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Posts posted by Amantino

  1. Compared to Progenitor, TRE is a LOT better endgame PvE wise. Afaik there are no top PvE guilds on Progenitor at all (according to progression thread on theprogenitor.com). On TRE there are a few guilds on each side with full clears, and some still working on it. I have no number for how many guilds in total are trying though. Of the top5 guilds in SV/TFB NiM rankings, 2 of them were from TRE. There seem to be issues with dedicated players for several guilds, but thats the general state of this game I guess.


    Community-wise I'd say it's overall good. Theres a bit of everything, but the majority seems to be polite and helpful. But like everywhere else, your general satisfaction will depend on who you hang out with.

  2. -I'm reasonably sure Nithnuro is almost full 75s, judging from the timing of the parse.

    Nithnuro's parse was done in 72's, possibly a few 75's, and with 2 or 3 endurance heavy power+accuracy enhancements. Just lucky RNG.


    Anyways a very good post. It also really stands out that the least used classes are the one furthest behind, and I do believe they would've been closer if more people played those specs. They would've had the same gear, and also possibly the same lucky RNG in parses (we all know RNG matters a lot when going for highest parse).

  3. Hey Dread Masters. I hope the rest of you are a bit tougher than Styrak. He was a faceroll and you should all be ashamed of calling yourself his brothers. When he saw my lightsaber, he immediately bent over. After that I'm a bit curious to what you actually use your time on in the Dread Palace.


    Looking forward to seeing you in a few days, xoxo

  4. Bookmarked. Really awesome work. You do seem to miss both Jedi Blademaster and Republic Sergeant on Ilum tho, which happens to be the only 2 I'm missing. Anyone able to help me out?


    *Edit. Both were in instanced Ilum questline.

  5. Yep, your dps needs to improve, thats the harsh truth. You can try maximizing tactics and probably kill it, but that will be the only boss you are going to kill. A group doing 2.3k-2.7k dps on TWH is nowhere near the requirements for NiM. In comparison, I did >3.4k dps on my last kill there on my marauder. Sit down with your dps and try to figure out whats keeping them back. Stacking crit? Bad rotation? Wrong usage of aoe abilities against adds?
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