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    The Planet Earth
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    Kicking *** and chewing bubblegum...im all out of bubblegum.
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  1. any popular game becomes a lag fest after a large expansion release... You should never expect normal gameplay in the first week of a major expansion release...seriously Give it a week or so and all will be more like normal
  2. I am returning to the game since I stopped 3 months after release (real life became more important). I had a 40ish Scoundrel before I quit but since the game has changed a lot since I played last, I really need to re-learn the game. So I plan to re-roll and start a new main. My main question for you that currently play and pvp, which class on republic side would be good for a relative newb to learn pvp on? I am not looking for OP or FotM classes, just a solid class that doesn't suck too bad and will let me learn pvp in swtor without getting super frustrated and quit. Eventually I will have many alts and can change things up if I need to, my main concern is finding a class to learn the game on (pvp as well as pve). To help generate answers, I usually end up playing ranged on many mmos I play but I have no issue playing both ranged and melee and can do well on each. I do tend to lean towards DPS over tank/heals though. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. ok well I like that they are in the game for those who like that stuff but I have never been as frustrated at a game then I have been trying to get to these dang Datacrons... spent almost an hour jumping and falling off boxes in Nar Shaddaa for a stupid +3 buff to Aim... and I am a smuggler.... not worth it....IMO but kuddos to those who do enjoy them!
  4. My question, should you choose to answer it; is are the datacron's stat-buffs mandatory to get in order to be competitive? I have been trying to get to some of these places and the amount of frustration I get trying to get a messily +3 to aim is not worth it IMO... what do you guys think? Mandatory or not?
  5. can you post your build so we can see what you are using? I went full scrapper because of world pvp but I have yet to see any and I am level 29 and in the Dune Sea on Tatooine. I might go with some sort of hybrid spec to make my way to 50 easier. As full scrapper trash mobs die easy, silvers are not too bad but any golds are a rough call even with a tank companion out...
  6. I am a level 25 full scrapper build and I love it. you still get some healing abilities as a scrapper and I have used just Underwolrd Medicine to keep people healed in a Herioc 2+ I have not healed a heroic 4+ but I have helped out in them when the healer needs it. I say play what you want and the rest be damned!
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