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Posts posted by TheOuroborus

  1. Yo, BioWare! Any thoughts on...


    1. Guild ships/base/home/whatever

    2. Guild Search/Recruiting/Ranking Window

    3. Same-Sex Companion Romance

    4. Account Storage

    5. More Faces & Hairstyles

    6. New Playable Species er, ah... Races

    7. Re-vamping places like Corellia. I mean seriously.

    8. Day-night cycle.

    9. Modern AA and other tech settings.

    10. Etc Etc Etc and all the other little things we've ACTUALLY been asking for since the beginning of time.


    I've been a pretty loyal subber for a long time now, but these days, I'm not so sure. I'm definitely on the fence with ya'll. When ESO comes out, it very well may be adiós, muchachos.

  2. Add to them as you see fit...


    1. Guild Ship either at Fleet somewhere or a Guild Base on a choice of planets.

    2. Guild Recruiting Window. Combined with a tab for Guild Ranking and maybe a Player Ranking as well.

    3. Same-sex Companion Romance. I mean, c'mon. I'm blue in the face.

    4. Name your pets. Even the original Guild Wars lets you do this. Geez.

    5. Toggle Hide Weapon. Can I please just hide my weapon while not in combat if I want?

    6. Costume Tab. Don't get me started about how pretty much any other mmo has this.

    7. Map Pulldown. All the maps you been to should be available to you in a pulldown in the Map window.

    8. Cross Faction Chat. SERIOUSLY! And list the number of both Rep and Imp on a given world.

    9. Sister Guilds. There should be some sort of system by which players on both sides can form related guilds.

    10. Day/Night Cycle. Yeah, I know. This is never going to happen.

    11. Rethink Corellia. It's a great world that is obviously a throw-away. It needs a subway system of new travel points and sub-regions joining the existing ones. Then maybe more than 3 ppl might be on it at a time even on the busiest servers.

    12. Toggle OFF PvP. Whenever you're flagged the only option is to hit it again? What? It needs an OFF switch.

    13. Can the Unite colors not un-unite every bloody time I upgrade a mod or enhancement? Seriously.

    14. Let us really craft dye. Not just a Primary color dye. That's BS and ya'll know it.

    15. Scale level in dueling option. This should be an option. Seriously. It should.

    16. The system should remember companion Hide Helmet and Unite Color in ship holo cut-scenes. Yes, it should.

    17. More Legacy Fast Travel to more locations. I'll pay for it, I don't care.


    There's more to come, but the night is getting long and the wine is starting to take effect.


    BW, Thanks for Czerka I suppose (something I'll hardly ever play). Now how about some of these that we've been asking for since pre-launch?


    Folks, ya'll don't need to disparage mine, just add your own or raise a glass to the ones you like.



  3. I'm looking as well. I've been a subber since pre-launch. I am a refugee from Vrook Lamar where I headed a guild of my own (nearly 100 individual players at one point) before we were vaporized by Darth BioWare. OF COURSE I went to Gav Daragon and OF COURSE I'm a ronin again.


    Yes, I do like to RP. Yes, I'm very knowledgeable in game help (I have 5 level 50+ toons and 16 slots). Though I am mostly an old PvEr, I'm join in on a FP or Op when the call is dire. Oh, and I'm a datacron master. You can whisper or mail Neala-daax and let me know who to contact.

  4. This is an exercise in futility. We asked for playable Wookies, Togruta, Talz... they gave us Cat People. We've been asking for guild ships for how frickin' long now... they give us Czerka. Here and there they throw us a bone, but only if it makes sense money-wise (like adding a smattering of hair styles to an appearance changer). We can dream all we want, but it's like the George R. R. Martin meme of why he kills off characters that you've grown to love, "Because F U, that's why."
  5. I know it doesn't "actually" effect gameplay, but it really ticks me off. It's kinda like, "Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you? Does this bug you?... " Ad nauseam.
  6. So... any hope for a Guild home (e.g., a ship at fleet or hall on a planet of our choosing)? How about a simple Guild Recruiting window? Heck, even AoC has this. It would be nice if there was a Guild Ranking window with part of it dedicated to GvG queues. What would be really nice is the ability to have a opposite-fraction sister guild and see those members online and be able to chat with them. But I ask too much.
  7. Bug not fixed. What surprises me most is how it got broken to begin with since it wasn't there prior to 2.2.2. Seems like a willful (albeit amateur) programming error. This last game build is one of the worst since launch and there's been quite a few bad ones.
  8. I've been reporting this since pre-launch. I believe it will NEVER be fixed. The only way to get out of it is to press the "s" the "up" key at the same time. Sometimes "w" and "down" will work. Sucks when you come out of cutscene in a fierce firefight and run straight into a wall.
  9. I think we're all just tired of belly-aching about the same things over and over. Aside from BW finally fixing Ashara, how many times to we have to ask for things like guild ships, account storage, guild recruiting windows and so on and so forth. BW will simply do as they please. You can see content in the game going more and more to elder game pvp players and noob first timers. It's the way of all mmos.


    So, yeah... pretty boring in here of late. I'm just hoping to start playing ES beta soon.

  10. So... the new packs drop bound datacubes that used once render other ones that drop useless. So... I also keep getting bound reusable Jawa-grams that since I already have one makes having more of them useless. You can't sell them or even mail them to another character. I paid real money to gamble on a dice-roll chance drop and now I've already 9 bound and useless items sitting in my inventory staring at me... laughing at me. You'd think the system would be set up to tell if you've had these items dropped before. You'd think. And the few armor pieces that drop... well, kinda not very interesting. I think I'm pretty much done with Cartel Packs. Sorry BioWare, the packs aren't very creative and pretty much a rip-off.
  11. put her in a relaxed jumpsuit jacket her skin is gray :eek:


    Yes, she looks like _____ (fill in a variant of excrement here). She's unfinished. Someone either forgot to texture her whole body or simply decided it wasn't worth doing. Not cool either way.

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