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10 Good
  1. I'd say no to a LFG, unless it's server specific (as in you only play with people on your server) if it's game/region wide, then no. People are d!cks in LFG simply cos they can be.
  2. What? Did it hell. You had the base instancs and the higest dungeon was Strat if memory serves. SW has space combat, allignment, companion crafting just to name 3 off the top of my head. LFG arguably ruined the community in WoW and I'd be glad if I never saw the like again. The point of an MMO is to play with other people, if you want to solo everything, play a single player game (or go back to WoW). Players are 'unreliable' cos people are still just playin about with their chars atm, God forbid we should have fun with our chars before committing ourself to one for the next 4/5+ years. Heroics SHOULD be impossible to solo. If you could solo them all, they wouldn't be very heroic would they? The idea is greater challenge for greater reward. Not WoW-esque 'Oh you fell over while fighting a Wolf? Here, have this epic axe that levels with you. We also supply a nanny that will scare off any boss mobs so you can go though the pretty dungeons with your crayolas.' Lower levels have an area to themselves. Granted once you get off the homeworld it's pretty straight, but WoW wasn't far off. Start in Goldshire, go to Westfall, then Darkshire. Gnomes and Dwarves shared their area, then joined up with humans and night elves and whatnot. Atleast in SW you have a unique story for your class, where as WoW just made you do the same quests with every race. Oh yeah, new content in the first month... they obviously don't care about content. Side quests on SOME planets are boring. And walking? You ever play a Horde in the Badlands? That area is f'kin huge and most of the time you spend just wandering around the damn place, and SW is alot better for placement as you have little outposts you can rest at. Something WoW did not. No freedom... no, it's not as if you get to choose which path your char follows, and then get a choice of three trees to specialise in, with the option to re-spec at any time. And exact same gear? Yeah, 'cause you can't customise gear with mods, armour, crystals, hilts, enhancements etc... ... 'freedom to choose where you want to level' I'm beginning to think either you're a troll or you have never played anything other than WoW. I'm not even going to think about listing the number of rpgs where you have absolutely 0 option where to go. Wouldn't know, never played 'em. And nothing of value was lost.
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