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  1. So it seems like I need to abandon some absorb and take on some Shield. I also read the link that was posted, thanks for that.
  2. I made a thread about the odd stat choices on Supercommando gear before, but I'm wondering how I'm stacking up: Right now I'm using 4/6 Columi pieces, 2 tionese, and a mix of Rakata-Tionese implants and relics and such. My gun is still an orange with purple mods in it. With hunter's boon active, I'm at: 19552 health 13.81% defense chance 43.79% shield chance 41.63% absorb and 51.57% damage reduction When I was first getting tiered gear, I would swap out enhancements for those with shield/absorb that I can craft, but I have given that up...but as a result I've seen a 4% drop in shield chance and smaller drop in absorb, while defense has gone up. My guild is just starting to tackle ops, we cleared EV for the first time today (still learning mechanics). Should I be changing to more defense oriented stats? One way I know to improve those is to keep doing my dailies and getting the rakata implant and earpiece.
  3. Yeah, I hope they fix it then. It kinda sucks that I'm getting this "tiered" gear and it's really only a mild upgrade after I put in the stats that make sense.
  4. I have been doing this. I guess what I was asking is if I should be getting the dps stats vs. the mitigation stats. I'm at approximately 11% avoidance, 46% shield chance, and 43% absorb, with 18k health. I haven't had difficulty keeping aggro for the most part. But I'm getting "upgrades" that reduce the defensive stats when I initially equip them and I have to replace the lvl 56 enhancements in them with epic lvl 50 enhancements to avoid losing mitigation. Is bioware telling me something? Is accuracy more important than shield/absorb?
  5. Hi, So in the past few days I've been fortunate enough to get a few pieces of columi and tionese gear...but I'm confused about the stats. I have been looking for shield rating > absorb > def rating. The armor seems to favor accuracy over these defensive stats. What gives? Am I misunderstanding the way the tanking stats should be prioritized, or is the itemization funky? Thanks
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