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Posts posted by Karaiblis

  1. Went to do an appearance change today and it's still there. Pleeeeease either take it out of the preview and stop taunting us with the perfect hairstyle look you won't allow us to buy, or add the buy button already. I know you are working hard on Togrutas but this bug has been there for a really really long time now and it's so unfair. :mad:
  2. Pretty sure you'll be able to opt out of it by not taking the quest that'll kick it off.


    From the story yes, but not from leveling, even if they only pvp they will lvl into the top bracket, faster since they are doubling the pvp xp gain. Which is also fair, being able to level lock to farm everyone lower in 30-59 pvp is not all that fair to others.


    On the other hand, PvP gear will now be very easy to get, if your teen is old enough to pick up the skills (quite understandable if they are not yet), you might consider getting them a gaming keybind mouse and helping them lean how to keybind instead of click and watch how much they get better (encourage them to watch some of the streams as well for learning tips, heck, have fun watching them together), and maybe they will enjoy the game even more as they grow into a new level of competition. You can only get so old before level locking to fight lower level newbs goes from being a fair match of their current abilities to farming easy marks and being uncool.

  3. I decided to try something new when the gear change was announced (since I'll be able to gear them) and I picked up a Kinetic tank for something new (and because Krea made a great guide so I didn't feel so in the dark), and it's a lot harder than my healer. Maybe that's because I don't know how to tank, and as a healer I've played for years. I am still frustratingly bad at it, but I have learned a lot about the meta by doing it. I may decide I hate it when I get her gear finished out, but I wont think it was wasted effort, I learned way more about being a better player then when I picked up a DPS.
  4. I was a bit busy flirting with my male comps to notice. And then seeing if I could make said male comps jealous.




    That one Twi'lek on PubTaris.. Y'know, the governor lady... Yeah, I remember her pretty well. My BH hates to listen to her. My Trooper really wishes s/he refused the call to adventure on Taris and his refused to help her, maybe even leave her on that rock.


    ... Okay, I'm terrible with names. But I remember the people.


    That's kind of funny that you don't remember her name. However, probably the entire Republic wishes you could have left Governor Saresh on that rock now that we've been through Makeb and Ziost.


    I loved to hate Thana, I'd love to have her as a companion because of that. I mean there are plenty of companions I hate (Skadge) that are boring lumps of bad story, Thana is way more fun to hate.

  5. I would like to ask for a bundle pack that has a space dicoclub room set up please! I'd really like to get a ceiling light disco ball and maybe some more space disco club decos.


    Credits merchant: Regular mirrored disco ball ceiling light deco that throws out white lights moving around the floor

    Cartel version: Ceiling light mirrored disco ball with colored lights around it that flash and make color patches move on the floor along with the little white lights


    Band members would be fantastic, singer, kloo player, xantha player, but then the big rare pack item, Band Arrangement, the only way to get your very own Ortolan circular piano synth player! It's a mini stage with floor lights and a singer and kloo player and xantha player and the blue ortolan playing the synth keyboard all up performing for your very own cantina disco club room!


    A VIP club booth would be nice, you could just reskin the cantina bundle booth to be more disco colored and spread more bottles around the table


    Add in a waitress (maybe togruta -I am partial) dressed in club appropriate attire (not the wedding dress the current waitress wears) and maybe a big bt3 bouncer that looks something like Captain Pierce (Mmmm Pierce) or recolored waiter droids holding trays with drinks on them.


    A holodancer on a holo pole like in the slippery slopes


    Add some floor or wall deco that looks like water with bubbles drifting up through it and a neon light shining from the bottom.


    A neon holo sign for the wall of a palm tree.


    A female or male neon wall sign light or floor projection like the Ravagers operation deco loot or the holo girl decos on Nar Shaddaa in the redlight district entrance.


    And if it's not in a bundle but in a pack instead, I waaaaant space disco outfits they wore in space movies when Star Wars was first a thing. Jumpsuits, space gogo boots (Leia and Padme both wore these), shiny fabric!





  6. However they do it, they need to find some way of making decorations available enough that you can at least create matching rooms in your strongholds. This was very possible with the stronghold packs, but since the change in the pack contents it has become incredibly difficult. Either let us buy copies of things we already have for a CC fee each copy, or make packs work like stronghold packs again, or release decos in their own packs.
  7. As I said in a similar thread, EU characters can be transferred to the PTS which is in the USA.


    Your move atheists !




    You're wrong. You can not transfer a character to the PTS. You can make a copy, but that character is brand new just like if you went to a US server and made a brand new character. It just ups your level and items and name to match a template as a server feature, but it's a brand new character and the files of information for that character are not the same files the original character uses that have legal issues from being transferred from a server they were created on to another.

  8. I might kill Quinn if given the choice, but I'd have to leave that up to Pierce, since I gave Quinn to him for his plaything and Pierce might be attached to him by now. A man like Pierce needs a reliable source of fade-to-black moments around anyway, and my SW is definitely in and out too much to be more than a beloved mistress that meets him on her terms.


    Pierce <3

  9. I keep seeing everyone mentioning that they will build X squad of companions did BW actually state u can take companions from a different class?

    I read "reunite with old and new companions", how do ppl make this huge gap that every toon can recruit any original companion from any class?....snip


    This article here, bolded part for relevance:


    "You're able to recruit help and additional companions from an expanded cast, including companions who were previously exclusive to other classes," said Maclean. "Building that alliance involves going to all the planets in the galaxy and doing activities and missions that build faction. If you want to recruit a character who's favorable to the Mandalorians, you'll be able to do missions for them. You want to recruit a character who hates the Hutts, you'll do missions to build your alliance standing against them."

    From: http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/15/8736559/star-wars-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-expansion

  10. I would pick Kaliyo first only if my female agent can finally romance her, since there were so many lines that could only be flirts even tho there was no [flirt] tag, and they met some of her past girlfriends during the story.


    Otherwise I liked Elara best, intelligent, beautiful, (that voice) and not so ridiculously young and obnoxious like Nadia and Kira and Mako uugh go back to the schoolroom girls. You can write a pedo-bait character that hasn't matured past the age of 14 and slap an arbitrary age of 20 on her to make it legal (Nadia, I'm looking at your writer here), but that doesn't make it ok.

  11. I hope it's 20. SW media is jampacked with cross generational stories, Shans in KoTOR, Skywalkers in the movies, Fels Darklighters, etc in the books, the new movie will even pass the torch again. I would *LOVE* to play the next generation just like that, as well as still play my current characters (and in 20 years they will still be capable heroes). But either way it better be less than 12 or more than 17. Because anything closer to 15 will be close enough to tempt next generation characters, and the RP servers will be overrun with 15yr old Jedi-Sith-SuperSiS-Mandalorian-strippers doing things I don't want to read about 15yr olds doing, at lest let the time line encourage adult characters, whichever way it tilts.
  12. Working up companion affection would be a pain, but worth it to get rid of some, as long as we don't lose crafting/gathering skill bonuses for some but not for losing others. It just needs to be across the board one way or the other.
  13. The first day it came out I got it and it was bigger (granted it was buggy that day, so maybe they fixed it quickly and I didn't notice that came with a size change), a chair wont fit on it now
  14. The floor covering, Ornate Merchant's Rug from the Republic Essentials Bundle on the Cartel Market, used to cover a decent amount of floor space, but for some reason it's shrunk to the size of a handkerchief, it just barely fits your character's feet on it. Could you get a hold of SWTOR's dry-cleaning service and make them replace all the shrunken rugs, please?
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