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10 Good
  1. Haha, it looks like they've realized their mistake. What happened to the "Random" aspect of RNG?
  2. If someone doesn't have updated gear then they die very quickly in operations and therefore get to have less fun because people won't let them into the raid without decent gear. Edit: sorry I quoted the wrong one.
  3. You really aren't refuting his argument at all. And your statistics are actually the flawed ones. He's talking about MULTIPLE raids, not just 1 raid. Explain to me how 4 bosses have never dropped agent loot in 7 weeks. The only way you can do that is by pointing to astronomical odds that might exist over the course of 1 raid, but not SEVEN.
  4. 16 Man KP Raid - 7th week in a row raiding - 2 Sith Inquisitor and 2 Sith Warrior helms drop off Bonethrasher. No new gear dropped in 7 FREAKING WEEKS IN A ROW on 4 DIFFERENT pieces. Don't tell me that RNG is functioning as normal.
  5. The system has to revolve around whoever is the leader of the Ops, that's the only thing that makes sense.
  6. Sure it helps. If you're the only Imperial Agent and 4 DIFFERENT pieces of gear don't drop 7 weeks straight, then those odds are nearly impossible. There's no exaggeration here. I'm sure I'll be mentioning next week when I hit 8 weeks straight.
  7. The Rakata pieces I currently have are: Rakata Belt Rakata Bracers Rakata Pants Rakata Mainhand Rakata Offhand (this drops off Gharj every week) I have gone 7 weeks without ANYTHING NEW dropping - The following has never dropped for me (I'm usually the only imperial agent): Rakata Gloves Rakata Boots Rakata Helm Rakata Chest So that makes for a total of 7 Annihilation Droid XRR-3 - Never dropping agent gloves in close to 2 months 7 Infernal Councils - Never dropping agent boots in close to 2 months 7 Bonethrashers - Never dropping agent helm in close to 2 months 7 Soa the infernal - Never dropping agent chest in close to 2 months If you think of the odds, that's 28 bosses dropping 2 pieces of Rakata loot for 4 base classes and they never show up as Agent. But I sure as hell have a ton of Rakata offhands (I'm collecting them, because again, I'm usually the only agent). In tonight's EV raid, we had a new mercenary healer join us who is now as geared as I am (armorwise) in ONE RAID (3 bounty hunter drops - gloves, boots, legs). So, since I received my last piece of Rakata gear(Rakata Mainhand) back in January, I've yet to see a single piece of new agent gear. Something IS broken with the RNG or I have the worst luck in all the servers. I completely disagree with you
  8. *Bump* For more survivability and better heals.
  9. *Bump* This thread needs to stay alive until we're certain they remake the Operative/Scoundrel healing tree the RIGHT way. "Some changes to the skill tree" is too ambiguous.
  10. It takes so long to recover from the dropping down on the Soa fight with an operative and mercenary healer. It takes NO TIME to recover with a sorc healer from those parts of the fight.
  11. *Bump* I'd like to be able to heal in combat please.
  12. We just went up against a few pubs in mid. They had a commando for a healer. He was completely immune to interrupts, he had his 25% shield running and had no problem keeping the other two targets alive. Can we get some broken abilities like this too?
  13. See? you're providing Workarounds for something that should be fixed. LOSing is a given and I HAVE to LOS if I want a chance at getting 1 heal off. Even in a group setting, if an experienced person sees you healing, you're GOING to get targetted and you're GOING to die because you have no real means of escape without screwing over your teammates. Don't you think we should get something comparable to a shield( A shield that doesn't suck), or sprint or AoE knockback? Just ONE of these tools would make a huge improvement in our survivability. Not Workarounds like LOS.
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