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Posts posted by Drezak

  1. Keep the same dailies.


    Add a new one. Get "x" number of Kill-streak, Heal "x" without dying, Deal "x" damage without dying. If you die the quota resets and you can't turn in the daily. You have to not only GET to that marker but turn it in without dying.


    This would cause "camping" or "griefing" but that's part of PvP.


    Give the new Daily a much better reward and nerf the other dailies reward. This will make players want to work together more to just steamroll their opponents to not only get "fat lootz" but also for the enjoyment of killing them.


    Note: I haven't slept so if this idea is bad I blame it on my extreme lack of sleep <_< Either way enjoy or hate and continue with this thread because it is much needed. PvP shouldn't be about Object Swapping for loot.

  2. Just stopping by to say it's Lose not Loose.


    Lose: I am going to lose this Warzone.


    Loose: He holds his coins very loosely! (Go pick-pocket em..)


    Only reason posting is because the title made me not want to read your post.


    Also, if you lose you lose. You still get good rewards but it shouldn't be close to the winners' rewards because they WON.

  3. Just to give some information on this subject: (and if it was said I'm sorry for repeating I just don't feel like digging through this thread reading mind-numbing posts)


    Huttball is basically playing against the same faction. Meaning Empire vs Empire and vice-versa. The reason YOU are getting more often than other Warzones is because your server at the time you are playing or in general does not have a balanced ratio of opposing factions. This means to keep the que to shorter they throw the higher ratioed side Huttball. If you want to rarely ever get Huttball then reroll on the opposite side you are playing, otherwise quit que'ing for Warzones or wait until your server balances out.

  4. how selfish this behavior is. If you're under 14, no matter how skilled you are, you're a hindrance to your team. You're not helping..


    Oh? I guess my BH who was top heals-10kills-3KBs and such level 13 wasn't helping? That's just one game, yes. But let's see I've done quite a few Warzones since and that BH has done fine every WZ. Grant it I don't have sprint or any speed boosting ablities, but that doesn't hinder me that much. I can still get from Point A to Point B fairly easy and keep people alive doing so.


    Huttball... if you have the ball you should be throwing it. Thinking someone needs sprint to score is bad on your part and SELFISH. Yeah, the key to winning that game is passing the ball. Barely any running should be involved.


    So keep up the complaining and I'll keep on getting more medals and such than you :)

  5. Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


    1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


    This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


    2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


    Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


    3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


    Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


    4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


    Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


    5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


    A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


    So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


    Any Questions?

    Emperor Punjab


    Terentatek (PvP)


    Very well said.

  6. ok listen up bioware... plain and simple if you dont fix the pvp you will only fall into the category of all those other mmo's where ppl play the story and then quit and go back to wow. when you enter a warzone and you see that most the ppl in there are inquisitors/consulars then you know youve got a problem. also the buff thats supposed to balance your lvl out ...its junk . pure junk. its great that you wanna try and be new and different and what not. but if you dont at least do the basics and go with the tried and true, then itll only be a passing fad. so take some pointers from WOW pvp system, there are quite a few things you need to take away from there, namely huttball sucks ...let us que for the ones we wanna play. there are way to many ledges and you can just be knocked off and your screwed. second that 30% healing debuff is stupid. why spend all that ime programming heals and setting their power only to cut it by 30%. why not just make them 30% weaker overall and base the dmg around that. if you didnt have the stupid 30% debuff then lower lvl healers could actually heal in warzones cuz frankly my lvl 20 operative healer is worthless. i hope you read this and head the warning you WILL lose all your customers the way things are going. story gets ppl in pvp keeps ppl playing endgame.



    For starters you mentioned Inquistors and Consulars. This isn't a "balance" issue this was expected before betas. It's a STAR WARS GAME meaning the fans will probably want to be bad-*** and run around with lightsabers in their hands using the force! If you didn't expect that then please talk your palm and apply it to your forehead, thanks.


    Next. Huttball is a great idea in my opinion. Where I do agree they should add a feature allowing people to que for what they want I also understand the game has just launched and it's not going to be perfect. If that's what you expect for a new game to be like then please leave now, I'd prefer to not have complainers on the forums that expect perfection from a new game.


    Also! Those complaining about Bolster do not have much experience with PvP in this game. The only issue I find it has is against a lvl 50 but that's because they have PvP gear, meaning ya know they are geared directly for PvP?? Makes sense now that you think about it right... Other than that I find it's fine. Could use a small tweak but I can solo most people 10-20 levels higher than me. Hell on my freshly made BH -level 10 fyi for my first warzone- I actually was the top healer and walked away from my first game rocking 6 medals. 1 of them was, you guessed it, a solo-kill. (Grant it I do think the guy I killed wasn't that great haha)


    Oh and that healing debuff? That's so they can make heals strong in PvE situations, which I'm thinking you haven't seen any high-end PvE Operations/World Bosses/Nightmare Flashpoints. You need STRONG healing. So the healing debuff is a very easy way of balancing the strong heals that our healers can dish out to the damage people take in. It's so people don't come to the forums and whine about "QQ This healer just wouldn't die!!!" When and If healing becomes underpowered it's much eaiser for them to go in and lower the debuff to 25% or so than redoing all skills which would also effect PvE. Kudos to their planning ahead right?

  7. So what I'm gathering is:


    1) Snipers depend on Latency? Like all range classes when it comes to LoS... gotcha.

    2) People are either:

    ----a)Positioning right and being a boss killing people

    ----b)Positioning gets you wrecked and you don't contribute...


    So BASICALLY it all balls down to: Play it right = Beast/Play it wrong = Fail


    Hmm... sounds balanced and correct to me! Just play it better if you want to QQ. I'd prefer this game to not become Care-bear and nerf something because some people can't use it right.


    Oh! Just because you're sitting still doesn't mean you can't help in ONE out of THREE bg's. I find that having some one near the spawn of the Huttball is actually rather useful. This means you can get the ball as soon as it spawns (and don't whine about being squishy just throw the damn ball like any good player would) or pick off/cc/distract other players from picking up the Huttball.


    So if anything I just think you need to learn your class if you're whining about Snipers and learn what their roles are in certain BG's. It's understandable you don't know yet... the game did just come out. But please don't complain on the forums because you haven't PvP'd enough to get the entire feel for your class.

  8. Didn't they say they are going to be creating a level 50 bracket? It's really those who have the PvP gear that are dominating in Warzones... which makes sense because, you know, they have gear made to PvP with?
  9. Again I'm not really seeing what this guy is asking for that isn't in the game (Aside from mouse over macros, which were always silly.)


    WE already have /focus.... and /self....


    I think he really wants the mouse-overs. Which I never personally liked ;)

  10. No Macros. I enjoy thinking about what I have to do and where things are without having everything bound to a few keys which would dumb it down immensely.


    Am I the only one that noticed that the classes don't require a lot of abilities to play. I binded them all in a few keys save a few Shift+# for some cool-downs. Either way I don't find it dumbs the game down at all. If anything it makes it less hectic. I really don't see how it would be completely game breaking- UNLESS they fail at it like Rift did. Either way the game is playable without them just simple addition to spice it up.



    Oh and to those arguing about tournaments. Competitive PvP can mean a few things to different people:


    1)High-end PvP. A good example of this comes from Arena in WoW. Quite a few people thought they were "high-end PvPers" because they reached 2200+ (/golfclap to you sir). Most of those people did use Macros because it was convenient, not needed CONVENIENT


    2)Game hosted tournaments. A good portion of these don't actually make Macros against the rules. Why? Because they're apart of them game, why ban something that is usable in everyday game-play


    3)Outside Tournaments. This is where those counter arguing seem to be getting their information from. Now, a good portion of these require you don't have any addons OR macros. I've seen quite a few of these and they can't even use speaking programs such as Ventrilo or Skype. This is just a different form of tournament.


    Choose which is really "High-End PvP" for yourself, I'm not here to tell you where you find the "Pros" at, I'm telling you that there are many places to find good players how use macros and who don't. It's a simply about what you rather. So you can argue to you're blue in the face about it but this will end up JUST like the addon war going on in the thread.


    You either think it will be game-breaking and ruin the community/dumb down the game or it's not game-breaking and would be helpful/needed. Pick your poison.

  11. Which makes me wonder, do you still get social points even if you're soloing the instance?


    No social points work on how many people are in your group when you are in a conversation. You get 1 point per person in your group if you don't win the roll for who talks to the NPC and 2 per person if you do. That goes for any quest. Since he wouldn't have a party with him he wouldn't gain any.

  12. What everyone's problem is level 50s HAVE PvP gear. That's right. They have gear designed for PvP. That means what? They will out perform you! It happens. You'll still be wrecked if it is bracketed if you don't have PvP gear vs someone who does.


    Now that being said the only thing I think that needs to be changed is a 50 only PvP Bracket so they can have more competitive game-play. Especially since they get PvP gear the easiest. I do believe it was mentioned that this will be implemented but I can't find the actual post about it.

  13. I agree that lower levels do have less abilities so it does "gimp" them and at times it's frustrating. But I do believe there is a better fix to this that will please both groups. (If it was said sorry I didn't read the entire thread)


    1) Create TWO Brackets.

    -The first bracket will be for level 50s only. This gives them more competitive games and I believe they should be rewarded more also.

    -The second will be for level 10-49 players. This will be the "leveling" bracket and play as the Warzones do now.


    2) Buff Bolster

    -Plain and simple increase some of the stats people get depending on their level. It seems to me the 10-25 range are the more "gimped" levels which is probably due to their lack of abilities. Either way a small buff would make them more competitive.


    All of that said I find the Warzones enjoyable. Actually leveling a new character mainly through them. I do see the common issues many have brought up though. Either way enjoy!


    Edit: I do understand that the main issue is abilities differ, which is why I proposed buffing bolster. I do NOT believe that bolster needs to become a "Omg I can two-shot people GG" type deal. Basically a tad bit more stats to compensate for the lack of skills and abilities.

  14. 1) Discharge on the way in from stealth

    2) thrash until Exploit procs, or 2 Induction stacks

    3) Maul or Shock

    4) Discharge again when it comes up

    5) Assassinate as often as possible once they hit <30% HP


    Try Shocking every cool-down especially once you get VS. It's your hardest hitting ability. Also Discharging every time it's up. Only Maul when it's procced... other than that you're really all about burst and high damage out-put. You're going to have to use cool-downs to stay alive. It seems we are a bit squishy. Maybe we're just going to be the "glass cannon" class, who knows?

  15. What am not sure if chain shock is a viable pve spec vs charge mastery (9% arp for all saber attacks which are a major part of your dps cycle), since you have a 6s cd on shock and 45% chance for the proc to happen, while Charge Mastery 9% arp will be on all time.


    I've been debating it too because if I move out of that then I can aim more for passive damage. I can see this being situational actually. If Charge procs often then it comes out on top because it does hit the boss harder than a procced Maul, but if it's not as often as we'd like then the ArP talents will be superior. Seeing as our filler moves ARE mele attacks maybe the ArP wins out due to basic attacks, but it's currently hard for me to tell.

  16. I was going to work towards something like this:




    6% passive increase to your Voltaic Slash as well as 6% damage increase to your SC. Seems like a waste to put 2 points into something that buffs LC when you're going to be using Surging Charge.


    I don't theorycraft or numbercrunch but it just seemed to make more sense to me.




    You're right I didn't fully read it. I moved my 2 points into Sith Defiance now. Reductio of damage helps healers and keeps you alive longer in harder fights.


    That being said the reason I was aiming towards those points is the Shock talent, shock is definitely our hardest hitting ability (or it is for me at the moment) and being able to proc a SECOND one would be nothing but a giant increase in damage.


    New build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000MZhGMRkhMrtzZf0c.1


    Even put a new point into Chain Shock since it seems even discharge is taking lead in damage over mele so lose 3% ArP isn't going to hurt too much.

  17. As many have said before I'm using discharge because it deals more damage per force. It hits a good deal harder vs. armored units when crit.


    Yeah shock is by far the strongest hit I've seen so I expect to use it every cd with the x2 stack otherwise it's a waste of force.


    Maul is the hardest hitting mele attack we have and should be used with the proc otherwise yet again another force waste. So far my rotation seems to be working fine.


    As for starters I'm opening with Shock

  18. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZhGMRkhMrtzZcMM.1


    Based on Priority system:


    1)x2 Stack of Induction (Voltaic Slash also but they stack together)? Shock

    2)Discharge off CD? Discharge

    3)Duplicity Proc? Maul

    4)None of the above? Voltaic Slash

    5)No force? Saber Strike


    All of course cycled in behind cool-downs and when a target is at or below 30% ruling in Assassinate as number 1 priority.


    I'm opening this up to debate. I have yet to fully test this and I'm still debating on how to open up on a target. This is PvE btw aimed for Max DPS.


    If you have a better spec/rotation(or priority system) tell me it'd be nice to work on a good spec!


    EDIT: New build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000MZhGMRkhMrtzZf0c.1

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