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Posts posted by dakajojo

  1. I agreed for the longest time, but then I noticed something...

    Namely this and this.


    So I am now completely recinding my previous statements and admitting that I am probably wrong in this.

    This should most likely be a working in-game jetpack since it has been used as one on earlier models.

    I'm happy to here it. That's one of the reasons I was trying to point out from the get-go. :jawa_redface:


    I love the way these sets look, and being that they are from the CM and new... I'd hope the Devs address it.


    Remember the BH set that you can now buy with Completed Bounty Contracts instead of credits? It was the same issue, I remember threads about how it was disappointing that the backpack actually didn't act as a jetpack but they never cared about it.


    My BH is still wearing an Arkanian chestplate with that ugly antenna on my shoulder to have a working jetpack... This is just sad when you consider that jetpacks are one of the BH's coolest features in Star Wars from the movies to... The Old Republic (remember the

    cinematic trailer?) yet it is a pain to have a decent chestplate with one.

    Ugh, I know what you mean! :jawa_frown:


    So you think it's more logical to shoot out your scuba feet?

    LOL! I couldn't agree more! :jawa_smile:

  2. That's nice and all, but you are confusing jet propulsion with rocket propulsion.

    The video you show is of a rocket propelled missile. Not a jet propelled one.

    Using a Pump-jet propulsion (which is what the item on the back of these packs look like) would not make you do anything above water.


    As I said before in this thread, what ever you would like to call the pack, the jetpack/rocket pack is the SAME model used for properly working gear with the desired animation. SAME model.


    And as I said before (again) there is no underwater travel in this game, so labeling the pack's model, which is actively being used for other gear, as a "pump jet" is reaching. I could care less if the gear has "Underwater" in it. It doesn't change the fact that it is the SAME model used for other gear, which have properly used animations. :jawa_evil:


    Your argument was already posted before, if you cared to read. If you don't want the gear to animate or don't care about the gear, I don't understand the need to stop in this thread and try to argue. :jawa_mad:


    Based on the view count of this and the threads in the Bug Reporting forum, it seems I am not alone here.

  3. Yes please tell him is a "blubble pack" and "thruster" closest thing to a Aquapack like said previously.


    Underwater, means Underwater...


    I don't need to be told anything. There is no underwater travel in this game. The model includes a jetpack, and it should be used as such. There is no written rule saying a jetpack on an underwater set can't be used anywhere but underwater. In the real world, rockets can go from underwater to the air. (i.e.

    ) The same should apply here, especially in the Star Wars Universe.
  4. Again, it probably comes down to the armor template as I mentioned above; Each armor, as the way it is designed, appears to based off on and I believe it's fair to assume that each has a different set of rules.


    Some, as mentioned above, have a jet pack added on the back but for all intents and purposes, the template wasn't built that way so it assumes there's no pack there; Hence, the boost comes from the feet.


    Others have no jet pack at all and yet the boost comes from the back, like there's a jet pack there.


    Changing the different armor templates is probably too much of a hassle and changing around on an individual basis... Well... :rolleyes:


    The fact that only one class is plagued by this issue doesn't help, since it's probably a fairly small minority who'll even talk about it.




    My internet is toying with me...


    Was under the impression my previous post had "disappeared" and now it's there. :o


    I would consider the template issue you describe as a bug. If a jetpack is there, it should be used instead of the animation coming from the character's feet.


    The devs have addressed other gear issues in the past - but the majority were from the CM. Thankfully, these sets are also from the CM... so I hope they address the concern here. They are such great looking sets. It would be a shame if the jetpacks aren't utilized.

  5. Why are people even surprised that this kind of stuff happens? I mean, really?


    It's the kind of stuff that has been happening ever since this game was released; Hell, you have high-tier armor, namely the Black Hole / Campaign / Dread Guard with a jet pack on the back and even so, the boost comes from the feet, like the jet pack is not even there.


    Black Hole / Campaign / Dread Guard gear has been around over two(!!!) years now... It was never fixed and seeing that it may be considered outdated and only worth the bother if you're a collector, they'll never come to fix it.


    I bought the Underwater armor sets already but since I was told that it was plagued by this same issue, I didn't even bother to open the lockboxes.


    It's not that we are surprised... it just need to be addressed.


    On the subject of older gear: they still haven't addressed the hood issue (up on some, down on others, or if it's up the model shows another hood down...) on robes for the Jedi classes. I think it's safer to say they would address newer, CM-originated gear though. :jawa_redface:

  6. Actually, it shouldn't be sarcasm.

    If you look closely it IS a jetpack. For underwater travel.

    What y'all want is rocketpacks. That's what boba and jango had. That's what the bounty hunters have in the game (hence rocket jump and rocket punch instead of jet jump and jet punch).


    The jet pack is obviously made for underwater travel. It's not a bug that there are no rocket flames coming out if it since it isn't a rocket.


    I get what you are saying, but as there is no underwater travel in this game, the jetpack/rocketpack (whatever you wish to address it as) should work like the other Bounty Hunter armor chest pieces that have a jetpack on the back (should they work as intended and are not bugged.)

  7. I posted this in General, but I will post it here as well:


    Both the Underwater Explorer and Underwater Adventurer Armor sets do not utilize the jetpack attached to the chest piece. The rocket boost instead comes from the character's feet. Based on the model of the chest piece and from popular consensus, the rocket boost animation should come from the jetpack on the chest piece - not from the character's feet.


    I am not sure if this was intentional, or a bug. If it is intentional, it doesn't really make sense to have an unusable jetpack (there is no underwater travel in-game) and should be corrected. If it is a bug, please fix it. These are easily some of the best Bounty Hunter sets available. It's a shame the jetpack is not currently being utilized.


    An In-game bug ticket has been submitted. I would suggest anyone else reading do the same.


    Original Thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=741049

  8. I completely agree. These are easily the best-looking Bounty hunter chestpieces and I got one for my BH as soon as it hit the GTN. Then I learned that the jetpack doesn't work for some reason. Could we please get a dev comment on whether this is a bug or and intended feature? If it is a bug, an ETA on a fix would be appreciated too.


    This, this, this!!!


    I submitted a bug ticket, just in case. It would be nice if a dev or community manager could comment so we aren't left in the dark. :jawa_eek:

  9. I may be one of the only ones, but I love the way these armor sets look on my Bounty Hunter. :jawa_smile:


    However... what is the point of having a jet pack on the back of the chest piece if the rocket boost comes out of the feet of the character instead?! If there is a booster pack on the back, why not have the rocket boost come from there? I'm not sure if this was intentional, or yet another bug. :jawa_frown:

  10. It seems that there is a bit of an issue with the Chocolate Lobel... after the timer runs out, the darn things still act like they are bound and cannot be listed on the GTN.


    I submitted a bug ticket, but I figured I'd post here too. I really hope they fix this soon. I have 8 of the little bastards and I'd like to get them out of Bay 2... :jawa_redface:

  11. I fully support the Cartel Market, but I already pay a monthly fee to play and support this game. I do appreciate the monthly Cartel Coin grant, but... I'd like to suggest implementing a discount system for subscriber Cartel Coin Purchases. Even if it was 10%, it's something that would not only make subscribers feel like they are getting some incentive for paying each month, but also should push more Cartel Coin purchases.


    Just an idea. :jawa_smile:

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