was that posisble? because blizzard spend their money to make MMO CONTENT and not SINGLE PLAYER VOICE ACTING

  15. something to do with the fact that the ilum pvp dailies/weeklies are changing next patch so that the objectives actually include pvp... just maybe ;)


    wihch will be even worse on my server then. no republic ever comes to ilum whatsoever. not even for the dailies.


    the 4-5 lvl50 on republic side only do warzones...

  16. How about really PLAYING Republic? If you run with the zerg, you should deal with the consequences...and besides that, in the future the Ilum daily will include player kills, rendering your method useless. At least if your guild does not plan to roll up dummy twinks so one half of the guild can grind the kills and then vice versa (sounds like awesome end game content xD )

    i joined this game on day#1. am i jesus? can i see the future? NO! so how the hell were i suposed to know i was "joining the zerg", hum?

    besides, in anycase, the zerg joine ME seeing how i am lvl50 and 99% of the server isnt ;)


    EDIT: so a forum moderator took the time to actually move this to the pvp forum, yet could not be arsed to reply to clear this up... ooook,....

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