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Everything posted by carliiiiito

  1. at lvl 16 i dont think anyone has much utility.i have a 18 jugg and aside from taunt(wich assassin also have)i have maybe sunder armor u could count as utility?I dont see what utility your missing. And like the other guy said most of what makes a assassin decent in pvp is at higher tier in talents/ability.So i suggest staying with a madness build on the outside of fights,if u run in headfirst you ll die before you realize your being focused.
  2. just wanted to say something about the fps. i have an ok pc ,nothing special,i have never even once encountered a fps drops,nowhere,ever. Smooth 60-90 fps regardless of how many people on screen. WZ,FP,even the imperial fleet on veela where it gets to about 180 people . Not saying it doesnt happen but its not as widespread as you claim ,imo Never been to ilum so cant comment there
  3. ive said this before and ill say it again .If the Nge didnt kill swg,minor flaws wont kill swtor. Lots of people will play even if its godawful(wich its far from being)just because its star wars.
  4. this thread reminds me of rogues in the begining of wow(see world of roguecraft 1) The surge nerf affected everyone,but according to operative it hits them harder. Switch to marauder forum,they claim they got hit the hardest Some sins also claim that nerf hit them harder . It affected everyone,so in my book ,not a nerf but a BALANCE CHANGE. now back to usual flaming/qq and the likes
  5. more than likely if a pug leader starts giving direction and assigning task and such the chat will erupt in a sea of..."no you go defend the nodes "shut up noob no one cares about you""just play the game and stop whinning"
  6. at number 10 you say its very gear dependant.i see every class say that ,oh yeah but we are very gear dependant. Could you elaborate on what that means precisely?cuz any class with outdated gear will suffer . please explain a little more.
  7. last night on voss ,i was hit by a cryo grenade and my force lightning still finished.. might just be a visual bug,but yeah it still finished
  8. first thing ,nice post ,well structured .refreshing from all the qq post on here. that said,im 100% sure that when they designed ilum,they had a nicely put together powerpoint like yours detailing why such and such would promote good pvp.Unfortunately ,on paper and in reality rarely are the same.Players will find ways to exploit/bug/cheat that you never expected.A good example is adding kills to the daily/weekly quests.I m sure they tought ,well that will promote pvp they need kills now,player chose kill trading.faster and easier.
  9. pushback is when your casting or channeling a spell example dark heal is a 2 second cast,if i hit you while you are casting it ,you are "pushed back " in your cast a few tenth of a second(.5 i think),meaning your cast will take 2.5 seconds for channeling it works the opposite ,if you are channeling a spell and i hit you, the spell will end sooner ,often skipping some of the damage may the force be with you
  10. i think andro is better ,seems to stick to my target a lot more ,ashara like to charge around and get damaged a lot
  11. i too was a tank paladin in wow,my guild leaders would refer any new up and coming tanks to me for advice/tips/tricks and whatnot. Main tanked for two years without any of em knowing I CLICKED EVERY SINGLE ABILITY. im 34 years old and been playing on pc for about 12 years,the clickin is so natural to me that even if i keybind ill still click most of the time.i just forget that i have keybinds! pvp is a whole different story ,but to answer your question .yes you can be a succesful clickin tank ps i would bind taunt/aoe taunt and maybe a def cd.but thats as far as i go with keybinds and i do just fine
  12. The only part of your post i really agree with is the cc.Resolve,while a good idea,doesnt really work..byt the time you get a full resolve bar your pretty much dead,so most people wont bother trying to cc again cuz they can just burst you down,or like you said they out of cc anyway. i also think the hazards(firepit/acid) do a bit to much damage.Last night i got an opponent to about 10 % and while the animation for assassinate was running he managed to get a knockback in,i flew off and landed in a already light firepit ,died in about 1.5 seconds.not fun ,not skill based ,just frustrating imo. aside from those 2 things ,the rest will fix itself with time.
  13. no one says empire deserves fast queues?would you be saying the same thing if republic outnumbered empire 5 to 1? not my fault if people chose one side more than the other ,just is that way
  14. iirc ,the switch happens just before the separatist arrests her and send her to the camp. the first 2-3 times you see queen amidala its natalie portman,after the arrest its the other actress i dont know her name but im sure its not kiera knightly. hope this helps
  15. just wanted to say ,if the nge didnt kill swg ,i highly doubt swtor will die cuz of a few MINOR pvp change
  16. ROFLMAO oh noes they moved a thread...and you unsubbed for that ????
  17. in hammer station you can get the detoxifiyng filters if u have bioanalysis.i did last night but i never found a place to use them anyone know? they also did not show up in my inventory and the icon was still on the map ? anyone knows something would be greatly appreciated
  18. im a sith assassin lvl 44 with artifice at 400.At first it was indeed a pretty big money sink vs the rewards i d get.past lvl 35 or so ,you make more than enough money just questing ,all my skills are bought ,my gear is up to date and i still have 300k + credits. My lightsaber always have the best possible hilt in it,same lvl lightsabers from fp or heroic4 are never as good as i can make mine. So id say it has realistic use throughout leveling and at 50 i can make rakata lvl relics with augment,so still useful. I dont see a problem here
  19. your post does come off as whining.and your title also leads people to think your doing nothing but whining.So does your signature while im at it.The way you interpret what the dev said is also misleading if a discussion is what you were after. Lines like "didnt want pvp to be good " completely destroy any valid argument you had,makes you look like a whiner. just trying to help..example : change title to "discussion about 1.2 pvp changes" might get you better response
  20. i play a marauder anni spec lvl 25,if i dont get rooted/slowed/knockbaked i just wreck people.so imo,if u add limits to those form of cc..melee will be way too powerful .
  21. and there you go exagerating a very small thing as if it make the game unplayable. i think you did prove his point
  22. i think they are surprised at how popular it is because it wasnt their main sell point,more of a added flavor type thing.Not "they never wanted it to be good",why would you make a game and purposely make pvp bad?i hope your smart enough to not believe that. About faction imbalance,i really dont see what they can do for that,i know personally there is no incentive that will make me switch sides.more exp,credits,valor..whatever ,i want to shoot lightning from my fingers ,nothing will change that . You also state that legacy will make repubs switch to imp,why wouldnt the opposite be true?cant tell till we actually see the changes imo. as for huttball 2.0 ,it is enabled for same faction but not only same faction..youll will get huttball 2.0 rep vs imps,wich means more variety,wich imo is a good thing. so will 1.2 kill pvp,no ,not at all
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