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Everything posted by LastWizard

  1. I need to do a better job clarifying. Marauders and juggernauts I struggle with. Marauders have cloak of pain, saber ward, force camo, undying rage. Which are clearly better defensive cooldowns.
  2. Forgot to mention, when running madness spec, it's not best to sit there, you have to kite.
  3. Never said I lost...at least I hope not. I just think damage should be reduced. I think the spec gives below average players higher chances of getting kills. When it comes to skill very few assassins on my server are better. The spec is OP, I haven't seen a warrior use carnage, anni, or vengeance in the longest time. I wonder why that is? And if an assassin doesn't have force shroud up, like I said, and the warrior is halfway decent, warrior gets the edge.
  4. Well, in a 1v1 they still are trouble. With force crush/force exhaustion I'm slowed, if I try to know him away, he will use leap/obliterate then smash. If deflection helped reduce force damage, I wouldn't complain, but it doesn't. In a 1v1, they still hit for a massive amount, not to mention juggs get extra health and matauders have superior defensive cooldowns. 1v1 edge still goes to a warrior in this regard.
  5. The smash spec for warriors has taken over(at least on my server) and quite frankly I'm tired of this spec. No matter how I change my gear, kite, and use my force shroud,(assassin main) I'm still getting hit for 6-7k damage. Giving automatic AoE criticals isn't at all fair for other classes. I'm in full war hero gear and another player in bm/recruit hit me for 5k. If I don't have force shroud up, and the other player is half way decent, I'm most likely going to die, in a straight up fight it is very difficult for an assassin to beat a warrior. I just think the critical damage should be lowered. Hitting people for 1/3 of their health im one shot is ridiculous. I hate complaining but in wz's warriors/knights are really the only thing that slows me down. Anybody else think it's balanced? Or am I just lacking a lot of skill here?
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