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  1. yea ur right you are trololololololing, i said that ROTATION gives high mobility, especially when compared to KI+SP spam. so troll on, you clown shoe.
  2. cool, so stop reading the thread. You’re not helpful at all anyway.
  3. im at like 39%-40% crit with my gear, I’m in mostly champ gear with a few BOE epics, that have high crit. and then i pick up the 6% tech crit in lethality. and I’m getting 900 hp crits on myself. Due to the self-healing talents in medicine and concealment. medical consult +3% all the time and +6% when TA is up. does anyone know if this stacks to 12% with two TA up? and then +9% self healing from survival training. so +12% self healing total. and i also have high surge rating. but I’m consistently getting 880's 890's
  4. so after all the input i played for several hours last night and spend a couple hundred thousand credits trying out many different specs. i do like the 25/3/13. the 20 cd with 10 energy is nice, i will admit i was underestimating how helpful that is. i think this spec will especially be useful in 2v2 arena if they ever come out with it. but after trying many spec's i still like the play style of 31/3/7 best. i skiped the DS talents totally, total waste or 4 points. but it sucks because now i don’t see any point in casting DS with out the points spent buffing it. but whatever. i also skip picking up imp shield probe for 20% move speed buff. i like this spec alot because yourself healing is decent and your more tankie. as tankie as a op can be... but i really found it useful in hut ball. stun someone right before the fire. get the move speed from that. + the move speed from popping evasion. and you can get across the fires decently fast. not like an assassin or anything. so over all i still think picking up RN is the best choice available to us at the moment. for WZ's i could see 25/3/13 being very strong in arena. I’m getting 900 hp crits on myself with it and it crits a lot i have like 46% crit on tech.
  5. oh yea sry guess i thought you were someone else, and i use many rotations. thanks for the input. ive said many times that rotation is simply an example, im not a robot that sits there and only spams that rotation. and i have said that more than once. if anyone has their eyes and ears shut its you. talk about pigeon holed.
  6. when did i say i use that specific rotation in hard modes? your grasping at straws kid.
  7. wow a well thought out question, as badly as i want to say i dont see a problem with it. i do, the energy cost is high i said that in my inital post but i dont think it needs a buff, i know im going to get flamed for that but i dont, i played a shadow priest in wow, and they buffed the sh*t out of druid hots many times and the druid gear also got better, and so guess what a druid could hot up a target and my dots and channeled dps could not out dmg the druid hots. so basically what im saying is this abbility will get better as peoples gear gets better. am i wrong? are there any battle masters out there? if you get really high surge wont it start to crit for 1100-1300? am i way off base? i should add, i dont just use it as a extra hot i can use it. and yes 30 energy is WAY to much. bring that down to 10 and i think everyone would be happy. even 15 i could handle. but 30 is redic.
  8. i get 30 sec with that talent, i dont know where your getting 20 sec from. please explane. aad yes your correct stim boost restores energy... did you assume i didnt use it? so let me get this straight, your passing up a second hot as a HEALING class for 10 extra energy every 30 sec and a 90 sec cd on AP instead of a 120 sec CD on AP. and a dot nade and more dps. i dunno as a healer it just makes more sense to me to get the extra heal... call me crazy. could someone who really has done the math show me how you can heal more with less energy cost or equal energy cost in PVP without getting RN. If your answer is KI+SP spam, that might work fine in pve but in pvp rarely do people let you free cast. And if they do they suck so its not worth mentioning.
  9. when did i say i cant find the time to cast KI? you are the one who said "do the following when KI is down..." like what when its on CD? do you know what your talking about? cuz it does not look like it. that rotation i posted is simply an example of high healing output with 50 initial energy cost high mobility and high energy regen. its not what i use every time i heal. like ive said i react to the situation.
  10. we think you are bad? I’m glad you feel entitled to speak for the community. and that rotation is an example, and I’ve used it and it works fine especially if you are low on energy. like i have said many times i don’t have a set opener, i react to the situation as needed. why would i pve to get better at pvp? your...dumb oh and on that note ive healed HM's no problem.
  11. thanks for telling me everything i just told you, and RN NEVER ticks for 300 maby if you have really bad gear. i consistintly get 400, and with my crit chance as high as it is its usally critting for 800. so your solution is to heal less and cc / dps more? why dont you respec dps then you can use all your energy for cc, i want to heal more period and so far im not seeing any talent choices that will help me heal more. yea i get lethality can give you more energy... 10 every 45 sec yea thats great...i guess. and you get 2 for every dot crit. but you have to spend energy to get those dots up energy you could be healing with... and how is ki down? i dont get what your saying there. also the ball carrieer is not the only target worth healing in hutball thats a verry stupid thing to say. and your saying you would rather over lap your kp and waste energy then put up an extra dot for 5 more energy. you...dont...make...any...sense...
  12. maiva you make a good point, i play only pvp really, and i have to say the way i heal gets the job done. i DONT have a set opener, i open with what the situation dictates. And not picking up a 2rd hot does not makes any sense to me. as soon as a tank pick up the ball in hutball, im hitting him with RN+KP+KP, and then guarding, ie slows stuns cc's just dropping the two KP's seems silly to me, what im getting at is what’s the better choice? again im not trolling, and i don’t need to learn to play, i am always open to learning but i am a skilled player. i guess i don’t really know what else to say because there is something to be said for the sustained healing hots provide, couple that up with some burst when needed, and I can’t think of a more effective way to heal. Remember we are talking about pvp your not going to be left alone to spam KI+SP please link specs or show me a more effective choice for these talent points. All ive heard so far is I like this or I like that. And its all stuff that helps with dmg mitigation or better stealth or more dmg. Show me the better choice for points to inc healing done.
  13. uhhhh no it does not, because your healing while your regen is ticking. i do this ALL the time. RN=20 eng, KP=15 x 2 = 30 eng. total = 50 eng, SP=0 DS=0 you can weave the hots and KI like i said i do it all the time.
  14. gotta say i really didn’t expect this many replies, and just to clear it up i am not trolling. i don’t waste my time like that, after i posted this i played for 3 or 4 hours last night. and i really don’t get how people have trouble hitting more then two people with RN, in all three WZ's there are things to cluster around, be it the ball the door or the turret control. i usually just cast it on myself as i run through the cluster, ill also toss out a stun while running through. And even on single target it is useful, RN KP KP DS DS SP SP DS, and your target is back to full or almost and your energy is back to at least 60. Usally higher. I have kept a tank up playing this way with at least 5 ppl beating on him in hut ball. While I jump in and out of los, cuz… oh yea hots let you juke and los. Whereas if ur standing there spamming KI SP ur going to be dead very quickly. healing this way is best imo, for the healing situations im in. i understand that KI+SP is a great way to heal i use it all the time, and maybe in pve that is all you need. but in pvp if your saying you can keep someone up and maintain 60 energy or higher, i dont believe you. using the two hots and the CHANNELED DS and then KI's as needed is the best way to go. if you are depriving yourself of a extra hot for 10 extra energy when using TA and 2 extra energy off of every dot crit i think your doing it wrong. that’s just how i feel, i could be wrong. it has happened before.
  15. Ledgend RN= recuperative nanotech TA= tactical advantage SP= surgical probe DS= diagnostic scan KP= kolto probe so I’ve heard a lot of people talking about RN being bad and i don’t get it at all. I’m an op healer and have been since lvl 10, I’m 50 now and valor lvl 50. I pvp mostly but have healed a couple HM's and i love RN. 12 sec cd heals a grp and crits for around 800. the energy cost is a bit high but that is my only grievance. why I think it is good: on its own it is not great I get that, but when I combine RN with KP and DS you have three hots rolling, and with those three hots + SP procs. i can keep almost anyone up with people beating on them in pvp, while i am moving around. i have had many a hut ball player just in my los/range long enough to get KP and RN on them and it has made all the difference. also, RN heals for about 400 a tick, KP's heal for around 500, and DS heals for 125-150ish, but I spec into it. so you get the extra crit, and I pick up the extra crit in lethality so it almost always crits for around 250-275 so on the safe side every two seconds im healing for 1050, not including SP proc's or crits. and after the initial energy cost you don’t spend anymore healing this way, so you can use your energy for dmg mitigation stuns cc’s slows. the down side is it is really hard to save someone who is getting beat down, before you show up. For example a ally at 20% with two people beating on him is probably going to drop before you can get hots up and SP's rolling. that is why you ALLWAYS keep KP up on yourself. you should allways have TA ready, its just the way it is. One TA can keep someone at 20%-30% for a long time. TA is something you should always have rdy to go. Imo its just something you need to learn to do to play the class well. There are my thoughts please, let me know if I’m way off base I can also link my current spec, I have played most out there. it has strengths and weaknesses as all spec’s do and I’m happy to share my opinion of what they are.
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