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Posts posted by ouTJumped

  1. At equal skill/gear levels a Marauder will always beat a Juggernaut. The catch is that Marauders have the highest skill floor of any class, meaning they require the most skill to play moderately well, and also have the highest skill ceiling, meaning the difference between an average and top skilled Marauder is more disparate than any other class. This leads to wide and varied opinions about Marauder PvP effectiveness.


    The bottom line: if you think you're an above-average player, Marauder will be of significant advantage to you. If you think you're an average player, Juggernaut is more forgiving and easier to play. Juggernaut is not by any means a bad class, its quite good in fact especially the Rage spec for PvP. Its simply balanced around not having to work for the advantages it has, whereas Marauders have to manage a lot of things to achieve their survivability and as a result, a skilled player will get better returns on their skill.


    I agree with this to an extent. I do feel Marauders are relatively more difficult, however, I feel that once you learn to play it correctly (which isn't too hard) they aren't any more difficult than any other class. It does have a learning curve, but once you surpass it, it is relatively easy.

  2. So let me get this straight....you come in here and knock other people's usage of opinions and "anecdotal" evidence by using your own opinions and anecdotal evidence???


    While I don't necessarily disagree with your premise of equal gear and equal skill application, the hypocrisy comes across with a resounding *THUD*.


    I didn't provide an anecdote. I stated the consensus of those who play PvP, and aren't trying to justify the choice of their class when all signs point the other one is better at what it does. Feel free to look at theorycrafting and tell me my statement is incorrect.


    Edit: When I said anecdotal, I was referring to the post directly above the first one I made.

    Edit 2: Also, even if the difference is close currently, the difference in 1.2 will be much larger, with Marauders rage tree being equal to that of Juggernauts.

  3. Don't listen to misinformation. Marauders are better in 1v1 than Juggernauts by a mile, They can tell you otherwise with their anecdotal evidence, but equal gear and skill, a marauder will wipe the floor with any class 1v1 except maybe tankasins and the rare concealment Op (but that is getting fixed in 1,2 :))
  4. Take under consideration that I don't have a capped Jugg, but for Warriors, you get better late in the game, where as BHs are just consistent. In the end, you will be as good or better, but not during the leveling process.
  5. Yep, I completely agree.


    And this is what happens when the "archaic" Juggernaut meets that new shiny "improved" Mara.


    I know its not really an old truck, but I had problems finding a picture of a crash that didnt look like the driver of the car got completely smushed :/


    Edit: You need to have a few classes that are "familiar" to players, especially with important roles like a tank or a healer(Sorc being the more classic healer class).


    I laughed. Anyways, your Jugg is the white car, healers are the brown car


  6. Aside from PvP reading your overall dmg in WZ untill 1.2 how is anyone measuring their dps comparibly to contest theirs vs other classes? I'm a marauder fan myself but I don't see any measuring mechanism to gauge my deepz vs other schmoes. Kinda makes this argument moot till 1.2.


    Not a great measure, but the Council Fight is the best you can do.

  7. I don't get it...ravage is actually decent as it stands now (if used correctly).


    There are a lot of other abilities (GORE) that could use some love. Not sure what BW intended there.


    True, but Ravage is not AC and Spec dependent.

  8. Well, something you have to remember when leveling, as a Sentinel/Marauder (I'm guessing) is that a lot of our best skills we get late. It also isn't easy to get down the priority system of different skills. If you stick it out to level 50 and get a firm grasp on it, you will blow most other players, not just your companions, out of the water in terms of damage.
  9. I just know that I spend a LOT of time healing Jugg, Marauder, and Assassin melee DPS'ers in raids. Considerably more so than ranged DPS and often more than tanks. We don't have Operatives or PT DPS in our raids, so I'm not sure how they compare.


    A lot of it is usually avoidable damage that they fail to avoid.


    At first, I thought that Marauders were ultra squishy, but then we had an Assassin start raiding with us and it was the same story. I thought that they must be really under geared so I inspected them and their gear was actually quite good.


    There is certainly a considerable benefit to being a ranged DPS atm. You avoid a TON of damage that melee DPSers have to survive.


    So based on my experience, I'd say the most durable melee DPS is having none at all ;) But I'd guess that Jugg/PT DPS is likely the most durable, though likely not the higher DPS.


    Melee dps is fine in this game. There is one boss they have to run out of AoE for. You said it yourself, its a L2P issues. Standing in swipes is bad no matter who you are.

  10. You can easily clear all content on a jugg, thats a given. However even though you can clear everything you'll encounter, do note that jugg dps is one of, if not the weakest boss dps class atm. Everything you can do, a mara/sniper/merc/sorc/pt/sin can do better (unless your op really needs an off tank for whatever reason).



    You'll be able to beat enrage timers and thats what really counts, but be prepared to get benched by douche bags if you're dead set on a single saber melee.


    This. I'll bring Jugg DPS along if thats all there is, but if I have a choice, I'll bring anyone else except an Op.

  11. I started a Jedi class, or sith, I forget, and went the dps route, non-tank. Got issued the lil round robot, who proceeded to pew pew way out-damage me -- me, the big-dps melee jedi.


    Rarely have I felt so disgusted. Even the highest dps melee jedi is just a speed bump meat shield for a lousy pew pew companion, who does the "real work".


    I hate to be that guy, but this is a L2P issue. You are doing something very wrong if your companions are out DPSing you.

  12. The Rage tree is all based on Smash.


    For Marauders, Annihilation is the best spec for both PvE and PvP.


    The Marauder has much better defensive cooldowns than the Jugg, but the Jugg is a great ballcarrier.

  13. Juggs in rage are just AoE gimmicks, and Mara rage will be equal to it in 1.2. They can pull good dps, but Mara's will kill stuff faster.


    Utility Wise

    Jugg has Charge, Intercede (charge to friendly target), and AoE slow, a knockback, taunts and guard.


    Marauder (Annihilation)

    Charge, a Slow, -20% healing debuff, Predation (movement speed increase and damage reduction for whole Ops (in 1.2)), Berserk makes your Bleeds heal your party, Force Camo (invis for 4 secs), Undying Rage (99% dmg redutcion for 4 secs), Obfuscate, etc.


    Utility Wise


    Huttball Jugg >/= Marauder

    Others and PvE (DPS Spec Only) Marauder >>> Juggernaut

  14. If you want to tank, go Jugg.


    If you want to DPS and burn people down quickly, go Marauder.


    Not a huge difference in play styles, but Marauder is better at DPS, despite what anyone will tell you.

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