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Everything posted by Mallian

  1. This is what they accidentally did with the original 2 set of dyes for the CE vendor. The result was mass sale on the GTN and the items no longer being exclusive. The CE vendor is one of the things that was designed to be exclusively for CE owners.
  2. Hey all, As a European player that got himself dragged into an US server with too much time spent on it to go back to an EU server, I'm wondering if there are any others. Although I can have plenty of fun on the server, it tends to be a bit more difficult to find a good guild as the time zone puts me off. Looking forward to see how many European players we have around on the Ebon Hawk.
  3. I would like to point out that this is also posted in the suggestion box, where it may get more attention from devs. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=654312
  4. Agreed. I also find myself stuck with my favorite characters on an US server while living in Europe. Not the biggest problem, but not convenient for a RP server.
  5. I find myself in a similar situation, where I have most of my characters on an US server. Although it does not stop me from having fun, it does impact the potential due to time zone difference. For this reason, I would agree to the option to allow cross continental transfers (Which I was already hoping for during the server merges). Hopefully this is something they will consider in the near future.
  6. Sobrik A different view Balmorra's Imperial stronghold is a place most of us have visited before. it may not be the favorite place to hang, but it does offer plenty of opportunity to present itself from a different angle. With a bit of extra time on my hands, I decided to explore Sobrik and realized I was able to reach some unexpected locations. I was able to capture a nice overview with the new binoculars. Sobrik: Spaceport Binocular View 1 Binocular View 2 Binocular View 3 Sobrik: Military Plaza Binocular View 1 Binocular View 2 Sobrik: Cantina Binocular View 1 Binocular View 2 Sobrik: Entrance Binocular View I hope you find my results to your liking. As for BioWare, there should be an achievement for this.
  7. Excellent idea and nicely worked out in a way it could be implemented into the game. I would love to see this in a future update. On a sidenote, it wouldn't fit with all classes, but I still think it should be done. It would be optional for a player to get a place or not afterall. For a sith, I could see the use of a large guild base as a more suitable place to stay. A sith lord ruling a large fort/palace like structure. But this would bring the issue of having too many people wanting this and not enough planet space for it to make sense. Perhaps guilds should stick to large starships.
  8. Those people get paid to do that job. Expecting them to do it well is only normal. I'm in the customer service world myself, although no longer as a representative. If you want customers to be satisfied, you need to make sure their questions are answered. Customer satisfaction is one of the most important things for any product/service.
  9. It's quite common for customer service to use templates to speed up the replies, which is normal. However, I do agree that a message should be personalized to at least give the feeling that someone took their time to look into your request. Be sure to reflect your opinion in the survey after a ticket is closed.
  10. Apparently not every server got its in-game warning. I myself had to search for a bit to find out what was going on. The forum being the only place I found something. Hope the lag issues will be resolved and that BioWare will double-check on warning every server next time something happens. You can't learn without making mistakes. ;-)
  11. They posted this on the website about a half hour ago. http://www.swtor.com/blog/regarding-server-queues
  12. A reaction has just been posted; http://www.swtor.com/blog/regarding-server-queues
  13. Dear Customer Service, A lot of people are complaining about the long queue times before they can join a game. Assuming no error message kicks you out of the queue. Would it be possible to get some feedback on whether there are any plans to expand the server to allow a higher population, or allow free transfers to other servers? Understanding that the easiest solution for us players is to simply start over on another server with standard population, it isn't an acceptable solution for those that already spend a high amount of time leveling their character. Or for those that have their guild designated to the selected server. Any official statement would be appreciated, even if it is just a confirmation that it is being worked on. Kind regards, Mal'lian
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