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Everything posted by Herecticus

  1. Did i just read right? you are saying BH needs a nerf? *facedesk* imo BH is the most balanced of all the classes..you wanna be looking at SI...
  2. *sigh* position 4, hopefully i can stop moaning soon
  3. They can't mess with the noobs' free will but they can PREVENT them joining servers which are struggling with a huge mass of players
  4. That's the attitude of a person who just wants to play the freaking game and who doesn't care about the swarm of the WoW community who decided to play today..A few days ago i praised the TOR community, now it's just full of trolls and morons
  5. I'm struggling not to headbutt my desk...the wait time in queue just went up.. why the hell are bioware allowing people to roll on FULL servers...the clue is in the goddamn name
  6. Well even if it's hard they should be doing it, We have to pay for this game and if we're spending the majority of our game time in queues we're not getting our moneys worth. It's as good as stealing -.-
  7. What would've been the smart thing is just make servers for early access users/pre orders as it's stupid that so many people's gameplay is being ruined by hulking queues. I read something about only being able to make a characters on a full world is by having a friend on there vouch for you?? I DON'T CARE IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WITH YOUR FRIEND GET THE HELL OFF MY SERVER!!
  9. I know what you mean, i got early access and deliberately rolled on a light server, as soon as the 20th came BOOM, a swarm of noobs clogged up my server and now i'm having to wait crazy amounts of time to actually get in.... GET RID OF THE NOOBS OR EXPAND SERVER CAPACITY PLEZ!
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