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Posts posted by eartharioch

  1. I've been here since before 2.0 dropped. You are wrong.


    And I've been here since launch and the only time I remember skills being free was at launch -- i.e., when you pick your initial skills (or change them). As I said, IIRC, the fees were an order of magnitude less (50K range), but that's inflation for you.

  2. To be clear, it's always cost credits to unlock new crafting tiers. I don't recall how much, but 500K doesn't seem out of line for the current economy. I've already made my Slicing costs back (gathering on Onderon/Mek-sha) as well as my Archaeology and close to breaking even for Scavenging; not sure on Bio (I have no level 70+ levels for those yet).


    I've also made back my initial investments on Artifice (no surprise) and Treasure Hunting.


    I'm thinking the others will pay back sooner rather than later.


    That said, tying some basic trainer scematics to Flashpoints/Ops/Conquest is pretty lame (and the main reason it will take some professions longer than others to break even).

  3. The guilld I was in a few years ago dissolved and I've recently started playing again. I'm now the GM, but when I go to the Flagship I can't edit anything and the stronghold interface says I don't have permission to Ban or give out Keys (I only had a silver key before). Can anybody tell me how to get access to change decorations, buy rooms, etc. on the flagship? The only setting I could find in the GM ranks was the ability to launch an invasion.
  4. I I'm fine if they make limits on promotional decorations that they offer us at special times for free, that makes some sense.


    There's no real reason to set any limit below the max...the only real reason to have ever set those limits artificially low was to prevent people from filling their stronghold with free items and getting the Conquest Stronghold Bonus, which they changed to no longer rely on decoration count.

  5. With the case of the new augments the price is dictated by the price of the crafting materials used to make them, in particular the Charged Matter Transubstantiators. In fact considering the price of CMTs the new augments are actually a deal for the buyer (and a bad idea to craft for profit if you aren't obtaining your mats through activities like Ranked) since the augments are often priced about even or under the cost of the crafting mats. Personally I never craft 236 augments for profit for that reason. I'll only sell augments if I'm crafting for my own use and have extras on hand thanks to critical hits. If profit is the goal often it's better to just sell the CMTs. You'll not infrequently get more for 2 CMTs than you will selling an augment they're crafted from.


    You need to think about crits when evaluating the profitability of crafting v. just selling mats, especially at the price points for the new augments.

  6. That can be exploited though should the mass decide to boot someone they don't like.


    I'm not talking about the boot function, I'm talking about the function where I get to choose which FPs I'm queuing for (all or just specific ones). I can either choose to queue for specific ones and not get the reward or queue for all FPs and get rewards. No reason not to treat PVP the same way. After I've completed my Daily/Weekly missions with all WZs possible (i.e., got the rewards), why not let me choose which WZ I'd rather play for the rest of the week, assuming I care enough, since choosing could increase my queue times.

  7. Is the 8% sales tax enough by itself? Nobody actually knows...


    BW knows. They just raised the tax from the 6% that it had been since launch, so obviously they thought a 25% bump was in order. Because what are we going to do, stop selling stuff? Just hoping BW doesn't decide to bump it again anytime soon.

  8. I honestly do not think that offering daily/weekly bonus for playing X random PvP will incent most players to actually play encounters they don't really want to play. You would have to make the incentive very high to get them to do so in my view.


    It works fine for flashpoints, no reason it shouldn't for PVP. All BW has to do is literally implement the same UI for PVP as it has for FPs, no need to make anything new.

  9. Sorry about joining the party late, but I thought I'd give my CR 0.02 on the new changes in case BW is [still] reading:

    +1 for setting a cap for all guilds to get rewards (instead of just Top 10)

    +1 for new vendor / new uses for Dark Projects

    +1 for everything else sucks


    And a specific call out to: changing/removing schematics *really* sucks. Looking at you stealth removal of Exotic Isotope Stabilizer schem for Dark Projects, nicely coinciding with new uses for Dark Projects.

  10. Metabolic Cell Grafts are made with Biochem -- the schematic should be at the trainer. They require 2 Metabolic Enhancement Agents, 2 Artificial Microbes, and 2 Stim Plugs, all of which can be obtained with Bioanalysis.
  11. This was silently removed with the old war supplies schematics in 5.8 and I find this annoying.

    I've stockpiled a significant amount of the old isotopes and now they became worth- and useless without any prior warring?

    That's a typical ignorant Bioware move and not acceptable imho.

    Anyone else mad about this?


    Yes. Especially since they just added a new use for Dark Projects -- the level 50 companion thing. Now that I have a reason to craft them, my mats aren't usable.

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