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Everything posted by _Kayko_

  1. Are you implying that I quit 90% of the warzones I enter? Or admitting you quit 90%? I'm going to go with the latter on that one seeing that I have only once left a warzone under my own accord, that being a Novare that was already finished yet people kept getting queued into it. (oh, and a couple lowbie ones back in the day (pre 1.2) cause of the incapacitated bug. Other then that, I keep doing at least something or just taking the beating. I can recall multiple times you leaving Huttballs alone as stated above before the Baron gets done finishing the other team scores lines, some of them on the 1v1 score. And you are right, many of the quits were before the matches would even start, well 5 or so seconds before the matches would start. I just guessed you were that slow in going through the list and inspect every single piece of gear everyone else was wearing. The ones you would leave after it had started are like what I posted before. You are the one that needs to be carried, not me. I take my losses. Do I give up some times? Sure lets see, once. I was back filled into a voidstar and see 6 people on one side, see the bomb planted on that side, door opens a half second later and see 6 enemies on the other side, when the first thing you see is a 2v6 bomb plant?? yes, that one I stripped down, did a little dance, and still managed to hit 3rd in overall damage on my team. Though, what I originally started in this post has nothing to do with you needing to be carried or my QQ against a class that admittedly can't seem to face (well more-so the players playing them, Mara/Sent is unbeatable in the hands of a decent player) This was about B30 taking their combined queues and going through, even the majority of their 4 man groups have all the advantage over a Pub pug, they don't get any better by having 8 vs 2 or perhaps 3 decent or good Pubs in a group.
  2. Yes, you're right, I am a "teribad" First off, I'm asking a question in the PvP forums to try and figure out if I am missing something. I don't play a Marauder or a Sentinel, I don't have the playing knowledge of the class. I take the time to record and review my warzones in an effort to get better and learn any little trick against a particular class/spec. It's something I picked up from my old days of WoW and pushing US firsts, it stuck with me and something I will always continue to do. I have been under the knowledge that 30 meters is the max range for Force Leap and noticed in my video that this particular leap was further then my assumed range. At any point, I will fully admit that this play is far better at their class then I am at mine, I am not above admitting someone is better. I removed all the names from the warzone as to not even look as if I am calling someone a hacker. Without proof of hacking or exploiting, I will never assume that is the case. About the quitting of warzones, Every time I saw your name in a warzone, before the second turret was fully turned, before Baron Deathmark finished saying "Score one for", before the fade of the notification of your first death was gone, I knew that I would see your name leaving the warzone. You like many other quitters want nothing more then to be carried by others and the way you leave shows that to be true.
  3. _Kayko_

    36 meter leap?

    Ok granted, perhaps the distance readout on the name plate is wrong. However, if the system put him at 30 meters and he is able to leap, then I should be able to attack as well at that range. Even with my back turned, a target in range is a target in range. I don't recognize the icon for that team sprint thing, he was gaining on me at a fairly consistent rate, I see about a half meter every frame. There is nothing however from the 35.69 to 29.25 and It wasn't a lag spike issue either. Here is the frame before the leap: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/97827101.jpg/ Here is the very next frame: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/46/65596939.jpg/
  4. _Kayko_

    36 meter leap?

    I have been looking through all the Sentinel talents and can't seem to find one that adds 5+ meters onto force leap. I'm a little confused here. I run at worst 70ms in a warzone though today I am at my typical 45ms range and well, .045 of a second isn't enough to cover a lag distance of 6m. Bash me if you wish, I'm sure there will be a few L2P's comments in here, just curious on how this is possible. I am trying to assume that I am just missing something before calling on a bug or even a hack of some sort.
  5. Rerolled on JC a month after launch when 50 only PvP was added. Assassins of Sion server could not support 50 PvP so I just made a 2nd Sage. Then left game for some time and returned with my original Sage moved to JC. When 2.0 hit, I decided that with my limited available play time that I would just grab all the legacy gear and use one as a feeder to get the extra daily comms. I can barely get in enough time to get dailys done for both Sages, so the speed at which you get comms in ranked isn't really an option. As for the "suggestion" You are the one that said you would try to avoid the combined queues, though how about actually doing something about the combined queues? Though, I really don't care I don't play enough to have to deal with it more then maybe twice in a night. The whole superqueue thing is not looked highly upon and if that is what you want to be known for, have at it. Just please, I forgot the characters name but there is a certain Jugg from your guild that doesn't know he is getting trained in Huttball. So, don't get rid of any of them. As long as I can go against him a few more times and have him leap to me 5-6 times in a single match while i'm standing at the very edge of a fire trap, i'm happy. It is amazingly enjoyable to get backfilled into Huttball then watch the same person from a semi PvP guild get stunned in fire over and over.
  6. I'm here to roughly August 27th as it stands. While I only play most MMOs for instanced PvP these days, I'll be heading to FFXIV. Perhaps if 2.4 brings on cross server and figures out a way to determine a sort of ELO rating for the solo queuer, i'm going to head back to PvE and just enjoy leveling. Even with 55 bolster, I just am not sure how much more I can take of one sided warzones. One person can only take seeing the end of a near full length Voidstar were the 2nd highest damage dealt is just a bit north of 200K so many times before you have to log out.
  7. I find this amusing, one of your teams of 4 could leave IF you got a super queue, but no, you go through with it and well.. for a Sunday night, if your double premade is the ones that are actually doing ranked, I may suggest that you stick with super queues. I know I have run into a few B30 members that are good, but what I just saw in a Hypergate should not be doing ranked yet. One successful hold out on a cap and one failed attempt against a team sporting 5 people with about 26K buffed health. Aside from that, even practicing for ranked, target switching was dreadful, most kills were done because some 26Ker decided to go all hero and run in the middle of your team. Aside from a few moments in were I was dealing with the tidal force bug, I never felt threatened to be killed, it was almost as if one person would attack me, then switch and another take their place. It always seemed like only one person was attacking another at any given time (except for those "heroes" on my team) Team stacking was aweful as well, spent way too much time following each other from side to side of the center area and I noticed a sorc wanting to stand on the op healer far too often with the another healer hanging out in range of smash or chain. Though, what do I know, I'm just a solo queuer with not enough play time to do ranked nor really the ambition to do it either.
  8. They dropped the timer in favor of a longer trip into the side nodes. I don't believe the overall travel time from clicking the speeder to landing is any different now then it was with the "cast" time. I still think that the speeders should all be always available from start to finish no matter if you have control of the node or not. As someone stated, a team could do a mass /stuck, but they assumed that todays tactics of leaving 1 to guard would still be viable which would not be the case.
  9. I can't believe these posts have been alive for as long as they have with not even a hint that Bioware is looking at this. I know one like posts dated to October 2012 and stayed strong for a good amount of time. I don't see what the big deal is in getting more Huttball maps? People here are not asking for an entirely new warone with new mechanics, just a new map. Make half a map, copy, mirror, paste? umm, thats about it. Heck, make 10 of them half assed and toss them into the rotation of normal huttball queues. You would still get Huttball at the same rate as you do now, just a 1 in 10 chance of a different map. Here, I'll get them started. Bioware, here: Step 1) go look at a paintball map over view Step 2) make it #2 Step 1) go look at any Dota style map Step 2) make it It's not difficult, they don't all need to be something amazing and special. All they need is lanes, a couple choke points and places to LoS, thats about it.
  10. It doesn't look to off to me honestly. It would appear that your team was simply out matched, top to bottom, eh.. it happens. I think that kill credit goes to people that damaged an enemy within a certain amount of time before death, so if 4 people get damage in, all 4 get credit for a kill. (there is a separate stat for killing blows) They had a total of 150 kills to your teams 49 total deaths, it's just how it is when a team dominates another. I just looked a screen shot were my team had a total of 436 kills but their team had just 89 deaths. Another one were my team wasn't the greatest and a healer has credit for 70 kills alone yet my team only has 74 total deaths. I don't exactly what goes into gaining credit for a kill, but it is moreover just a useless stat that means nothing tat the end of the warzone.
  11. Are you sure there are only 7 in the warzone? I know there is a strange bug on live that for whatever the reason, 1 person doesn't show up in the frames though is in the warzone. Never tested if the ctrl u u thing works for fixing it though.
  12. This bug appears to be getting progressively worse somehow. At least in PvP it is, I have noticed it with greater and greater occurrence over the last couple days to the point of today having it happen every 4th or 5th proc in single warzone.
  13. As long as they are able to perform 2 roles, any class is fine. Tanks/Heals on defense and Damage/Heals on offense.
  14. At least free transfers would take some of the strain off major problems. Having to pay for basically nothing more then a cut and paste of a character just so a player can properly use a standard feature is a cash grab and nothing more. With the recent woes of EA and Bioware, this is something that should be done in good faith to the player base. They should know full well that either fixing the issues or at least offering this service free to players is going to make the gaming news and show that Bioware is at least trying to do the right things. Money should be coming from a gaining larger player base, not from the remaining players before they hit the exit.
  15. First off, I'm posting this in the PvP forum since the primary use for transfers will be PvP related. Please, Bioware, don't take the cash grab and do whats right. Work on solving some of the major issues with PvP before going with transfers as a bandaid. Either after or at the same time some of the major issues are corrected, then open up paid transfers. I am aware that this feature is needed and very welcomed, but don't make the (in my opinion) mistake of opening them without solving issues that this may very short term temporarily fix. 1) Lets get out of ranked preseason already. It's been a year now? It's time to get a season going and proper player/team rankings. 2) With that, get a match making system in place so we can have more competitive PvP on a more consistent basis. 3) Cross server ranked. Normal queues don't need cross server from what I can see, a high end of 15 minutes wait time is nothing. Queues don't need to be instant, but having to literally schedule ranked matches does not make for a healthy environment. By opening server transfers up without fixing some major drawbacks of the PvP system as a whole is going to just upset people that they payed money, left friends for basically the same old. This isn't World Of Warcraft, there isn't the same all around PvE & PvP ranking systems (official and fan supported) in place that support repeated paid player movements. Again, please do what the right thing is here, take the time to solve some of the problems and missing features first before adding the transfer feature. Let players make the decision to move because they want to move, not because they feel they have to move to get a standard and basic feature in the game.
  16. I say keep the speeders start to finish, control the node or not, speeders all the time!
  17. Instead, resurrect a thread that was on page 13.
  18. I wasn't able to screen shot any of that one .. I pulled off my highest ever with 8.5K too
  19. Best you can hope for is that people are not posting old glitched screen shots, though most of the numbers are just perfect storm type deals anyways. Just got out of a warzone with 2 people in the 2+ mil healing range, they will still happen from time to time. Most of the numbers at some point are going to be filled out by ranked warzones anyways, those can be identified by who is on the rosters so the random pugger high number will end up dropping off.
  20. Where are all these premades? In 10 or so warzones last night, I think I was queued twice with a premade. Tuesday was not much of a different story either. Did get to see beer thirty 5-6 times though. Perhaps there is something wrong with the queue system, I feel that I am up against a lot more imp premades then get partied with pub premades.
  21. At first I was all for keeping the records as is, but now I question some of these high hits. I'm getting fairly close to power/surge mods and enhancements min-maxing and my high hits are in the lower 7k range with the extremely rare high 7's. I'm not going to downright say that those sorcs/Sages cheated to get the numbers, but it seems more like these numbers were obtained on people who didn't realize that naked wasn't working the same.
  22. It's amazing that people are responding to a post that was created less then 1 month after the games launch.
  23. WHAT?? This is news to me that I can get healed while in Barrier... ahhh yes, the wonderful life of solo queueing. Always enjoy the premades making sure their fellow guildmates go from 90% to 100%, while the pugger (that does more damage) sits at 20%-30%
  24. The old relics clearly stated that the effects did not stack with similar effects. The partisan/conquerer set does not have this. I figured that Bioware decided that the combination of the procs was not an issue as people make it out to be. No matter what reason you want to give, it is perfectly acceptable to conclude that this was not a bug or have reason to belive that this was not intended.
  25. First, he most likely is either working close to min/maxing mods and enhancements with power/surge ones or running with bolster tricked out PvE items. Second, he could be running a hybrid spec that gains the 35% bonus to lightning strike (wrath -madness tree) while still having reverb force from the lightning tree. As for the stalker gear, I don't see how that will gain anything. Most of the stalker stuff comes with accuracy or a defensive stat in place of power/surge/crit.
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