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Everything posted by jediiryan

  1. Does anyone que for solo ranked at all?...Just wondering been in que for over an hour and nothing.
  2. Hey everyone thanks for takeing the time to read this post! I was just wondering on everyone's opinion..(That actually Roleplays of course) Is do you think the quality of Roleplay is dieing in this game to compared when it was first released? I remember when this game was first release, everyone that liked to RP and actively participated in it would take the time to approach others and react when they are approached and where all over the place on every planet. Now it just seems like most of the Roleplay is on the Imperial/Republic fleet in the cantina and most of the time it only consists of people who play guy characters try to pick up the females or the females trying to pick up the guys (Or other females) I just find it pathetic....And when it is really active in the cantina its like twenty people writing one line posts and makeing it very difficult to keep track of all the conversations going on..And also I notice in some situations where I felt like Roleplaying (Need a break from leveling a character at a time and RP is good for that) And I will approach a person that is obviously Roleplaying so i can be a part of the conversation and I will put a good 3-4 line post and they will just give the cold shoulder cause they are already talking to someone like they don't want anyone else to be a part of it, gets kinda annoying (And most of the time that situation happens in the cantina) Now don't get me wrong I do notice good quality at times and been a part of some, and I notice large guild events at times as well. ((Well semi large)) I'm just saying that i think it is slowly going away, and I honestly hate Roleplaying in the Cantinas cause all it looks like to me is some online dateing service...I usually hang around Tython and sometimes there will be people there but not as much as it used to be. Well I think I ranted enough for now I guess haha thanks to whoever took the time to read this and would love your opinion!
  3. Okay well thanks for the answers it helped! I decided im not gonna be lazy and I will just collect them all haha xD
  4. Hey everyone thanks for takeing the time to read my post but I was just wondering that is it really worth collecting -all- the datacrons as in after you collect every one do you get something in return as in bonus reward stats or a tittle or anything? Or should I just collect the ones I really need, as in im a Marauder so should I just not bother grabbing the cunning/aim Datacrons cause just to save time for me if im not gonna get anything as a reward for collecting them all? Thanks again for reading!
  5. I was just wondering as a Marauder for PvP if I should focus on Power or Critical Rating.
  6. Hey everyone I was just wondering when the game launches "Free to Play" what will the restrictions be for a free user account? Now im gonna continue paying the 15 a month cause I think this game is awesome and i wanna continue putting in my small tribute for it, but I was just wondering how much of a difference is a free user account gonna be to an subscribed one, like such as armor, Flash points, etc etc. Thanks for anyone who answers!
  7. I was just wondering if anyone knew if Bioware was gonna make an expansion or some new WZ's to the game?
  8. Alright I am suddenly lagging now when I have never before I can't figure out why, I would run my graphics on high (Except for shadows of course) and no problems even in warzone with high graphics would be no problem, and just starting yesterday I would just lag especially in warzones or in the imperial fleet, questing and running around I would experience a little lag which I have never before until yesterday, does anyone know the problem cause I can't figure it out...(And yes i turned down my graphics and it still didn't really help) Processor: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz 2.39 GHz System type: 64-bit Operating System Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260m Some laptop information if it will help, my interenet connection is great I don't even use my wireless cause I think wired connection would work better. Any advice will help thanks! Yea I have a cooling fan for my laptop forgot to mention that, but I never really feel my laptop being that hot from it I check it constantly cause I am worried about that...And updating my driver could work anyone know how I can do that?
  9. Alright I am suddenly lagging now when I have never before I can't figure out why, I would run my graphics on high (Except for shadows of course) and no problems even in warzone with high graphics would be no problem, and just starting yesterday I would just lag especially in warzones or in the imperial fleet, questing and running around I would experience a little lag which I have never before until yesterday, does anyone know the problem cause I can't figure it out...(And yes i turned down my graphics and it still didn't really help) Processor: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz 2.39 GHz System type: 64-bit Operating System Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260m Some laptop information if it will help, my interenet connection is great I don't even use my wireless cause I think wired connection would work better. Any advice will help thanks! Yea I have a cooling fan for my laptop forgot to mention that, but I never really feel my laptop being that hot from it I check it constantly cause I am worried about that...And updating my driver could work anyone know how I can do that?
  10. I never had any lag problems in warzones and I would play with high graphics with no problems but starting yesterday I would lag horribly in warzones and would make it not enjoyable to play...And of course I tried turning off shadows and my graphics on low but I still lagged, I love to PvP so lagging in WZ's is a bit frustrating right now, anyone know the problem is it my laptop or just bioware? Processor: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz 2.39 GHz System type: 64-bit Operating System Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260m If that will help anyone answer my question...But yea mainly PvP im haveing lag issues but running around or anything else im fine..
  11. I just made a guardian and I wanna your guys opinions on how I should spec him for PvP right now im thinking focus. Thanks for the help!
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