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Everything posted by DuckKing

  1. When your in Montreal, you aren't saving just Canadians you're saving *French Canadians.
  2. I like how everyone keeps hounding me for not being creative enough making up names. I spent like 25 minutes trying to get a good decent name that didn't sound stupid and I made another post on page 2 which I posted that Ozheka'bys, Hatan'daadus aren't unique and creative enough? I mean what are the chances? I just made 2 random names up with apostrophes and they were taken. You all keep assuming I'm using common names like Alice or Tom or something. No I'm not. I play on the Ebon Hawk and for the 3rd time creating name is something I must get right for RP reasons. I didn't know coming up with a unique star wars-esque name would be such a tedious task to obtain... It's ok cause 4 pages ago I finally found a name I liked and used. Feel free to keep throwing stones at me though for whatever reason.
  3. I've tried using the names Ozheka'bys, Hatan'daadus. I've tried using these three names and they were all taken... two of the names of the three also had apostrophes. I thought using an apostrophes would be a clever way to increase my chances of obtaining a name. I don't think you could get anymore unique with the three names I listed but apparently I guess I wasn't as clever as I thought I was... Oh well I found a name like an hour ago prior to my original post but I would still welcome a name purge as I think trying to obtain names as of right now are a bit tedious. Like I said, as a RPer a name is very important to me and it's something that I must get right especially when they have meanings and involve my other characters in my personal story.
  4. The only reason why I don't see them doing a name purge this year is Bioware is maybe seeing if old players will get the itch to come back to play KOTFE or come back to the game when Episode VII releases. This is a pretty big year for Star Wars and I think lots of people might return to SWTOR and want to keep their original names. If Bioware doesn't do a name purge this year, I'd be happy to wait next year when the waters have settled but if they get around to doing it this year would be much appreciated.
  5. Maybe if your on dead server like Pot5 or Jung Ma. I play on an RP server and a name is EVERYTHING I must get right. Also, you didn't read my whole original post. My number one rule is that I am against using accents and alt characters in my names for the reasons I've listed. Bioware has done a name purge before and I don't see why they can't do it again...
  6. I'm a pretty creative person when it comes to making up random names that you think would never be taken but it's gotten to the point were every name I come up with is taken... I know... I can keep making random names till I find an open one but I also hate using ridiculous silly spelled names too I rather not use. Oh yeah, also my number one rule in all MMO's is that I never make names with accents. I think it's much easier for people to add you to friends list, invite to guilds, groups or finding you through the who list without the trouble tabbing out to go look up alt key codes for accents. A name purge would be much appreciated... if not, well I guess I'll have to be more experimental and imaginative. I've even used those random name generators on google and I still can't come up with a good name without it being taken...
  7. SWTOR needs a big eventful Mandalorian story in this game. Mandalorian Raiders and Bloodhunt are just little mandalorian side stories. All Bioware does is keep introducing Imperial/Republic Planets in this game. I was disappointed when Ziost was announced. Like we needed another Imperial relic planet. There are so many Mandalorian themed planets and moons in the Mandalore sector and we can't get one? Mandalore, Concord Dawn, Concordia, Dxun, Kuar and the list goes on... Where are the Basilisk War Droid Mounts? Why should we rally behind Mandalore the Vindicated's cause when he lets his own Mandalorian people get bullied around and lets Darth Tormen force chokes our companions or instead of doing anything significant he rather sit on his butt all day in the Outer Rim drinking black ale, ne'tra gal getting drunk and throwing parties doing blacklist hand-outs. The current Mandalore is a disgrace to all Mandalorians. He does nothing but play puppet for the Empire. Every day Mandalorians slowly leave his side and become Neo-Crusaders for many good reasons rightfully so. The Vindicated needs to be Challenged. We need a new Mandalore. That is all...
  8. I am looking to buy a Selkath Console decoration. If anyone on the Ebon Hawk server has one for sale I'll gladly buy it from you. Give me a price and we can negotiate or work something out. Leave your contact info here in this thread or send me a private message over these forums. Also would be nice too know if this is "THE" actual Selkath console and not the Sensor Console: X1-74 you are selling. Any confirmation would be nice cause I know this particular deco has been bugged in the past and I just want to know that it's using the correct skin and not the X1-74 skin. As of right now in the decorations window the preview is still showing the Selkath Console as a Sensor Console: X1-74 deco.
  9. A decoration I've seen drop quite frequently in Temple of Sacrifice. It ain't 20 million worth in my eyes. As hard and difficult you may think getting that decoration is worth as far as I've seen on The Ebon Hawk the general consensus is that no one views that as a "cool" or "must have" decoration. If your looking for immediate business selling rare decorations I still reckon people are more interested in the reconstructed hypergate decoration in Terror from Beyond which I've seen others bank up to 8-12 mill for it on a regular basis and it's much more easier for your guild most likely to obtain since you are clearing out ToS every week. I mean by the looks of your post saying stuff like "so we can sell them immediately via COD" makes me think your looking to get fast credits for your guild for whatever reason... Replica Sacrificial Sphere ain't gonna be selling like hotcakes and if it does good for you I guess. I just know it's not a "wanted" decoration... though beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... Goodluck.
  10. But I'm not even a PvPer... I'm an RPer and play on the Ebon Hawk... I couldn't care less about pvp and ganking.
  11. You are really concerned about starter planets being flagged zones on a pvp server....
  12. When you roll on a PvP server you know what you sign up for. It's not like you go there and not expecting to get ganked. If it happens in a noob zone than it happens. You're still able to play.
  13. Thing is though no one plays on PvP servers anymore.. well maybe the 60 people that are left on them. If they can bare the agony and stress playing on a dead server then they could probably bare being ganked 10 or 20 times.
  14. I suppose but traveling to these locked areas open up great RP opportunities. It's not like Imperials would be able to interact with republic mission NPC's or pick up any missions vice versa republic side. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to fly and travel to Ord Mantell and just walk around and RP or A bunch of level 60+ Republic OPs group form a huge Assault on Dromund Kaas to pvp with imps.
  15. Now excuse myself as I really haven't dug deep in all the information that Bioware has released about the new expansion so correct me if I'm wrong. From what I assume is that we are considered an "Outlander" and that the empire and republic have kind of collapsed. My question is will Imperials and Republic be able to travel to locked areas or worlds of the opposite factions? Like since launched Imperials have been blocked from entering republic zones on Nar Shaddaa. As an Imperial toon now considered an "Outlander" will I be able to travel to locked zones and areas that are only exclusive to republic side? Could I travel to places like Coruscant vice versa Republic being able to travel to Dromund Kass regardless having no business there being it's capital of the sith empire. The only planets that should be faction locked are Korriban and Tython. As an "Outlander" we should be able to travel to places like Coruscant, Dromund Kass, Ord Mantell, Hutta and all of Nar Shaddaa regardless what faction you play. I mean this seems like a good opportunity to finally open up these locked zones since the new expansion changes our stories a bit and what our characters will become after 5 years. What do you guys think? Everything should be free reign at this point in the upcoming story except Korriban and Tython.
  16. The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club...
  17. 1. Trandoshan 2. Trandoshan 3. Trandoshan I don't think I couldn't be any more clear on how much I want to play a Trandoshan in this game
  18. I feel like me and a couple of my guild members are the only ones disappointed by this. Man life sucks... out of all statues this has to be BOP and cannot be donated. Wish more people cared. Oh well life goes on...*sigh*
  19. It does say BOP on the vendor but I only realized that after I had bought them and tried to donate them to the guild. I do not need them for my personal stronghold but again the other centerpiece statue on the other cartel bazaar rep vendors aren't BOP so I'm not sure why this one specifically needs to be BOP... :/
  20. I believe those ones are the First Statue of Mandalore. The Second Statue of Mandalore is on the Esstran Exports vendor in the Cartel Bazaar and I figured everything on those vendors weren't BOP. But I sure hope they do fix this where we are able to donate these statues to the guild. :/
  21. If I knew then yea I wouldn't have bothered spending so much of my real life money on packs to build my rep up for just these statues.
  22. I tried and that doesn't work either sadly... It sucks because I thought it wouldn't be BOP since I successfully donated those Yavin statues with Spear to my guild from the Freebooter's trade union rep vendor. I figure everything off those Cartel Bazaar vendors were not BOP but I guess I was wrong and I am one huge sad panda right now. :/
  23. Sooooooooo disappointing.... I was building my rep up so looking forward to donating these statues to the guild and I just noticed they are BOP. I wish I had knew this before but I figured since the Yavin Guard with Spear Statues on the Freebooter's Trade Union Reputation vendor aren't BOP I thought the Second Grand Statue of Mandalore also wouldn't be BOP. I hope this will be fixed! I'm so very sad!
  24. I don't really have a dream mount but I would like a speeder with some more increased speeds also we need taller and bigger versions of Recon/Command Walker mounts. They are to small for me. You look at all of the amazing walkers on Balmorra in the Sobrik area or the walker Kephess rides in then look back at the one you ride in it looks ridiculously small compared to what other walkers you see in game in other places... :/
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