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Everything posted by Sakura_Railgun

  1. No because the people you kill have the choice of where to spawn, they have options.
  2. You can still spawn somewhere else if you are ganked. They are not making it impossible for you to even move, hours on end. There is one spawn point in Ilum. People could not do anything, because they are killing you right when you spawn. This was unintended. As were the massive amounts of valour gains. Bioware has every right to examine accounts that gained way more valour than was intended, and remove said extra valour.
  3. When you are being spawn camped so you die within seconds, that is a situation that cannot be resolved through PvP as you have no chance to do anything. Regardless of any of that, people gaining far more valour than intended can affect game balance, and Bioware has every right to remove excessive valour gains. You keep talking about bans, but as it stands I've yet to see anyone banned for what happened, so at the moment, there is really nothing to argue about.
  4. I'm level 40, on Hoth, and yeah the game has gotten pretty boring. There is literally no motivation to keep playing other than seeing how the class plot develops. It's not like the quests are fun, or the worlds are fun, or the PVP is fun, etc. The zones are absurdly huge, especially on Hoth. I probably spend more than half the time playing just driving from one place to the next. Then say I want to go somewhere else, I have to go to the shuttle, go to the station, go to my ship, choose to fly to the place, land at another inbetween station, take the shuttle to the planet proper, then finally I'm there. Such a huge time waster and this game is full of it. Then when I finally get somewhere, it's just boring quest after boring quest. "Oh, you're that Jedi! You should talk to Lieutenant what's-his-face, because he needs help!" So I go find the guy. "Hey! I really appreciate you coming here. Listen, we're fighting with the Imperials here, just like every planet you go to. Anyway, I need you to go re-enable our sensors! The imperials totally destroyed them, and we're completely useless!" Ok, now I get to go drive around forever to my objective as I pick up more generic quests that I get on every planet. Then at the end of the zone, there'll be a guy saying, "Wow you sure helped us out. But I hear the guy in the next zone could use some help too." And then you go to the next zone and it's just the same stuff again. So boring. All the while I'm collecting Legacy XP that does nothing, I have a UI that is rubbish and does not even allow me to do something as simple as move the freaking windows around, and in some places I have green laser beams blasting across the map.
  5. Because it is server based rather than cross-server. So you would sit there forever waiting to find other players in your bracket to play with.
  6. Yes, I hate Huttball too. I would prefer regular old CTF over this.
  7. I still find that hard to believe though. I get 60FPS+ even in populated areas, like the fleet, or PVP, yet I'm to believe that simply increasing the resolution of the textures will cause my client to crash? If I was using a low-end computer, sure. But otherwise I don't see that. Is it too much to wish for an MMO that is fun and has the same visual quality as FFXIV? My PC in that was beautiful.
  8. That's like, beyond poor optimisation. How could the game be created so poorly that the high resolution textures are crashing machines?
  9. If they do not fix this within a couple weeks I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason a game from 2011/2012 need look this ugly. The explanation for low res textures reeks of PR and sounds like BS. High resolution textures exist. It is simply a matter of enabling them. There is no reason why a higher resolution texture would cause bugs or anything like that. There is no reason why enabling it should take any significant length of time (especially considering they were there in BETA) If enabling them would affect performance so greatly, then that only goes to speak of how poor a job Bioware has done with this game. There are many many other MMOs that look leagues better than this game. And they handle numerous people on screen just fine. In any case, I won't pay monthly for a game that looks like it is half a decade old.
  10. Yea I mostly agree OP. I like some of the stuff they've done with the class story, and having a ship and companions is cool and all, but the game is really empty. I don't enjoy questing. The PVP is extremely weak and not fun. I hit level 30, choose my legacy surname, but of course, it's not implemented yet at all (why?). And then there are all the other things that completely irk me and make no sense, like the lack of Hi-Res textures. If the game isn't dramatically improved by the end of next month, I will most likely cancel my subscription.
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