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Posts posted by master_endymion

  1. 1. FIRST AND FOREMOST -- ELARA DORNE'S VOICE. Wouldn't ya want to hear that British-- I mean Dromund Kaas accent saying "I love you"? *that's just me being a total nerd* and unlike the others who likes the story, I liked... the STORY. lols


    2. What makes this different from other games is that it made me more than a casual gamer (though I can't say I'm hardcore). I am an MMORPG n00b to be honest (seriously I don't know what tank is before, I just play). This is the first MMOPRG that made me good with PVP and PVE and where I was being praised for being a good PVP player and tanker.



  2. If Anything it makes the Game More Playable for people with very tight Schedules


    I'm working. It's included in my morning routine that I play at least 2 hours before going to work (Yes, I wake up early to do that) and trying the Group Finder in the PTS made me look forward to it and other perks "fit for the on-the-go people", people who play occasionally in short bursts during weekdays.

  3. Might sound "unoriginal", but I made my Darth Malak legacy "Stormwalker" 'cause of my Lightning Sorc. I then got the idea that I should name my character after weather terminologies :p


    Dar'Nala -- I have the Tee Legacy, and my first character is Gree'n. and my title is the Pure. Gree'n Tee the Pure. BAM. :D

  4. That's right, they are paying. They choose themselves where to put their money. My common sense tells me, if I don't like a product or service that I am paying for, I no longer pay for it. I move on.


    Lucky for me, I pay, I play, AND I enjoy.



  5. It's late for me, and i'm drawing a blank on questions. So if anybody just popping in for a view has anything, to either play stump the chump, or if you are just curious about something, this is the place to ask.


    Got one: What member of Rogue Squadron later becomes a jedi with a very rare force ability, and props/nods/cake if you can name or describe said ability?


    I'm not sure if it's Luke or Jacen.

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