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Posts posted by Karaiblis

  1. I started this game on a PvP server, my first lvl 50 toon made it to that level despite all the hassle. Sadly I discovered that OWPvP was almost never fun battles between factions raging across the land, or chance met enemies battling to the death. It was all just over-leveled gankers in lower level zones, or those that would wait until you were almost dead from a mob and then attack for the gank.


    Halfway though leveling my second character I decided to reroll on a PvE server, and it was the best decision ever. You can tell people who come to cry about it "boohoo, you shouldn't have rolled a PvP server if you don't like ganking" all you want, and you are absolutely correct. I never came here to cry about it, I just took the advice and left, like everyone else has. But you have come here to cry about it, so to you I say "boohoo, you can't tell everyone to leave if they don't like ganking, and then cry when they all do it".


    Join a PvE server and go perma-flagged, you will find people that take advantage of it. Arrange open world battles, they do happen, and are much more fun than the kind of ganking and griefing that people on PvP servers appear to prefer. If ganking is what you are after, then go play a newly released MMO and join the PvP servers before they are old enough to kill themself off with the same behavior.

  2. Exactly. I deliberately left out specific information on how they circumvent the system in regards to detection, as that is not something Bioware would want me to throw out there.


    Suffice to say, there isn't someone sitting there waiting to get banned, and then creating an entirely new account the moment they are. That is all I will say on the matter.


    Obviously I didn't mean use a new one as in "roll up a new account right then". No one here is that braindead. We all know they have accounts waiting and ready to start spamming, it's not a big secret you need to keep.

  3. They do act pretty fast already. I'll be sitting on fleet with all the spam, report them (if they are rampantly spaming I'll take the extra step to add them to ignore) then I get a WZ pop, at the most two WZ pops, and by the time I load back into fleet, it's all new people spamming. It's not like they are just going to throw an account away and use a new one if the old ones aren't getting banned, which means they are responding to reports fairly quickly. Obviously the hydra is much bigger than this warrior, and reactive combat doesn't look like it's going to win the day for us, but the action time I am seeing is well within reason.
  4. Look at it like this. Your wife gets a dog which you didn't really want, but it's there now. You can both either care for it and love it, or neglect it. BW has chosen to neglect it, they ignore it, they beat it, they don't feed it, they starve it. What do you think that dog will turn out like? Do you really think it will be happy and thankful for all the abuse and neglect? No. It will lash out and most likely attack the owner, and in the end most likely die. That is exactly what is happening here.


    :rolleyes: Wow the victimization hyperbole in that response is impressive. The PvP community, like it is in most games, has been toxic from the start. It's not an excuse to ignore part of a game. And EA is EA, they would not chose to ignore gameplay, toxic users or not, if their metrics showed that spending money would make them money. They know what makes them money, EA has almost made a science out of how to make money off gamers. If they aren't spending, it's because they already know it wont make the return they want, no matter how many people speaking from their bellybuttons on some forums claim it's a sure money making move, to rationalize something they want.


    ToR is designed around story and PvE, at this point, most new people that join PvP in game will come from players who do not PvP exclusively. If the toxicity of the community drives them away, then the metrics will be low. BW isn't going to make changes that don't fit into this game's meta, which is a game designed primarily to appeal to casuals. Any changes that can be made within that meta aren't the kinds of things that will pull the PvPers that LoL does, or that any PvP-centric game will. The metrics in this game are always going to be influenced heavily by those players that can and will go do something else in game if PvP becomes too toxic, and resources spent will be decided by those metrics, because that's EA's way.

  5. This is true, the players are the biggest reason the population dies off. I've been in a good sized guild for over two years, and they have always been somewhat hostile to PvP events because of the nasty attitudes they saw in PvP, and not wanting to deal with that or have it tied to the guild name. Recently there has been a big push to get them involved in PvP and show them that it can be a lot of fun, even setting up some kickball events in ranked last season, and joining in server ranked nights.


    Things were great for a while, some people were even starting to PvP more than PvE. Then people started to get tells, and calls out in ops channel, about how they are trash and the scum of the server and all trolls for queuing with friends in regs without full pvp gear instead of queuing solo, in freaking regs. Most of them were just starting and in 162 PvE stuff to get their EXP up, one or two of the most casual didn't have the basic or the pvp coms for a full set, and had to get as much as they could until earning more, and were hovering closer to 1700-1800 exp. These are people throwing in for a couple games every other night or so with friends, they weren't earning their full exhumed set in a week, they weren't crying if they lost, they still contributed to the objectives, and had people in the group coaching them in a friendly manner so they were steadily improving.


    The only reason many were there was to have fun playing with their friends, none of them were interested in being abused or in earning a nasty rep, or trash talking. Now most of them have quit in disgust, and those who liked PvP more and had played the games to get their full set have stopped playing regularly because there is no one in the guild to play with again, and they go off and do other types of non-pvp events. I doubt there will be enough to join group ranked with even a team this season. Two to three teams in grouped ranked from last season that were providing some of the better guilds with their wins, and some of the more casual players a good game, are gone from the queues now. It's not a ton of players by any means, a drop in the bucket, but a bucket is filled with drops, and BW has little reason to spend resources on an empty bucket.

  6. After twenty characters, there's no way I'll ever level another without x12. I have a character sitting at 60 from the x12 to turn into a Togruta if they come out after the x12, but I would really prefer to level one up and see them in all the cut scenes, and if they come out before the x12 ends I'll make one from scratch. Which, sadly, means it's in BW best monetary interest to release them after the x12 and get the unlock and the character change fees from people that are on the edge about leveling vs changing like I am, rather than to pick the option that would make an extra group of customers happier. But hey, maybe they have metrics that indicate more people will buy the unlock if they can level with x12. I doubt it tho, since a new race hasn't happened with x12 before for them to gather metrics on.
  7. I did kind of mean there would be one racer ship, with some of the most common options to choose from, that would be like a tutorial ship, but a more in depth course would allow for learning shield/weapon/power swapping, and possibly some targeting and how to shoot a missile, like say, if you hit it right for a couple seconds you open up a faster way out of an asteroid you flew into to grab a flag, but if you miss you have to fly back out the way you went into the asteroid in the first place (weapon power for shooting if you have lower damage or accuracy, or if you have different abilities you might need engine power to make the breach in time). It would use the system already developed tho for GSF, instead of needing to design a minigame from scratch, and add depth. Not saying it would be cheap or anything, the course would take resources, but if it's targeted at those wanting races, it might be worth it for BW, instead of just being for GSF enthusiasts
  8. How fast can you make the Kessel run, dodging through asteroid fields, flying down worm gullets, skirting the Maw's gravity wells, and making sharp turns through shipyards to get to the finish line?


    Going from one section of the forums to another, reading some suggestion threads in each and thinking of the problems of implementing the poster's requests, I came up with an idea. Many posters have suggested race style events, but with speeders all being a set speed and in 2d terrain, wins would end up being mostly decided by latency, or a big investment of resources by BW to develop a racing speeder system, which also seems unlikely to be justified.


    GSF players have asked for a better tutorial to help retain more new players, but BW has stated their metrics don't don't show an increase of players with an increase of accessibility, so the resources can't be justified. But how about using the existing GSF system to design ship races.


    Races would be a test of precision flying and speed vs safety in a 3d environment. Competitive players would need to become skilled at swapping between shield and engine power, and maybe even ship weapons could be involved to blast away debris or clear other objectives. The current ships special moves could be used to speed up or specially maneuver through obstacles, heal, etc. choosing crew could give you bonuses to heals, or communication to see a little farther afield on a course minimap, or engine power.


    Those that just like to race could just run race events, and maybe when some get comfortable with the controls they will add to the GSF community as well. These races can be entirely no-friendly fire for people that don't like PvP, and there could be a map version where shooting other racers is enabled, giving GSFers a new map that does double duty reaching the game consumers. This would not require AI development to create NPC enemies, it could all be terrain based, and it would also let people get used to ship controls much faster and easier and less frustratingly than dying over and over in a couple seconds when they jump new into GSF matches.


    The race could be laid out in a 'track' so to speak, with safe vs dangerous paths through obstacles where risk vs reward is a factor, that ends at a finish line (or ring to fly through), or it could be a 'collect all these touch-points around the map in any order and the first person to get them all is the winner' type race.


    Would current GSF players like that kind of content, would it be helpful as an accessibility tool, do you think non GSFers would find it different enough and fun enough and less frustrating enough to get more involved?

  9. The x12 is a PvE bonus, and it gives PvE coms that are perfectly adequate, rather more than adequate, for PvE content. PvP coms can be used to up your gear if you want extra updated stuff. Trying to complain that PvE doesn't give enough coms for PvP is braindead, use the PvP coms if you need to stay updated for PvP. You can't say "I'm saving all my PvP coms and not using any, so I expect my PvE quest rewards to be big enough to gear me for PvE and PvP so that I don't have to spend PvP coms for PvP necessities" :rolleyes:
  10. I upgrade mods every 10 levels, same with my companion, and have way more coms than I need and have no problem killing anything in the class quest. Upgrading mods every level is retardedly unnecessary.
  11. Covert energy helm to force a non-graphic hood-off look is so needed and I don't understand why it's not in game yet, people have been asking for it since the release of the first covert items. Some people have said it's because it makes the f2p hide helm fee that many people buy no longer needed, but all BW has to do is make the Covert Helm more expensive to buy the the f2p account unlock for hide helm. People would still buy it at a high price point to get rid of hoods and any f2p trying to cheese the hide hood fee would actually be giving BW more money than if they bought the hide helm unlock in the first place. Win/win/win, it's all around win.


    since when have they had invisible pants (underwear)? Last I heard that one was missing too.


    Not that ugly *** grey underwear is very appealing, its just has been a long requested feature and figured I would have heard about it...


    It doesn't have to stay grey any longer, there are dye slots in the cartel vendor version of it. (tho it's still ugly underwear, at least it doesn't have to be dirty/dingy gray)

  12. lol...nice try


    Haha, well tho, it is true, pops are fast. I don't know how competitive ranked is, but the couple of evenings I dipped my toe in the water I got pops quickly (yolo). And I do hear people calling out for ranked group, or letting people know ranked group is popping at least three nights of the week. I'm on the west coast, but 95% of the time I don't have any latency issues playing on an east coast server, and people that live on the east coast can't really claim any better, lag hits everyone from time to time.

  13. Have fun with that, heals are very rewarding sometimes, and everyone can almost always use good heals on their team. I hope you face many bads and get to feel powah, there are plenty out there. (I don't suggest standing in one place for long ;) )
  14. I played about 20 reg games this weekend on my heal sorc and sage. I have to say that I love when I get three gimps beating on me and I can ignore them, just like I'm sure you competent dps love to meet them and melt them with two hits. But with everyone striving so hard to alert people to the value of EXP and bolster it doesn't happen as often anymore (which is a good thing). Now I usually get what I did this last weekend, two determined dpsers that kill me no matter how hard I try to heal and stay out of range when I have little to no support.


    If I don't have any peels or a guard or a co-healer on me, I can't take on two max EXP well played maras or a mara and a jug or a sorc and a mara tunneling me for long, and certainly not without running and LoS and kiting. (I mention those combos in particular because that's what was smacking me around this particular weekend, man those were some great maras). This sounds like a l2p issue to me, because those guys had no trouble beating me down, even tho I can go toe to toe with three bads or undergeared toons all day. Did you look to see if the healer had a guard on them, that makes a big difference, were they getting heals from a co-healer, if you were interrupting and stunning right, there's no way they could have stood there and not had to run away/break LoS/kite and taken three good dps in max EXP, even if they were in ravager gear themself.


    I don't claim to be the best heals or even near it, but even those that I watch that are, whom I use as examples of how to get better, can not take three max EXP well played DPS indefinitely without any guard or co-heals on them, and no running/los breaking/kiting at all (tho you rarely see any of them not do those things unless they are facing undergeared bads or have guard and peels and another healer supporting them too, and can afford ignore them). Even they go down against three well played focused DPS when they stand still and have no back up support. So... check your gear, check your rotation abilities, I know you are claiming to have old pvp gear and experience, but the meta is different now, that really doesn't mean anything.

  15. I'm just entering Hoth on my Consular now, and I get the feeling that they didn't like Consulars much by the choice of companions:



    I mean you've got the Wookie slaughtering hunter, the Tony Stark wannabe without the money, courage and charm, the psychotic murderous Twilek, and (I'm told) the spoilt rebellious child. I don't even want to know what other companion is going to be inflicted upon me.



    If you are just entering Hoth, you are about to meet what other companion is being inflicted on you, and if you are female, it's the biggest troll of all.


  16. How fast can you make the Kessel run, dodging through asteroid fields, flying down worm gullets, skirting the Maw's gravity wells, and making sharp turns through shipyards to get to the finish line?


    Going from one section of the forums to another today, reading some suggestion threads in each and thinking of the problems of implementing the poster's requests, I came up with an idea. Many posters have suggested race style events, but with speeders all being a set speed and in 2d terrain, wins would end up being mostly decided by latency, or a big investment of resources by BW to develop a racing speeder system, which also seems unlikely to be justified.


    GSF players have asked for a better tutorial to help retain more new players, but BW has stated their metrics don't don't show an increase of players with an increase of accessibility, so the resources can't be justified. But how about using the existing GSF system to design ship races.


    Races would be a test of precision flying and speed vs safety in a 3d environment. Competitive players would need to become skilled at swapping between shield and engine power, and maybe even ship weapons could be involved to blast away debris or clear other objectives. Special moves could be used to speed up or specially maneuver through obstacles, choosing crew could give you bonuses to heals, or communication to see a little farther afield on a course minimap, or engine power.


    Those that just like to race could just run race events, and maybe when some get comfortable with the controls they will add to the GSF community as well. These races can be entirely no-friendly fire for people that don't like PvP, and there could be a map version where shooting other racers is enabled, giving GSFers a new map that does double duty reaching the game consumers. This would not require AI development to create NPC enemies, it could all be terrain based, and it would also let people get used to ship controls much faster and easier and less frustratingly than dying over and over in a couple seconds when they jump new into GSF matches.


    The race could be laid out in a 'track' so to speak, with safe vs dangerous paths through obstacles where risk vs reward is a factor, that ends at a finish line (or ring to fly through), or it could be a 'collect all these touch-points around the map in any order and the first person to get them all is the winner' type race.

  17. I like Arena's, I know it will be a quick fill for my daily quests win or lose, or quick coms if I'm done with them, and it's nice to have some exposure to them before trying ranked, especially since you can't really check out ranked when a season is on and they cut out preseasons.
  18. I played about 15 regs last night, and the population was at least 50% the same across both teams from game to game (it was a pub/pub night). There were many people from pvp guilds in the queue, and you know what, they swapped from team to team with whomever the match-finder threw them together with. It would be easy to say OMG they are good and on one side! In fact the salty rage from some people on the teams that popped in for a game or two was exactly that. But two games later they would be all mixed up and on my side and three of their original team still on the other side. Even guild members were changing from same side to opposite to same against each other depending on the match, if you didn't play long enough you wouldn't have seen there was no superqueue premade going on here, and would be raging about premades just like the guys that only popped in a few games and rage quit, but that doesn't mean it was true.


    Yes I do know better, I know that most premades are friends wanting to play together and not part of the hardcore pvp guilds, and not anywhere near their play level. I'm not saying it isn't annoying to get face-stomped by one when they queue all night, because duh, no one likes it and it makes people quit when they can't even get medals for their coms and get three capped in the first minute and then farmed from the spawn point for the next 15. But the number of players in those premades is not large enough to support their own queue, even if they queue regularly, because most 'premades' are average skilled friends that run a couple of WZ here and there, to play together in a game designed to be played together.

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