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Everything posted by Genjoku

  1. I am not a veteran in the MMO world. I have played WOW before, but I didn't know a lick about interrupts, and I had to look up what CC and proc meant. I am one of those people who plays SWTOR mainly for the cinematic experience. Thus, I agree that though the fight is a challenge for people not familiar with MMOM gaming mechanics, it is most certainly possible to beat end bosses with the appropriate tactics. When I first encountered Valis I was level 29 sentinel with a mixed spec, and thought I was going to take him down, and I got majorly facerolled. I tried a couple more times, but always got knocked out an stunned by his Force Blast ability. Part of the problem was I trying to activate my abilities using the touchpad on my laptop (big mistake). When I read the posts on this thread, I respeced on the combat skill tree (ataru form), and upgraded my equipment as beset I could at the time. Then, I went to fight Valis with Kira as my companion. I took him out on the second attempt. On the first attempt I got knocked on top of the nearby ship, and Kira got killed, and by the time I got down he took me out. The second time I was able to stop most of his major attacks with interrupts, and ended the fight with Kira dead, and I had 40% health. I also used a mouse to select the opponent, but used hotkeys to activate abilities (especially Force Kick, Force Leap and Force Stasis). I ended up using Call on the Force to reset my Saber Ward, but I did not need stimpacks or med packs at all. I was able to use similar tactics on other endbosses to similar effect. Although I had trouble with Chieftain Bloodgouge on Tatooine....http://www.swtor.com/community/images/swtor/icons/icon9.gif
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