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Everything posted by jackdaley

  1. And if anything we're defending EAWARES actions..which was to fix the important problem population issues So really you guys should be banned for spamming hate threads
  2. Newsflash there's more to do than PVP. if you wanted only PVP shoulda played GW 2
  3. I must be a medical anomaly to have the mental capacity to comment on an internet forum without a brain.
  4. Says the guy with im not racist, i hate everyone egually as a sig.
  5. Well I feel it's my job as a human being to bring realistic views to people with unrealistic expectations
  6. So dropping from 10 people on the fleet to 4, and bioware offering a merge to a populated server is a bad thing?
  7. have toons on both MDN and The Bastion Ping doesnt affect me at all, LOL you have no choice dude EAWARE have made their decision either play on the US servers or QQ either way your protests wont do anything buddy
  8. hahah yeah goof balls Like i said b4 remember a petition went around last time about an EAWARE game? how did that turn out? Exactly You guys are seriously deluded if you think that will change anything
  9. Dont worry about it dude these illogical fools just have sand in their vags You can't reason with people who think ping is more important than actually playing in a healthy populated server.
  10. To all the people who say the harbinger numbers arn't that good during our prime time. I literally just checked and the pub fleet (the least popular out of the two fleets) has 180 Meanwhile on dalborra it has 80 hahaha and that's our primetime!! Stats and Numbers don't lie people R.I.P ghost town APAC Servers...Hello HEALTHY POPULATED SERVERS!
  11. Well that's not a thing to be proud of, it's actually quite sad when you think about it
  12. Now you're getting it! EA is a buisness..they need to make money! They may have the biggest scumbag reputation amongst the gaming community but they know how to nickle and dime us better than any other publisher
  13. Meh the harbinger will be running fine without them..a pity you can't say the same for the APAC servers
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