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Posts posted by finansjapp

  1. The problem about Pyrotech/Vanguard is that they scale so extremely well with better gear. Much better than the other classes, exception maybe dps sage/sorc. Even mara/sent falls back on that.


    A lethality sniper scale well with gear also, but a marksman doesnt in the same degree. That is why a warhero vanguard/powertech will be extremely more powerful than for instance a marksman sniper, even though they are almost equally crap without pvp gear. Same with dps sorc/sages that are crap without gear, even worse than vanguard/powertech in most situations, but with gear they get more and more equal.


    This is where this game is messed up at the moment, like so many other games before also were.

  2. The game design have a major flaw. The classes that scale well against defense will be extremely overpowered compared to the ones that do not. The more and better equipment introduced in the game will make this even worse. Everyone complain about the mara/sent. Yes they are above average, but the right specced and equipped jugg/guard and shadow/assassin will be almost invinsible against bad scaled classes.


    I have no idea why any game designer allow this.

  3. I knew the scaling system in this game was bad, but now that I have seen what war hero gear do in pvp, I must say I am shocked. Armour damage is totally messed up. Same with tank defense with dps gear. Making the guardian/jugg and shadow/assassin insanely overpowered.


    I really wonder what the pvp designers have been thinking.


    As to sniper being fine. Yep we are mostly fine. Some bugs, and marksman need a slight boost in some areas, but we are in line.

  4. Ive played my sniper alt awhile now, and I must say it seems that Bioware have given snipers most tools they need to be competitive at 50 pvp compared to other classes. What do others think now? Im not counting the bugs that needs to be fixed.


    Marksman - Can take down most 1v1. Decent damage/great burst, decent survivability but low mobility.

    Engineer - Great damage, good survivability, little better mobility than marksman. Great team defender

    Lethality - Great damage, decent survivability, decent mobility. Can take down most 1v1, and good offender. Slightly better than marksman in that due to better mobility.


    Maybe marksman need a slight tweak up?


    Its some classes that are a bit overpowered at the moment. Im not counting them either.

  5. There was a large guild on our server that always won everything. Sure they were better also, but some of their members never died. Found out that at least one of them were running around constantly with very high speed, and could use some cds all the time, which were usually 2 mins cds. I think they were reported by several, and some of them havent been seen since. Could be they quit, but it might also be that BW did something.


    Ive seen less and less of the cheating lately. Some are so obvious though. Assassin go into stealth, and popping up close to the scoreline 1 second after in huttball. Which make it very hard to get on tape. Others maintain sprint far too long.


    Bioware must fix this, and I think they will.

  6. Your first mistake was to put WoW and "real gamers" together in the same sentence. Seriously WoW was what kicked off the carebear generation of MMO gamers that feel like they should be able to go through the entire game without having to group up and work as a team in anything.


    This was my thinking also. Wow was never about skill, but about time spent.

  7. If you run into a skilled player that has taken the time to get geared now you have a nightmare on your hands


    This is where you lost your argument. Time dont have anything to do with skill. You use WOW as a reference to your post..... Well, wow was about time, not skill. That is a huge difference. Games that have tried to copy wow failed. Why? There were never any more need for time games.


    Gaming should be about fun, not time spent. Wow filled a hole in the mmo genre there. It isnt a demand for a second one.

  8. In my 14-15 years playing more than a dozen mmos.... This is by far the worst game balance I have ever seen. In this I include fresh characters with almost no game skills in ultima online against 7x gm skills. This is totally out of control.


    I am not going to look at the different classes. Others have done that, and if you have a slight idea of statistics you will see that this is not what it should be. This actually smells like all you do is looking at a few scearios and judging by that.


    The group balance however really really needs to be looked at. In warzones now it seems 1/3 you totally destroy the opponent, 1/3 you spend looking at glass in rez pad, 1/3 is ok.


    This is not fun. What you did was taking a poorly group balanced game and made it worse. More characters have less use now in pvp, and some got all. It may of course be me. I accept that. But I do not think so.


    Also..... I do not have the answer for this. You actually should, because you get payed for it.

  9. I have gotten my occational 5k crit. The problem as I see it now is that I receive a lot of them!


    This patch has made melee extremely overpowered from the look of it. It is too early to conclude, but it really seems so at the moment.

  10. It is a huge difference between classes at fresh 50. You can not compare a healer, even if squishy, or shadow tank, powertech or similar to for instance a sniper. The others you can find good use with. The sniper has no defense, and you will miss your target more often than you hit. The only option you have is to go on the aoe tree and try and do some use there.


    Its also quite funny hearing about "how difficult it was before". No it wasnt. It was easy mode even with the rng system. Today you do not meet same equipped characters like back then. Now it is much harder on many servers to even win a match as PUG. Especially if it is on an uneven server between republic/imperial. Back then you did not face 8x battlemaster characters as often as now.


    So do not listen to the so called "hard working" whiners who say they earned it, and complain how easy it is now. No they did not earn it. They had it much more easy than you.

  11. You have also chosen the most gear needy character at 50 also. Sniper is very very strong before 50, but at 50 you hit a brick wall bigger than most other classes do. You will, as Im sure you have noticed, die faster than you enjoy!


    Centurion gear will help a little, but you will need champion rifle and some other better pieces to even start to get competitive.

  12. I use stats because they are a good indicator of offensive ability.


    I play on a low pop server. Everyone knows me, and then gun for me when they see me on the other team. I don't put up 300k because I was ignored. I put up 300k because I did exceptionally well and got lucky a few times.


    People (who I guess have never played another class at 50) are all doom and gloom about snipers at 50. I don't buy it. I've seen some good snipers/gunslingers in action. They do well. I do well right now, and I don't think that's going to change when gear gets in equilibrium again at 50.


    But since apparently no stats can prove that :rolleyes: , I won't try to convince people of it. If you're bad at sniper, you're bad at sniper. Roll something else.


    I can make and show videos of my sniper tearing opponents apart. They dont even know what hit them before they go to the rez pad. I can do 500k+ damage in warzones, and take out most classes that are lower gear in 1v1 easily. That is why we are not impressed with your videos of so called great snipers. We can all do it, but that has never been the point.


    Its when you face equal opposition that snipers show their weakness. You say you are on a low populated server. Im sure that is good for you. Hopefully for you it is also a very imperial heavy server. On my server we face very good opposition at 50 pvp.


    This is no doom discussion. Some of us that play other characters see that snipers have shortcomings. At least the marksman tree. We say it also.

  13. Since I've hit 40, I've pretty much been top damage/dps for every game I've played.


    I've cracked 300k twice, and 270k is the norm (this is all in huttball. Republic is dead on my server.). I 1v1 all the time and win.


    There is nothing wrong with snipers. They rock.


    Yesterday we obviously had a pretty fresh gunslinger against us in warzones. He did not even hit 80k damage in one set up, and barely 100k the other. 2 medals in both, and I noticed he didnt get the 2.5k crit medal. After that we did not see him. He dies faster than any other class. The moment your off the rez pad you are attacked, and you have no chance of winning. Unless you play against a bad group you will not be able to run around and pick off targets. At once they see a sniper is against them they know how to take you out easily and fast.


    I am sure he thought like you before he hit 50. Snipers are extremely powerful before 50. After 50 you hit the brick wall. And yes it is that bad until you get very good gear and stims. The fresh 50 we had in our group a little while back... Havent been seen since.

  14. Define "consistently". Assault vanguards can. Commandos and Gunslingers can if left uninterrupted. Sentinels surely can. A well played focus Guardian can. Sages can't kill particularly fast, but their damage is constant, keeps a target snared, and pretty consistent, plus they put out those huge totals you seem to love.



    I'm not sure what you're saying matters? That my tank's time to kill on a dps is the same as my dps on a tank? You're completely ignoring 2 things: A) Tanks have bigger health pools, generally (yes, even with dps gear), and B) Tanks have significantly better mitigation.


    If you put the two of them on the SAME (stationary) target, the scoundrel's time to kill will be less 100% of the time. Throw in kiting, movement, etc, and that probably drops to 95% of the time.


    You can not assume a stationary target! This is just not possible as it is no stationary targets. The whole "I can do more dps on a training dummy" is really not relevant. Because it does not include the two most important factors in pvp:


    1. Defensive and offensive capability

    2. Health pool


    Yes your operative will kill a squishy dps class faster than your tank. But that has nothing to do with the equation! You completely ignore the fact that time has no impact on killing. Its either you win the fight or you do not.


    If we put up group variables, and add healers and other characters, then it MAY matter, but not necessarily. Some hybrid classes in this game is very powerful because they have excellent defensive and offensive capabilities. Some dps classes have very little defense, and some tanks have little offensive capabilities.

  15. True. That's still 1v1. Which, as previously stated, doesn't matter.



    My scoundrel's time to kill on any target is less than my tank's. 100% of all targets. Just because my tank can kill a dps in the same amount of time it takes my dps to kill a tank doesn't mean the tank is doing the same DPS. My tank would take longer to kill a tank. My dps would take less time to kill a dps. My tank takes a day and a half to kill a (good) healer, even with tricks. My scoundrel can kill one before they come out of stun with tricks, and can, at the very least, make sure they aren't healing anyone else until they die.


    Examples? Until then, PEBKAC.


    Of course it matters. It is damage given in a set amount of time to a set amount of health.


    Scoundrel and operator are the ones who can kill an opponent consistently fast. I give you that. I cant see that other dps can do the same. As such their damage can be insignificant also. This given some circumstances.

  16. It happens very rarely under very specific circumstances. It doesn't happen nearly enough to be concerned about. Please don't exaggerate.


    I think the hardest part of this discussion for those that oppose tanks doing good damage is accepting the fact that someone else is simply better than you. With the multitude of threads like these arising lately, you would think every assassin in the game is walking around with full BM gear and a 31/31/31 spec, which most certainly isn't the case.


    They will fix a lot of the hybrid problems in this game with next patch. So hopefully it will be even less problems then. It is too easy now to be very good in doing damage and tanking. Same with hybrid healers. That make group play very unbalanced also.

  17. Well, for the first 2/3 of your post in which you talk about 1v1, BW has stated that they cannot and will not balance around 1v1. So, yeah.


    For the group argument, I have a 50 assassin tank, and a 50 scrapper scoundrel. My assassin tank will die way less in a WZ, and is good at things like protecting healers. My scoundrel can kill any non-tank non-guarded target before they can react. The scoundrel is leaps and bounds better at actually KILLING things, even with less uptime, because (from a healer's perspective) it's MUCH harder to heal through several 2-4k hits in a row than it is to heal 1 guy through 4 1k hits, and 4 others through 1 1k AE.


    Even though the damage numbers are the same, the higher BURST is far more effective at actually damaging the enemy team. I really don't know why this is hard for you to understand. Maybe this will help: If I'm on my scoundrel healer, and a tank is AEing my team for 1.5k(ish) a pop, I can throw 1 hot on everyone, an EM every now and again, and UWM on whoever the tank's actually on. If a tank gets on someone who's at 25% health, I can pretty much keep them up indefinitely, because the tanks DPS won't be able to out damage my EM + SRM.


    If a DPS gets on someone on my team, I have to A) Hope they already have SRM up on them, and B) Spam UM, eating all of my energy, and hope they can kite away before I go OOE.


    I never talked about balance. I challenged the argument that a tank dont do important damage. That is a flawed argument which has no root in reality. On contrary tanks do a lot of VERY important damage. They can kill dps just as fast as a dps can kill them.


    You say your operator can kill things much faster. In some circumstance yes it can. In others no it can not. But this is based on assumptions.


    As to group balance. This game is very badly group balanced. Some classes have very little use or impact in group play.

  18. There is no clouding of the issue; we are trying to get you to understand a very simple point, that you seem to refuse to comprehend. That's fine, not everyone can understand the difference between meaningful damage and negligible damage.


    I really dont think you understand this. There is no negligible damage. Damage is damage. You assume that just because some damage take a bit longer time to get out, it will be negligible.


    This is a very flawed assumption.


    My hybrid tank will kill my dps every single time. Except if my dps is lucky. Even though he will do less damage per second against a training dummy. Which some use to calculate dps meters.


    So let me ask you. Why is this since my tank do negligible damage?


    I will answer this question for you though, because it is quite simple. The equation have two parameters:


    1. Offensive and defensive equipment and skills

    2. Health


    There is no time in this equation.


    My tank has very superior defensive skills than my dps. It has also more health. My dps have more offensive capabilities, but it is very much lower than my tank have defensive capabilities. As such the damage they will do to eachother is about the same. hence my tank will win. This you see in the game also more often than not. Given equal circumstances.


    Now I do not say this should not be so. Dont take it like that.


    Then we can go to the group argument. Here you will have a lot of different setups. You can assume you have healers in X numbers, or tanks in X numbers etc etc. In these different situations my hybrid tank or dps will perform very differently.


    But this is assumptions. The opening poster had an argument that a tank should not do more damage than a dps in a warzone. This is a very valid argument, because it happens. You can disagree and say that is fine, but it is still a valid argument.

  19. I have always wondered why the more "modern" mmos never learned from UOs success. What I liked best about it was to take new people out to pvp. The day you started you could pvp with all, or pve for that matter. Battles with 100+ players was not uncommon, and even if it was lag, it was just fun.


    UO is still running though. I have my account after 14 years or so. Still log back in from time to time even if it is not many people on.


    Gear based pvp is boring and dull. Pvp with consequense is fun. But then you need equal playfields for the most parts in a game like this. It will not happen.

  20. You assumed I premade. Truth is I PuG more than anything else. And when I do premade, its with friends in a useless composition. (none of us like healing, or tanking, essential components when premading to win). Signing up together is actually a recipe for fail, but we do it anyway because we like playing together.


    My experience is from playing alone. I don’t expect support in any way, because unless in a premade, people don’t tend to support snipers. You have to watch your own back.


    The reason I assumed that is that you said your team helped you. I do see you play a different set up for your sniper though. Very good you have success with it!

  21. There is a lot of flawed logic here. My hybrid tank do more damage in a wz than my dps. My dps however do much more in short period of time. Who wins?


    Here is the problem. Even though my dps can do much more in short period of time, my tank can do almost exact the same amount. Reason for this is my tanks ability to take less damage than my dps because of defenses and armour. Who wins? The tank.


    Now this can be fine. Every class should have a nemesis. But to say that the damage my tank do is meaningless is very very bad. Its actually no logic at all. Damage is damage in a set amount of time against a set amount of health.


    This is an equation:


    You have a gun and you have a handgrenade. The handgrenade kill 3 in 1 minute. The gun kill 1 in 5 seconds, then after 30 seconds he can kill another. Who won at the end of the day?


    Sure you can throw in healers in this equation to make the result worse. But for who?

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