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Everything posted by Hazmatt_

  1. I probably should toss out the differences between hulking around in Heavy armor compared to my Light underoors. Would the differences in armor justify a slightly higher damage output between the glass-cannon, turret classes? Just adding food for thought.
  2. Can you provide me with an expectation of what a topped out TB will look like damage wise? I've clobbered undergeared Pubs on Oricon for 10k with a Heatseeker before, but my Sorcerer's gear has gear has yet to attain big middle finger standards. I agree on the setup for Heatseeker btw. Defensive mechanics in Lightning feel more akin to fight or flight compared to my Merc so I'm hoping my burst damage output will at least be comparable (if not higher) relative to the Merc.
  3. I have an Arsenal Merc in full Conqueror gear and am in the process of gearing out my Sorceror. I prefer the Lightning tree over Madness only because of the burst potential, but I don't understand why our heaviest hitting ability, Thundering Blast, requires so much setup along with the heavy cast time. For instance, my Heatseeker Missile on my Arsenal Merc is an instant cast ability that still hits like a truck even without a Tracer Lock on my target, and I often forgo the setup of Tracer Lock on my target under circumstances where I'm being focused but still want to hurl yard darts while reestablishing distance on my pursuer. With all of the discussion around upcoming re-balancing changes, would it be too far fetched to consider lowering the cast time of Thundering Blast to an instant cast so it falls in line with something like Heatseeker Missile?
  4. I'm leveling a sniper and noticed that Take Cover seems a bit buggy at times. The option to roll to cover lights up, I fire the button, no response. So, other than the situational occurrence of being able to roll away from my enemy, are there any tactical disadvantages of just using Crouch?
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