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Everything posted by supavillainaire

  1. No. It plays like a hybrid. It does not play at all like a full heal spec. Also if you reread what i said i think hybrid is the best pvp spec at the moment, nothing about scapper not being good.
  2. I have played scoundrel since prerelease and i have to say, no one ever mentions the things that allow this class to survive. In the 1v1 vanish/tranq is so strong, usually resulting in a full heal. if your speced 7-31-3 you get UH for healing so your right back on SP. Most of your stun are used to heal as well. Most people try to dps through the stuns and most of the time that is the wrong play. When it comes to gap closers you do realize this class carrys a blaster right? Its not the greatest but if they have to run its for a reason and a blaster will bring them down. If led in with CB+SC as soon as you get rooted or they run you keep the damage on at all times (another thing most people dont use). Also fake orbital strikes will force a scatter with out the combat entry/casttime/waste of CD, causing confusion and easy pickup of targets. Myself, I have switched to hybrid at the moment because i think that is the strongest pvp spec and the real FotM (over sents) right now. Emergant emrgancy giving a 3rd stack of UH and SP out of the scrapper tree make this class versatile in all situations. Its has decent burst to help in combat when its needed, bursty single target healing, can help at range, and great survivabily. Played correctly it can feel like nothing can stop you but very punishing on mistakes.
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