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Posts posted by Vindigore

  1. Vindigore, removing temporary dread is a resurrection buff and only that. You can easily wait minutes for dread disappear without that buff or use craftable and sellable Hope+ tokens. LOTRO doesnt have perma death penalty, so no need for it removal. Ppl here that didnt play LOTRO may misunderstand you.


    I think I said that you can either wait for it to wear off in 10 mins or use a cd skill that some classes have, to remove it (or use the store item).


    @ Xsorus. On the hope tokens subject, I pointed out that they are usually used to counter the boss' dread - not the death one.


    As I ve said in my first post, English isn't my native, so I hope I haven't confused anyone with my statements. If I have done so, I sincerely apologize.

  2. Vindigore, "death penalty removals" - no such thing in LOTRO. And Isengard expansion was way more fun than dull mazes of Moria.

    The LOTRO problem was that they introduced expansions with very slow pace, like 1 each year, which is now a definitely losing strategy on the very dynamic mmo's market. Now they are trying to do it much faster.


    Death penalty in Lotro = dread. Now, lets see in Turbine store:


    Tome of Rouse Spirit - "Use of this object will remove Dread that a player has acquired by being defeated. Tomes of Rouse Spirit can be used every 5 minutes. 1 use."


    Under Healing & Recovery, there's a section called Dread - open that and you should see both the single and the stack of 5 available for sale. 100tp for one, or you can buy a stack of 5 for 450tp. For a comparison, the monthly amount of tp (turbine points) a subscriber gets, is 500 - thats equal to 5 of these tokens and you get 50tp change.


    Yes, you can wait 10 mins for it to wear off. But 10 mins isn't an acceptable time to stand & do nothing after a wipe in an instance or raid. Yes, there are some classes that can remove it with a skill but they can do it to only 1 person, then, its on cd. Also, the hope tokens are better used to counter the boss' inherent dread and not the death penalty one.


    On the Isen vs Moria expansions we can agree that we disagree. I don't find stunning success an xpac that has so many problems for such long time on its only raid.


    Lastly, no, you dont change your legendary every expansion - just like you don't change your gear only once during an expansion. At the beginning you craft the age 3 weapon, then you get the item needed for age 2, and then if your lucky enough, you get an age 1 weapon. Then you cross your fingers to get the legacies you want, otherwise, you have to find yourself another weapon. That hardly seems "one time per expansion" .

  3. I'm cool with a F2P model on 2 conditions;


    1) No pay to win items are sold, including items that boost a players combat effectiveness, travel speed, crafting crit/success rate and anything else that could be construed to be "pay to win". XP boosts, pets, custom armor shells and mounts in my book are fine.


    2) Development budgets for operations aren't sacrificed. Already I'm finding the rate at which new and challenging content is released for "end-game" to be glacially slow. If F2P removes Bioware's incentive to create operation content for the raiding community, my own incentive to continue to subscribe will also removed.


    Otherwise, bring on the pink tauntaun pets and celestial speeders.


    From the announcements so far, it seems that they follow the LOTRO example. The turbine store currently sells : xp/craft boosters, death penalty removals (which subscribers have to buy as well because the penalties apply to them too), stat boosters, travel/summon boosters, relic removal scrolls (an item essential for min/maxing your legendary weapon - read: for optimizing your gear - that subscribers have to buy as well since this service isn't available in game otherwise) and many more.


    Most of the things sold are available for free to subs but there is (usually) a stronger version of the xxx free-to-subs-service to be found in the store. Some times there isn't any service at all (like the death penalty/relic removal), so subs have to buy it in order to have it. I have yet to see any serious gear being sold in the store - yes, there is some but nothing significant, its mostly cosmetic with very low stats, that of a 15-20 level item.


    So, if you are ok with such a store, f2p won't change your gameplay at all. If you aren't...tough luck.


    As for operations, Turbine has delivered only 1 (purely f2p - moria was developed when the game was sub only) expansion (Isen) and we are waiting for the second (Rohan). It is universally acclaimed that Isen was below par with Moria expansion. Fewer content and until recently (some 8-9months after it release), it had (not frequent but non rare either) problems with the raid boss (resets/bug outs).


    The whole post is based on the assumption that they ll do it the "Turbine way", which for a lot of people here seems to be the best and the most successful one.


    P.S. : English isn't my native, please excuse any grammar mistakes (bar the serious ones, they have to be pointed out, so I can improve my use of english).

  4. I see a lot of posts claiming that F2P will save the game and won't inconvenience the subbed people. Most of them present the "LOTRO way-to-f2p".


    My biggest concern against f2p is that I have yet to see a f2p game (with sub option) that gives unrestricted access to EVERYTHING the game has.


    Lets see what they said:

    The Cartel Market is a brand new feature that will be introduced with our Free-to-Play option. The Cartel Market will offer valuable in-game items including customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience.


    I ll wait to see whats gonna be like in SWTOR but in Lotro this translates into : no access to traveling skill (albeit its cheap), few bag/bank/character/auction slots, small access to traits/virtues ( the game's skill system), crafting limitations and a billion other things. (See how strangely convenient is the legacy system? Account/character perks ... now, where have I read that they discovered its suitability and priced high all these perks, so that people wont be able to buy them until F2P? Ah, yes, in an untrustworthy and blatantly false comment last week.)


    LOTRO also has a death penalty, I wont be surprised if they bring something similar here aswell - notice that this affects subs & frees alike- (each time you die, you 're gimped for 10mins -unless you spend a cash shop item that costs 100points- also, if you rez at the spot, you can't do it for 1-2 hours, unless you use a cash shop item. The catch is that even subscribers have to buy this item to avoid the death penalty.) So much for "subscribers don't need to spend a penny". After all, if really subscribers had access to everything, they wouldn't need any cartel points...


    In the above example, the rez item costs 150 points each. Do you know how much points do subscribers get each month? 500. You can understand now, how measly low is that amount to the prices of absolute vital ( for any group that doesn't want to wait 10+mins after each wipe) cash shop items.



    What happens if I decide to change from being a subscription player to a Free-to-Play member? What will happen to my credits, inventory, bank items, and characters?

    Your account will automatically be downgraded and it will operate under the Free player restrictions. You will need to choose what items to keep with you within the restriction levels of the free access. Furthermore, you will be able to see, but not use, your excess credits, inventory slots, bank tabs, and extra characters.


    Not even Turbine did this. I got to keep my extra bags/unlocked gold limit, travel skill, unlocked virtues/traits for all the chars I had when I stopped my sub. All these restrictions applied for new chars, created while playing free (premium in the lotro case).


    Is the cash shop, a fluff shop?

    You know that the cosmetics tab is just one of the 9 that the cast shop has?

    If you consider : combat/xp/deed/crafting buffs & boosts, services like quick traveling/summoning, potions and relic removal scrolls (to name a few), fluff, then it is a fluff shop.


    *QUOTES are from the official SWTOR FAQ about F2P.


    P.S. : English isn't my native. Tried my best to assemble a readable post, please excuse any grammar mistakes.

  5. You want to apply the single player's game logic of "difficulty settings" in an MMO ... as a few people have already pointed out, thats impossible - it would require different coding/different play testing/different Quality Control etc.


    On the hypothetical and not-going-to-happen question of yours, I say : bring em on! If they are to make an "extremely difficult" server I 'd expect an "extremely easy" server as well. Difficulty setting goes both ways after all. I always play ALL my games on easiest setting. I want to survive even if I am half asleep the 2 hours / day I play (it happens quite a lot with my working hours). I don't give a rat's @ss about bragging rights / e-sports / e-peen / accomplishments via overcoming digital challenges. The fact that I survive my RL difficulties gives me all the accomplishment feeling I need - no video game means anything against that.


    Sadly for both of us, it wont happen. So, I m stuck trying to find a stupidly easy MMO game (because it's the cheapest entertainment there is and money for Single Player games is money I cannot afford) and you are stuck with an easier-than-you'd-like game. We are both victims of the "middle ground" rule.

  6. Since most people here agree that P2W is a situation where real money give an advantage to a player over another, why not consider all these MMO mouses & anti-ghosting keyboards as p2w? They have 17+ programmable buttons, to keybind skills or macros (when the game supports them) and with the perfect responsiveness of the keyboard, in a battle between 2 equally skilled pvpers, they are the decisive factor. And to save myself off some arguments, no, the pc doesn't fall into that caterogy. If you have an relatively inferior computer, you can always lower the settings and get almost the same FPS of a superior pc. There isn't any setting that you can tweak to overcome the mouse+keyboard advantage, though.


    I just wanted to point out to all the people who are against p2w, that it is already here. It is quite possible that you already do it - even if you protest against it. You just decide to factor some cash shop items more than 2 pieces of hardware that really make a huge difference when they are present. Plus, they cost way more (200-300$/euros) than e.g. any amount of pots you ll ever buy off a cash shop.


    P.S. Yes, its quite possible that the internet line can be considered as p2w - especially if you have more than one option and chose the fastest one. Every pvper can assure you on the advantage of a 20ms latency over a 120ms one.


    PPS. In my experience f2p games are cheaper for me than p2p. Since last august (~10months) I 've paid 40euros for LotRO, in contrast, the 7 months of SWTOR have costed me 55(game)+65(6month sub)=120 euros....

  7. My server isn't eligible for transfers yet, but if it follows the trend (all EU PvE servers go to Red Eclipse), I ll lose all 4 of my lvl 50 names and 2/3 of my lower alts. Can't test yet about my Legacy but if the name loss is to give me a hint, I ll probably lose it as well. I was shocked that I lost my main's name because I used it in WoW and according to armory there was only 1 more person with the same name and he was in US.


    When I create a char, the most difficult thing to choose is the name. I found myself being logged out due to inactivity in character creation quite a few times (before they fix it in one recent patch), because I couldn't decide what name a char should have. Name for me defies everything : the looks, the class, the spec, the play style, the light or dark side... Now that (probably) my chars are to lose their original name, they feel alien to me. My trooper is justice incarnated to my eyes - he has a fitting name & he leveled accordingly. My IA is Agent Smith (smith is taken in all variations in red eclipse) - I m sure you can see why it's impossible to transfer him.


    A char that loses its name is without purpose. It's far more easier for me to roll a new char, than to rename an existing one. But in rolling a new one, I ll lose a 33 lvl Legacy, 6 max level crafting skills and a million RE'd recipes on them - not going to happen. So, I ll stay in my server. And if the day comes that they ll force move me in a server that requires me to rename, I ll /quit instead.


    It feels to me that while trying to get the MMO element back, we lost the RolePlayingGame part...

    "What's in a name, Shakespeare? - EVERYTHING"


    PS: I don't mind using special characters for my least favorite toons, but I won't do it for my mains - making difficult for others to /inv, /w or mail you, is like shooting yourself on the foot.

  8. We get patches on almost a weekly basis. Each of these is essentially an update. You assume he is referring to 1.3, 1.4 etc, but it is not clear from the quote that he is. In fact it would seem a little unreasonable to expect full updates on the scale of 1.3, 1.4 etc on a monthly basis.


    But then, why let something as silly as reason spoil your argument?




    Minor patches shouldn't come once every month! Neither should a company strive to give them monthly! If you 've read the comment, they are excited that they 'll bring us Updates like 1.2 (Update 1.2 coming and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.). What company that respects itself, is excited for bringing minor updates to its customers, every month? Now, is it fair to throw back the glove and say that it's reason is nowhere to be found in your mind? I m sure that pointing fingers is a perfect way for a healthy communication.


    The notion was about major content updates. 1.1 was out roughly a month after launch. 1.2 took 3 months. His comment was on that delay and that they 'd come back to monthly major updates, as they did with 1.1.


    I have reason, thats why I found that comment/promise highly unlikely to happen. Content doesn't come out so easily. BUT I WASNT THE ONE TO MAKE THAT STATEMENT. If they couldn't deliver, why to say such a thing? Who could have blamed them for not bringing new content every month? If Nvidia/Ati announce tomorrow that they ll release a new generation of cards every 2 months, it is my fault if they won't do it? Is it my fault for holding them to their word? What kind of crappy logic is this?


    To summarize, with my first post, I wanted to show that BW is known for inconsistencies especially regarding to SWTOR and to back it up with some "proof" as Rebrac wanted. I could easily pick the promise for 1.2 ranked warzones, that was recalled just before the patch go live. If you tell me that this didn't happen because I haven't posted any quote/link, I ll just say that I don't care about SWTOR & its customers so much, to do research for every thing that I say. If you 're blind enough, you can even argue that the sun shines (I can't see it, so it doesn't happen). I got more important things to do than to try to explain it to stubborn people.

  9. Considering what? They met their character transfer deadline (early summer) so why would we believe they won't now? Make arguments please.


    Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out so I wont plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe, it's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.


    From the interview with Darthhater (April 7 2012) http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20062-pax-east-2012-mmorpg-com-panel-with-james-ohlen


    Here's an argument for you. Notice the bold letters? They said that after 1.2 we 'd get monthly updates.

    When was 1.2 out to live servers? 12th of April.

    When was 1.3 out to live servers? Not yet.

    How much time has passed since 1.2? 2 months and counting.

    Who was hold responsible for lying/giving false expectations to the customers? None (or you might say it was Stephen Reid - thus the lay off - but he wasn't the one that made the comment, so...wrong guy BW!!)

  10. I am currently unsubscribed with a few paid days left. I wonder what happens if while I am unsubscribed, the few people that still play in my dead server, move out via transfers and BW decides to close the server. Will I lose my chars? Do I have to resub, in order to transfer them?

    Note : I ll be far away from any internet connection for the following 3-4 months so swtor.com and any news on that subject, won't be available to me.

  11. I have lost so much interest in healing, that only today I came back in the forums and found out the JO interview. Anyway, his words mean one thing "We are very happy with 1.2 changes, they were in the right direction, everything else is pure discontent by players that were used to being extremely well treated (overpowered) pre-1.2".


    That's it for me. I gave them enough time to fix the game. I waited patiently 1,5 month after 1.2 hoping that the combat logs would make them finally see, what we came to realize in PTS - to no avail. I had the misfortune of subscribing for 6 months, a week before 1.2 came to PTS. I still have ~100 days left due to the free month but I think that enough is enough.


    Recently I learned a term "Escalation of commitment ". It stroke to me that this describes perfectly what drove me to continue playing until now. Having 8 chars, 3 50s, 3 40+ and all 6 crafting skills maxed with quite a few schematics from RE, all I could think was that if I stop now, its like admitting that all that effort/time was a waste. JO statements woke me up from the daydreaming. The changes are here to stay. Game has switched direction from the initial release. I don't even know whom do they cater for anymore. Release drove away most "hardcores" that wanted a challenge, 1.2 drives away the "casuals" by raising the difficulty bar. But how many "hardcores" are left to appreciate the change? Seems to me, that by trying to kill 2 birds with one stone (appeal to both crowds), stone missed horribly and both birds flew away.


    Bottom line is, that there is no point in playing a game that has changed so much while their developers think that the change is for the best. I wanted to play all chars and see all the stories but everyday I keep playing, quitting is harder due to the aforementioned phenomenon. Yes, I feel gutted that I didn't get my money's worth but at least I m not losing anymore time into a lost cause.


    P.S. Forgive my grammar, English isn't my native - All the above are personal opinions (if you think otherwise, we can agree that we disagree and be done with it).

  12. In mentality, they are too much alike. PvPers tend to follow the "pwn you" approach by beating others, PvErs follow the "pwn" approach by comparing achievements/titles that have acquired for completing a raid. PvPers, use the ranking system (when there is one) to show off their superior "skillz", PvErs use the tier xx gear to show off their superiority over other players.


    It's all about that primitive instinct of egoism. Both groups want to establish their superiority over the rest of the players. In the very old days, this happened by being the best hunter & by bringing the most food to the clan (the alpha-male), later, personal wealth played the role of distinguishing one from the other. In modern games, there is this e-sport / e-peen competition that tenders our egoism.


    Back on subject : I think the only difference between the two is that PvE "wins" are against a scripted non-human element while PvP is player against player and thus, any mockery is taken much more seriously. (It's another thing to be called incompetent because you can't beat a well written (or not) script and it's totally different to be called "loser" by the guy that just beat you in a battle).

  13. I am married with Kaliyo and now I ve reached the infamous dinner-soon to be married conversation with Ensign.


    Here's the thing: (not sure if it's a spoiler, but just in case..)


    If I choose that I prefer Ensign over Kaliyo (opt 1), I gain +15 affection with Kaliyo and the cinematic with the Kaliyo being mad with me for chasing Temple (heck, she asks me to allow her to "see" 2-3 males in the after marriage mail, she brought a random guy a few conversations earlier, and suddenly, she jumps on me for seeing other women?).

    If I choose option 2 (Kaliyo is always more important for me than Ensign), I get -1 affection with Kaliyo and the cinematic with Ensign being sad.



    Shouldn't this be the other way round? Is it a bug?

  14. Imperial Side


    Best Playable Char Voice = Male IA (especially on dark/threatening/vengeful options)

    Best NPC Voice = Lord Zash

    Best Humanoid Companion Voice = Andronikos Revel

    Best Non-human Companion Voice = Xalek/SCORPIO

    (non) Honorable Mention = Ship Droid

  15. PvE can`t dominate other PvE. Unless it is prequisite gear for a certain OP. Work for your gear.


    Exclusive items.. work for them


    Unique colors.. work for them


    It seems like you are making up reasons as to why you are entitled to get for free what it took others some effort to get. Want it? Go get it... but don`t complain that others did and you feel left alone.


    I work 12+ hours/day (2 jobs + anything seasonal) to raise money to leave this cesspool EU country that I live in atm. I certainly don't need to work more hours in a day. I play to relax and release some of the daily pressure of my RL. MMOs are the cheapest entertainment available for someone whos short on money - that's why I don't play single player games anymore. SWTOR advertised as story-driven, so I chose it over all the gear/e-peen driven MMOs because I don't care about "overcoming hard challenges" and having that "warm feeling of success" - I get it every time I m able to pay my bills and manage to keep some euros for my future immigration, thank you.


    The game changed direction alright. It delivered my expectations at the start (great story - easy mode), until 1.2 came where they raised the difficulty bar (medpack / healing nerfs) + no new class quests, showing to me that their priorities have changed. Now, they focus on min-maxers/ optimal rotationists / e-peeners that have all the time in the world to run parsers to improve their gameplay, or to read guides for every encounter.


    I paid for 6 months (the cheapest/month sub) and with all these free days/month, I still have 128 days left. So, I ll be here when 1.3 comes (and maybe 1.4since they said that their intention is to roll out content updated monthly).

    It remains to be seen if this trend (making the game appealing to the hardcore crowd) is here to stay.


    P.S. : Yes, I want an easy game where I ll be able to faceroll and be successful 50-60-70% of the time. Where if I play remotely focused, this raises to 95%. Couldn't care less about achievements - insane daily grinds for gear (e.g. the 360 daily comms (twice if I want the dps and the healing parts) for ear/implants + 130 more for my artifice) - defeating a boss after countless wipes. I don't have the need to overcome any "digital difficulties" - I deal (and succeed) with many more difficulties in my RL.


    P.S. 2 : I really don't get it why every EVERY MMO has to be a race to max level and then raid or pvp (because you have nothing else to do). And of course, raids have to be challenging aka difficult. SWTOR was the only MMO with easy raids (which made it unique in the MMO world) - now, its just like any other. But the others, were build around that gear/raid concept, so they do it better (and will probably continue to).

  16. Due to the well known griefing PvP exploit on my PvE server, I hated the event entirely. Tried to avoid it by bypassing Tattoine but even in 50 heroics/FP's people were trying to infect me and half the time I was running away avoiding them, instead of doing the heroic/FP. Bored of this behaviour and leveled an alt up until 24-25 (to avoid Tattoine) but since I did it out of need and not out of preference, I ended up logging in only 2-3 days during the week and only for a few hours. In conclusion : I lost almost 7 paid days due to the event because I didn't want to participate.
  17. According to several sites, 1.3 will be the Droid patch. We ll do a series of quests and in the end we ll get a brand new HK-51 droid as a companion. Of course, since its a major update, we ll get a new OP & a FP.


    Rumors (that usually come true because its nerfing ones) say that threat is gonna be the next victim of the nerf bat. Tanks have an easy time with threat and if a tank simply presses the buttons, he can keep aggro - that has to change, to provide more challenge (aka more fun) to the tanks. And because we know how BW handles "normalizing output to more acceptable numbers", we expect a flat out 30-40% nerf in threat output. Also, due to all the whining about sorc's AOE heal (its too strong), its gonna be brought down to the AOE of the other classes, so they wont feel mistreated.


    Then, its quite possible that BW will be happy because finally the game will be run according to their metrics (aka : how many people can clear all the content in the other game *that we dont say its name* ? 0.5-1%. We have to have the same % here as well). Of course, if even the aforementioned changes, dont bring the desired 1% special snowflake result, be certain to see more "normalization" in the next patches. After all, if an MMO doesnt cultivate bragging rights & e-peen behaviours, why should someone play it?


    English isn't my native language, sarcasm is.

  18. Been healing since day 1. Liked it and loved it because I could make a difference while not having to be a "pro" or one of the best players. I play to relax and not to feel pressured into optimal rotations/specs/min-maxed gear. SWTOR was friendly to my kind of people, the ones that don't give a rat's @ss for "real" challenge/accomplishment feelings/rewarding the hard effort etc because they know that digital achievements mean nothing at all.


    Now they made the game harder to please the e-peen seeking audience. Grats to these people that wanted a mean to distinguish themselves from the "unskillful" masses - you managed to turn a casual friendly game into a hardcore only one (for one more time). Wonder if I ll ever find an MMO that cares about me without a group of people jump upon it and start screaming for it to be harder & more challenging - possibly never. So, since my 6 month sub ends up mid-July, I ll play the remaining 5 class stories and leave in search for such an MMO.

  19. PvE isnt going to be unplayable - its just going to be much much more difficult because healing will be harder. After all, it is the change that so many people wanted all these months. Grats to them for convincing the devs to go to that direction. I hope that they 're happy now. Finally, someone will be able to say "I cleared xxx raid/FP" and boast about it. Because if you cant brag about your accomplishments in a MMO, what can you brag about?





    Yes, sarcasm is my native language.

  20. I don't see why you would find any heroic 2's challenging. I did all mine with very little effort. In fact they felt roughly the difficulty of normal quests in previous MMOs (which involve actual use of class mechanics and strategy instead of blasting mindlessly through like every normal quest in this game).


    Heroic 4's certainly can't be soloed by all classes, and only stealthers can do it, because they're hax.


    I don't consider myself hardcore either, and you don't have to be be a competent player.


    Any class that cant cc reliably (for 1 min) has problems with most of heroic 2 - wont even dare to propose heroic 4. Try doing with a Marauder: Prison Labor at Tattoine, or Republic's Last Grasp at Balmorra, Recruitment/Botched Interrogation @ Nar Shadaa and a lot a lot more examples...


    Yes, classes like sorc/op/merc that can heal & cc , can solo more heroics, but this isnt the case. The whole thing started when I counter-argued Jjix's post at the start of page 20 that SWTOR is a Single Player Online Game. When I ll be able to solo heroics/FP's/Raids at my level with all classes, then it will be one, until then, accusing it of being a SPOG is silly the least.

  21. BioWare tries to make the game more difficult. Since, the difficulty level is somehow linear with healing, if they make healing harder, the content gets harder and vice versa. Congrats to all those that whined for months that the game was too easy - now you start to get what you wanted.


    The crazy thing is that even now that your wish comes true, you still whine - nothing makes you happy. And dont start me with "we wanted some challenge but not THAT much" - I ll say, a)be careful what you wish for and b) that if you really wanted some challenge, you shouldnt worry that it went a bit too far - after all, if something is harder, you get more of that precious accomplishment feeling of yours. Now that the gear is going to be so hard to get, you ll get your so-much-desired epeen.

  22. 1) MMOs that don't have "hardcore" players are MMOs that are dying. And the reason, in my view, is that ideally a MMO is a massive self-sustaining virtual world that really has no beginning nor end. (Obviously they do have beginnings and ends, but in the heart of a good MMO one can barely tell.) Anytime you have this situation of a self-sustaining virtual world, hardcore gamers will be there. When the content is endless, more effort and time is always better.


    SWTOR's problem is that it isn't a MMORPG, it is a SPOG (single-player online game). It isn't a massive virtual world in which there is endless content and community driven activity. It is a single player game that, like all single player games, has a beginning and end. Consequently, it doesn't allow for hardcore gaming anymore than Mass Effect allows for hardcore gaming. All hardcore gamers manage to achieve is that they finish the game faster than everyone else.


    2) I believe SWTOR represents the end of this "single player online game" design philosophy which has been the bane of the mmorpg world for almost a decade.


    Since WoW demonstrated that most mmo players spend their time soloing, game after game after game has come out with this quest-based soloing design philosophy, each one failed, and each one blamed their failures on not pursuing this philosophy hard enough! "Grouping" became a bad word; "hardcore" became derogatory; and the well-balanced citizen with a job and a real life became the MMO ideal. These "casuals", as they were called, had too much real life to really want a virtual life, so developers figured that there must be something wrong with the "life" aspect of online games -- and that translated into throwing out the socializing aspects of these games and focusing instead on the solo experience. Solo experience for the tired citizens who comes home from work, sick and tired of people, and just wants to chill out in from of the TV . . . I mean, PC . . . for a few hours before bed. They want the SPOG.


    Now they've tried it, now they've put every last cent into the ultimate SPOG . . . and the consensus: the game is failing. Perhaps you can blame it on the scifi genre, perhaps you can blame in on the lack of PvP (actually, that is a pretty valid concern), perhaps on the stability or performance, but all of these excuses -- which have worked for failed SPOGs in the past -- fall short because everyone knows this game was the ultimate SPOG.


    The problem isn't the graphics, character customization, or too much advertising. The problem is that the SPOG philosophy doesn't work (well) and with that realization the dark age of MMOs (the WoW period) is, in my opinion, finally coming to an end.


    No, WoW (that you keep talking about) in nothing like SPOG. When at max level, you cant do anything but group in order to advance your chars. All the story (the little one that there is), progresses in the raids. A game that Forces you to group, cant be a single player game.


    This game, if it fails it will be because : a) after focusing on the relaxed players at the beginning (thus alienating the hardcore), it seems to turn its attention to the hardcore (with 1.2), thus alienating the remaining relaxed players, b) a lot of self centered "hardcore" people, screamed, whined and cried aloud at the forums trying to turn this game into something that wasnt at the beginning (a hard challenging game) and until their wishes came true (call me 1.2), they flamed it so hard that alot new potential customers run away. Funny thing is that they said so many bad things about this game, that even if it does turn to be almost as they want it, they will not come back because they 'd be a "SWTOR player"*.


    SWTOR isnt a a SPOG as you call it. If it was, I d be able to solo all the content : all the heroic 2/4 quests, all the FP (solo fp's) and all the raids (solo raids). As long as this cant happen, this aint a single player game.


    * This is fast becoming an accusation, a player description that defines incompetent players who succeed in a very easy game.

  23. you have story mode for that. there are players that have beaten story mode soa with only half the intended players, and others that have beaten it wearing only relic/implants/weapons. you have your easy content.


    also, attempting to blame "hardcore guilds at the guild summit" is disingenuous. bioware invited guild leaders (you know, the ones that actually represent the guild, which is why they did it) from all kinds of different guilds, based on different metrics. some of the rest attended on their own dime.


    In all regards, my point was about 1.2 & the direction the game is taking. In PTS story mode isnt easy. Healing is so tense and mistakes are grave. And no, I m not a full rakata geared player - I shouldnt be just for story mode.


    For the ease of conversation lets say that there are 3 kind of guilds, the elite, the hardcore and the casual guilds. The first two are very vocal, they want to prove their superiority over other peoples, or to prove their skills (to whom I wonder), or just want a really tough challenge (for which I ve already expressed my opinion) and the game doesnt offer them that chance (currently), since a) the content is easy and anyone can complete it, b) gear is easily obtainable by all kinds of players. The casual guilds are happy with the way the things are. Since the first 2 want the changes, they protest, express their dissatisfaction at the forums, even start "doomsday" threads (aka the game will go FTP, we will all leave, etc). Any real casual wont bother to get in a fight (even a verbal one) over just a game - there are more important things in life to fight for, so you get which people will get the attention and the catering ...


    Many players who wanted this to be their new hard raiding game have moved on, and it isn't clear they will come back. Meanwhile the average players have been able to complete content labeled 'hard' and 'nightmare' and feel that this is their game.


    So what happens when the designers start making 'hard mode' actually hard and 'nightmare mode' something that only the most dedicated players in organized guilds can complete?


    Will they be able to get the players who wanted this level of challenge come back to consume the new 'hard' and 'nightmare' content?


    Will the players who have completed 'hard' and 'nightmare' when it was easy continue to have success, or will they get frustrated with the difficulty?


    And for a preview of this, just look at the posts whining about the healing nerfs and medpack changes coming in 1.2, and this is before anyone gets a chance to see if the new content is more difficult than current content.


    Heck many of the post already have some variant of 'I am a hard / nightmare raider and with these changes the content will be impossible'.


    I don't envy the balancing act the developers will have to perform to keep from alienating various segments of the games population as they move forward.


    In fact, if I were them I'd just focus on several broad segments and not try to please everyone, especially the small niches.


    Excellent observation. I m one of these players. Spend a lot of years playing games/content that required 110% focus/skill - what you call "challenging" and "real" hard modes. Life & maturity taught me that I was just wasting time. Figured out that having pressure & anxiety for a game is moronic - my whole daily real life is full of it, why I'd want to add more (especially now that I have to keep in mind the stroke/heart attack danger due to age). Now all I want is to relax while playing. Heck on single playing games I always choose the easiest mode.


    SWTOR at the beginning was awesome on that part - I could play it without reading guides/min-maxing my spec/gear, being focused 100% on the game. Felt like the BWL runs that we did being overgeared with AQ to sell epics to ppl with no chance of being in a raiding guild - we used to run them with 31-34 ppl, 10 of them totally ignorant of the place & the mechanics & I was still able to chit chat on grp chat while playing, or even to be drunk during the raid. I still havent experienced anything remotely relaxed as these moments while our grp was RP'ing @ Chrommagus (instead of fighting) or just "nabbing" around, making life difficult for the others - ofc, this wouldnt happen every time, it was 1-2 grps @ the most every such raid, different each time, so noone would feel like he "carries" the others all the time. Imagine a tank being in "silly mode" and pulling without stops -> made all the raid play to its very best. E.g. in such cases we found ourselves fighting Broodlord + a gazzilion of whelps that hadnt died because tank was running. Ofc, you ll get wiped sometimes but noone will care because if you decide to play "right" you ll do it easily.


    I played the PTS for almost 10 days now - game feels different, more hostile & unforgiving. The healing nerfs, the medpack nerfs & the overall increased difficulty alienate me. Who could expect anything else? They listened to the guilds at the summit, not the casual player. Guilds always wanted harder content than the avg player. Hardcore/elite guilds want even more difficult content. Casuals, dont have time or dont want to pay money to go to a summit, the vast majority of the attendants are hardcore ppl.


    Whats saddens me is that they advertised a whole different kind of MMO, a story-driven MMO, not a challenge or gear-driven and that means that we shouldnt focus on these to progress & see every twist of the story. Its the story that we are after and gear, challenges and mix/max gameplay shouldnt be essential for us. All I want is an "easy" MMO, thought that SWTOR would be it - 1.2 tries to prove me otherwise. So far, I felt that this could be my game for the years to come, now I ll possibly quit after the 6 months are over.


    P.S.: No, WoW & the others arent easy - at least as I mean it. Easy is to be able to clear content with 60% of the ppl attending/knowing what to do (avg people, not pro's). Easy is to be able to play non-optimal specs with success and still clear everything. Easy = much much tolerable towards mistakes, non- optimal rotations, non-optimal raid groups. SWTOR was the first MMO that was close to this, feels like it wont be anymore. Well, back in looking for such a game.


    P.S. 2: As you have understood bragging about having xx gear / yy achivements / zz ranks means nothing to me. Want challenge & something to brag about? Come and try to survive in my real life - the 12h+ work/day & with money just enough to pay the bills - and to save some responses, MMO's are the cheapest entertainment, thats why I play them.

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