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Posts posted by djcetra

  1. Seriously, the wz is garbage can we take the pop % off 90%? I've almost forgotten what the other warzones are like because I spend all day in queue and the loading screen leaving this garbage new warzone. It's almost at bad as Quesh ball.
  2. As Krea mentioned in another thread, this is exact the attitude that killed ranked pvp in this game.

    Wannabe pros circkleIerking on how good they are and constantly mentioning how bad others are.


    Although i disagree with her playstyle, her guide is good for newcomers. Its been a ton of work and should be highly appreciated.


    It ruins more then ranked pvp in this dead game, it falls into the general "troll" category on the internet that's absolute trash. Not only does online gaming suffer greatly from this garbage mentality but even social media, some day people will grow out of it for the most part although there will always be *****s running around.

  3. The problem I have here is really with the Deception spec. You can use your useful mobility ability to add to your burst which still will underperform compared to the other burst specs. Hell from my experience after 4.0 even Hatred seems to burst harder than Decep, so I really don't see the point in playing Decep right now, which is a shame because its my favorite spec.


    I agree sorta. Overall I think Deception should have much more burst, I'd say on the level of PT burst is where it should be. I still run Deception because I can't stand Hatred combat, it's really not too enjoyable at all and they're squishy as hell. I'm noticing a handful of people claim Hatred burst is almost on par with Deception, this I do not agree with at all and feel is quite a stretch. However, the damage of Hatred is very good on multiple targets. Deception is in my opinion vastly superior to Hatred when it comes to 1v1 combat and it's utiltiy is king. The problem with this is that most players play extremely foolishly in both WZ and Solo Ranked arena's grouping up together allowing hatred sins to be absurdly viable. If people would stop stacking on top of each other like plebs, Hatred would have a much more difficult time. In Team Ranked 4v4 which really nobody cares about, Hatred plays a far better role unfortunately because of the ability to play cleave setups which leaves Deception out of question


    For me personally, I don't understand the interest in playing Hatred at all. There's already a far superior class for that 'type' of gameplay and it's called Madness Sorc. Great Deception Sins still find their place in Solo Ranked and Regs, so that's what I will play 90% of the time I'm on my Sin. I do have little interest in playing Sin tank since the damage seems to be quite good for that role and it may be fun, I might give it a spin. When I want to spread dots I get on my Sage or Sorc.


    Anyway, TL;DR Deception isn't piss poor but it's definitely lacking. Bring it's burst up to the level of PT and give it some sort of mediocre self-heal on damage like Hatred and it would be amazing once again.


    Eh for regs and maybe PvE but ranked requires something better. For myself and also for my team - wouldn't want to be that guy who drags other people's ratings down.


    You're only going to drag people's rating down if you bother with 4v4 Team Ranked, Deception is still good in Solo IMO, plenty of people to catch off-guard. Deception only really starts to lack when you're fighting more organized Meta comps.

  4. My biggest issue with this is that it's an "All or nothing" answer, by that I mean you're implying you should go all Crit or all Power which I feel is a mistake personally. A mixture of Crit to a certain % and the rest Power is what works for me, I'm guaranteed a certain amount of sustained dmg to a point with a decent chance for crit off auto. This can vary from person to person depending on what they're incline to do situationally.


    I also find the Crit Relic only Viable if you're running low crit chance, for my setup I'm at 40% Crit give or take and the rest is power. For me, it would be stupid to use the Crit relic instead of Power/Mastery but the extra crit chance is highly unlikely to apply while the Mastery dmg is guaranteed on Proc.


    Theory Craft and the math is all good and fun for some I guess but it's hard to align math with RNG. Also, once you tweak your Crit Chance to a certain percentage and/or at least bring your guaranteed power/dmg to a preferred number a few points here and there aren't going to win any games for anyone or get you the top slot on dmg boards, how you perform in the wz will.


    Kudos on spending the time on that, I couldn't fathom caring enough to pour that type of effort into this game at this stage.




    You can't gear enough alacrity for that to matter for a burst spec though. Even at 10% Alacrity, you can only force 1 extra burst window in every 225 seconds on average, which is every 4 minutes


    Also, I agree with this. Alacrity for burst is a waste, no brainer IMO. For Sorc healing I tend to go about 70/30 Crit/Alac and Ops 50/50 or 60/40 in favor of Alacrity as they're much more hot dependent.

  5. Honestly in my opinion around 5k~ is average in a heavy dps game in reg and group ranked. 5k now is the old 4k. 7k is a ****tload... he was being tunneled, had to deal with 3 carbonizes and still managed to pull 7k. It's a little mindblowing.


    Hrm I don't agree with 5K being "Average", I'm not seeing it often at all in WZs. Let not forget what the word "average" means. I've watched your stream more then a few times and you don't average 5K healing and IMO you're an above average OP healer. 4K is a more realistic "average" IMO with 4.8k-5k+ being above. 6K+ is extremely rare and pretty much the pre 4.0 4K Dream. Then again, you did preface by saying it was your "opinion" which is fair I guess.


    While I've hit 5k HPS more then enough times queuing solo, it's more reasonable with a dedicated tank in a heavy dps game. Your average player doesn't have that to their disposal. It's still early in the patch but I don't think anyone is going to be seeing many 7K HPS games, surprised it even happened.


    Hopefully you perceive what I've said not as condescending but rather a complement.

  6. You are correct in that I do advise you to take the 3rd Recklessness charge, however, I strongly do not advise using Phantom Stride solely for the purpose of building 3 stacks of Static Charges. The cost of mobility is just not worth the marginal burst you'd gain, there are better uses for Phantom Stride.


    Such as teleporting to a healer to interrupt a cast that you'd normally be unable to interrupt, or teleporting to a team mate being tunneled to throw a grenade on multiple enemies (not teleport directly to the team mate so much as teleport to one of his aggressors).


    You just lose too much if you aim to use your mobility ability as anything other than it's intended use.


    There's no right or wrong answer to this but personally I use Phantom for another 3 stack of Static quite a bit depending on situation. While I agree to your point in saying it's very valuable to utility the extra burst it provides is also quite essential to Deception IMO.


    I also use Deflection more often then Insta WW as they're often broken by dots or moron team mates. However in ranked fours when actually played, Insta ww can be quite useful.

  7. I love voidstar, just leave the warzone if you don't like what it's become. I'd rather blow people up then play objectives in this game because nobody cares to guard or anything for that matter anymore.


    I leave every Quesh Ball match because it's dumpster.

  8. Lol I haven't been doing much PvE since 4.0, but I don't doubt that at all. It's pretty ridiculous how much those dots crit. I saw a video of a guy doing 5-6k dps in the new basic gear. So God knows what you can do in the highest tier PvE gear.


    But yeah I'm mostly worried about going Hatred over Decep for Ranked, just because a class is basically immune to me as Hatred spec. I've been seeing a lot more Ops since 4.0 too. At least as Decep I can stand a chance with them.


    I've always preferred Decep over an Op but never take them lightly they're deadly. In my experience a good Decep sin can def take down an OP more often then not as long as you don't let them los and heal, pretty much same heads up match as pre 4.0.

  9. Gear - BiS Ranked gear with updated augments. Based on my testing, this is sadly going to be a one size fits all gear set. There's really no reason to gear for accuracy anymore in Deception because it got nerfed point for point at level 65. Alacrity could still be taken on Hatred but I honestly wouldn't take anymore than maybe 2%. Critical rating is just too attractive now and gives far too much compared to Accuracy or Alacrity. ESPECIALLY on classes that rely on rotational auto-crits. The biggest thing about this gear though is what it does to Hatred....I'll explain this soon.



    While the gearing changes did in fact increase the sustained damage of this spec outside of burst windows, it's burst is so mediocre compared to the other burst classes that I honestly can see no reason to take this in Ranked anymore. It could be argued that it's superior control is still there, however with double the health pools, you're not going to be bursting anyone down in a 4 second Low Slash window anymore. Discharge and Maul damage went up only minimally but once again, compared to the larger health pools they don't even put a dent into the enemy. Once you compare this specs burst to any of the other burst specs, bar Lightning Sorc (which actually has nice AoE burst now), the damage is so pitiful. Running a full power/critical rating build with 11 mainstat augs and 3 crit augs as well as a critical relic (i'll explain shortly), the highest Maul I was able to hit in the double relic window was something along the lines of 16.4k, which is terrible when you factor in everything from health pools to increased healing on healing ACs etc.


    You will be punished much more heavily for running this spec in Team Ranked now than ever before. It just lacks the utility to be viable in such a mode and it severely lacks the burst damage when you could instead bring a sniper who is doing 33k Ambushes on fully geared 2018 players....



    Jesus christ. If you guys thought 3.0 release Hatred was broken then you're in for a hell of a surprise. The changes to critical rating not only massively buffed the survivability of this class, but it also buffed its burst. It's pathetic, my highest Assassinate with a double relic proc and under the auto-crit set bonus was 17.9k on a light armored target with an armor debuff on them. Combine this with the fact that you now have over 2x the crit rating of pre 4.0 and you start to see the issue. This is exacerbated by the trees passives. You can have 46% Melee crit with 100% uptime and 51% Critical chance on all of your DoTs with 100% uptime. Leeching Strike self heal is literally twice as reliable as before, I think the highest Leeching Strike I hit was 12k, which directly translated to a 12k self heal.


    Speaking of Self healing, I've literally seen at least a 150% increase in self healing done on this class now. Now that almost every other DoT crits and almost every Leeching Strike crits, my self healing went through the roof, even after it was nerfed in patch 3.3. You put out so much damage with dots critting all the time on multiple players that you can afford to be in the middle of a fight for longer durations than pre 4.0 because your self heals are actually reliable now.


    We've spoken about burst and survivability, let's speak about sustain. The sustained damage of this spec is simply monstrous. I did an arena yesterday against an op healer and 3 melee dps and pulled 4.2k DPS. It felt like every dot I had out was critting and Death Field is stupid easy to use now. The radius of it was actually INCREASED.


    Here is a picture of a regular ground based AoE radius: http://i.imgur.com/ITZBVlW.jpg


    Now here is the new death field radius: http://i.imgur.com/wCiSkD8.jpg


    It's *********** massive and impossible to miss a single deathfield. The sustained damage of this spec with a full power/critical rating build is currently so high that you are able to effectively solo a healer of any kind and kill them with well placed cc and interrupts. This should not be. No single dps should ever be able to solo a healer, ever.




    Pushing somewhere in the 90k HP range in full min/maxed high endurance dps gear, as well as sub 40% crit chance and 68%ish surge. Single target dps is insane, autocrit shock is hitting like a truck, depredating volts does slightly more damage than before. The real boon to this spec now is the AoE, since we can now have crit chance to a reasonable level, the amount of AoE pressure we are able to put out has doubled. Sin tank will hands down be extremely competitive this season and I'm of the assumption that we may even surpass PT tanks in viability because of the combination of damage and utility sin tank now has access to. It has levels of single target burst to match Deception (which is sad), and sustained AoE pressure, on top of the ever amazing utility that the spec has always had. Highly recommend that those of you who haven't tanked in Ranked before, do it now.


    In summary, Deception is more lackluster than ever, Hatred is hands down over the top, more so than any previous iteration of the spec from a raw damage perspective, and Darkness is beyond viable this season.


    I would personally recommend Hatred over Deception for single target damage, AoE pressure, and even burst. The only thing Deception has over Hatred at this point is raw survivability in terms of stats (Damage Redux) and control.


    Last thing, gearing. Crit Relic and Mainstat Relic seem to be BiS now. I've tested Crit Relic vs Power Relic and Crit Relic simply gives more burst. If you're smart and line up your opener auto crit window with a double relic proc (not hard to do at all in practice btw), your opener will benefit from 9.8% extra surge from your crit relic, as opposed to the flat 882 power which only gives a marginal bonus damage increase which would be worth less actual damage on an enemy than 9.8% surge is on an auto crit opener. Not to mention that even with stacking high amounts of crit rating, the crit relic still gives you 4.9% extra crit chance as well as surge when it procs pushing its usefulness even further since it gives two stats now instead of just one.

    Tl;Dr - Nerf Hatred, buff Deception, watch out for Darkness this season.


    I think Hatred is pretty legit, I don't know about nerfing it considering what some other classes are putting out. Darkness sounds appealing, I may give it a run this time around. However, I think you really missed the mark and are underestimating Deception by a lot. I'm getting 17-20k Mauls, 14-17k Discharges back to back with some nasty Ball Lightnings. Taking down a healer is a joke in Deception, it's nearly impossible for them to survive when I jump on them with how often Duplicity etc. is proccing now. At times Maul becomes spammable with this spec. Maybe it could still use some buffs, the one thing I like about Hatred more is the self healing, I wish Deception had something similar. It seems though 1v1 Hatred doesn't do as well, Operatives will beat you down while Deception can go heads up with an OP. Using Shadowstep on Deception is also quite comical when sorcs try to run away.


    The really STUPID change here especially for Deception is the nerf to Force Speed CD, it needs to be reverted immediately.


    BTW, since Sorc's adopted PhaseWalk for whatever (Personally still don't agree with it but I run a Sorc a lot so whatever), where's the Assassin's Force Bubble? ;) Remember the whole mobile sorc bubble idea? Give it to deception, only you're able to use it in stealth as well but if you start doing dmg again it cancels the bubble.

  10. First off I just want to say it is not my intent to tell you how to run your game. That being said though, there is a lot in this expansion that angers me (and probably many others judging from the forums). One of the main things I'm upset about though is relating to romance-able companions.


    So I just finished chapter 4 I believe it was of the main KotFE story and I received a letter in the mail from Kaliyo (who I had my agent romance). The letter was essentially a break-up letter yelling at my agent for cheating on her. Now, there are several major problems with this. Firstly, I never cheated on her with Lana. All I did was flirt a little bit with her. Secondly, I distinctly remember a conversation with Kaliyo back in the original companion conversations where she said she was okay with my agent flirting and even sleeping around with other people. After all, my agent slept around a lot in the class story and Kaliyo didn't mind. In fact she even made jokes about it. Thirdly, she actually cheated on my character in the original story but the relationship continued.


    So it seems pretty strange that my agent would get dumped for "cheating" on her. Besides, he is and agent after all and seduction is a big part of that. Hopefully there is a way to resolve this and keep the relationship going but as it is it doesn't seem like it. The romances in my opinion are an important part of the story and had I known that flirting with Lana would cause this to happen, I never would have done it. However, you never warned us about this until after many people had already played SoR. Honestly I can't help but feel a bit cheated and lied to. As it is I'm considering deleting my character and starting completely over from scratch which I really don't want to have to do, but if it means that I can fix my character's story then I will.


    I don't expect an answer, but if there will ever be a way to fix this without having to start completely over I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me and everybody else who is concerned about this know. Please, I really don't want to start my character over from scratch.


    Haven't you figured out this is how a lot of females work IRL or maybe no IRL girlfriends yet? lol :cool:

  11. See the video here.


    It allows you to leave combat while still being attacked, allowing you to use out of combat regeneration as well as restealth if you're a stealth class. You can literally tank the damage of 2 to 3 enemies just by spamming your out of combat regen ability.


    Bioware, Please fix this before season 7 goes live in January.


    Blade and Soul will be out in Jan so I don't care what they do here then lol ;)


    Why report it just leave it bro, as far as EAWare is concerned it's not a bug but a feature. :rolleyes:

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