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Everything posted by Acaelus-Thorne

  1. I'm on JC. Its pretty much dead. Unless some randoms got a group together. Most of the big PvP guilds have moved to Harb. Unless JC pops way way late at night I haven't seen it even reach 100 on fleet in a long time
  2. I agree with alot of what youre saying. I look back at all my years of swtor PvP and the trials and tribulations and I look ahead, while taking everyones complaints with the game. There is one thing that can save PvP and I think would bring alot of people back. Cross server queues. I can't fathom why this isn't happening. Being able to Cross server queue ranked or regs would bring a whole different side of PvP this game has never seen. Same with Operations. Bioware claimed most of the community has never even done a OP. Well thats mainly because its so freaking hard to find a guild that is comitted to doing that on your server and will accept newer players. Cross server queue and its solved. We all complain about ranked popping almost never now, but it can be solved. I don't claim to know the cost of this feature, but every MMO has done it. If they created some sort of shard enviroment where every raid or warzone was located, and it pulled all the queue-ers in there, I can't think it would be THAT expensive. I mean I do this type of thing for work all the time with a company with 50 departments and 140k employees. They have to address this at some point, or let swtor die a sad death. If swtor dies, so does every old republic lore. Disney erased our fave era. If swtor can be alive, then the era I grew up with won't die. I have zero interest in playing a MMO in this new universe.
  3. I spent a few years on shadowlands. Played with all the top players in all the top guilds, even had access to everyones VOIP. The reason I left SL was because of the Toxicity. It kept getting worse and worse, and this was when the game was not considered "dead". I left because of it, it became no fun anymore and was turning me into a toxic player just by being surrounded by it all the time. I went to JC and it was amazing. The PvP community was vocal, active and usually friendly. Even had pvp chats for everyone to coordinate or group up. It was a night and day difference from SL. Unfortunately that time has ended and JC is pretty much dead. We went from having two instances of fleet, to around 75 people on Imperial side on a normal day. I remember when ranked 7 started we had alot of harbinger imp guilds transfer over and they toxicity they brought reminded me of my SL days. I still want to play swtor. and I want to PvP. I just don't know where anymore. If shadowlands is still active I guess thats my only option and try to change things, or suffer a big ping jump and go to Harbinger.
  4. I know the population is a little low right now. But i've been asking around, and it looks like if I want to PvP I have drop my 25ms ping and hop onto harbinger for a 100ms. Are there any east coast servers still playing? I know ranked has died, but what about regs? EH appears to be dead PvP wise, JC is suppppper slow, i've left shadowlands last year. I know there are still people out there that play PvP and love it. I just need to finddddd them. Is harbinger really the only option left? Also I refuse to play republic. So thats a factor.
  5. I'm sort of giving up on Ranked. I tried so hard this season to get Gold and it was pretty much all for nothing. Crap rewards. I'm basically just looking for a server that has dedicated guilds that do PvP, and don't toon switch. I personally hate republic, and refuse to play them (completed all anyways for story). I would also like to see events, like dueling and things. Alot of pvp guilds used to do this across the board. But with the game decline its harder and harder to find people for things.
  6. Its been a looooong time since I've played on EH. Before it was almost exclusively republic ran, are there any imp guilds that are worth a damn in PvP now? I know before when pubs got tired they went to Imp for a little while but always mained republic. Are there enough loyal Imp PVPers to put up a fight?
  7. I feel like I should repost on Reddit just for the sole fact they moved it to Off Topic to not be seen.
  8. Its funny because I never played WoW either. Actually I was an adamant hater of it since its creation. I literally played every other MMO but WoW. I've been heavily into ESO, because its an amazing game after they fixed it. I needed something to hold me over until its big One Tamriel update in October, so I tried WoW out of a whim. I'm amazed on how good it is. The polish, the following, the developers. Its top MMO for a reason, even though i used to despise it. I still love swtor, it has a special place in my heart and i've spent thousands on it. But I need a break after this last year. I've never been more disappointed with a game and the way its ran than SWTOR during KOTFE. I just felt like everything I enjoyed about the game was betrayed, I had high hopes (i still think KOTFE story was cool) but the way we were strung along and how emphasis went on Cartel Market than gameplay, it just broke my spirit, so I have to play some other games in the mean time until I can come back. THe nail the coffin was striving night and day for season 7 Ranked PvP with the class balance, the low servers, the bugs. And all for what? A title and color crystal? No weapons, no armor? I felt like they slapped all of us PvPers in the face after all the BS we put up with. Now that i'm experiencing some of the other top MMO's heavily like ESO and WoW I can see why they are what they are. Unless SWTOR has a radical change in development and creativity, its just going to be a cash grab Cartel Market. Where everyone just buys packs to play dress up, and that pains me to say that because I love the game. Its sad we have to rely on dataminers to pick up content to rally hype.
  9. Absolutely agree with the Weapons. Can you imagine if swtor did that? Most lightsabers were made by the person, or have incredibly long histories, and a Jedi or a Sith carried them until death. It would be a perfect system in swtor for "story" based content that they insist we all have wanted instead of class balance. I just wish Bioware would take up Blizzards attitude and learn from their failures.
  10. Just the over all professionalism and transparency is astounding. They admit certain classes are broken, they admit they have some fixes planned, and sometimes they admit they don't. But they NEVER cover it up and pretend like everything is fine. Thats all we have asked from SWTOR Devs, just tell us the truth, whether its good or bad, thats all we want. Even if someone from SWTOR team was to say "We know you guys miss raiding, we do have a future content exploring that in the next year" or "We know that Sorcs are insanely OP in PvP we are investigating fixes". We get "Check back in 3-4 months for a look at whats to come". When we do that, we get more mystery, no answers. Its sickening. I've been a diehard swtor fan since day 1. After this KOTFE ended and we got this piss poor image of KOTET coming with ZERO information, its just unacceptable. The forums and reddit are filled with complaints that EASILY can be subdued just by Musco or Tait or anyone saying "We know *insert this* is broken, we are looking into it, and plan to work on it". That would solve so much saltiness. I can't continue to play a game like this until major changes happen.
  11. Been a swtor player since launch. Participated in every stream. Starting playing WoW a few weeks ago because swtor has been pissing me off with the lack of Dev interaction.. The quality of Dev interaction and question answering in the stream i linked is so far above what bioware has offered is mindblowing. https://www.twitch.tv/warcraft
  12. How is EH doing? Haven't played there in such a long time. I see via Torstatus its pretty popular. Is it still heavily Republic dominated PvP? Are there any good Imp guilds forming up anymore to combat this? Or is just a Republic fest like the times i've played on it?
  13. ^This. So much win in this statement. Finally a breath of fresh air in the forums.
  14. Ive been watching this thread since it was created and didn't really want to chime in, but here it goes. I have a few things I wanted to share. People have been saying PvP has been dying since day 1 of this game. I've played all of the MMO's. All of them, i've been around the block. Been gaming for 30 years. For some reason this game has ALWAYS brought hate from everyone. Nobody has ever been happy with things. Most of it is just fluff whining. All MMO's have this. I think being that its a major IP like star wars there are more *****ly fans and critics. I've been around since day 1 of Beta, across multiple servers. I've stayed subbed the entire time. I took a few month or 2 long breaks to try other things but i've always came back. to this game. Here are my thoughts on this. The servers I play on, I still find 4mans for ranked, I still find active queue times for PvP. Even GSF shockingly enough. I still find RAID groups, and all in a timely manner. I still have friends that play, friends have left for sure, but I always find more. This game has been nothing but constant criticism from day 1. Just look at the salty forums, or the salty reddit. People love to complain about how horrible the state of the game is. And you know what? They may have some points on certain areas, but I still have fun. I still enjoy it. I still find all the areas I want to play, habitable. Ranked seasons still give me anxiety day 1, and its still the same rush i've enjoyed over the years. Its still a top tier MMO that involves story and MMO aspects that you just can't find anywhere else. For any new players reading this. The game isn't "dying", its evolving. As does EVERY MMO. You think WoW was the same as it is now? Just look at the Nostralias issue that has been all over gaming news. Every MMO changes, and adapts, people move on. And people love to *****, ***** about nothing. Pick a high populated server and you will find things to do with people who love to do them. Don't give in to this constant negativity with this game. You could give someone a million dollars and they'd find a way to complain in the long run. Sure there are some problems, as there are with every MMO. Sure there are things that I want addressed that haven't been, or put on back burner. But I still love this game, and will play it until they shut down the servers. Which aren't anytime soon. So take every forum post, even this, with a grain of salt. And DO what YOU want to DO.
  15. Am I missing something here? I've left one Ranked game out of probably 150 this season. Because of a disconnect, and when I did it automatically cost me 40 Elo, even though my team did end up winning. Since I DC'd the last minute of the last round. I thought leavers automatically took an Elo hit by leaving a game? If this is not the case I completely understand now how certain people obtained certain ratings.
  16. +1 for being intelligent. Besides sorc heals most classes are fairly balanced. More so than they ever have been. Almost all classes are viable in ranked, well actually all the classes are viable in ranked, in yolos and 4s by skilled players. Everyone says snipers are **** in solos.....untrue. Have a few of the best snipers in the game on my server queue solos all the time and do wonderful. Its all about knowning how to play your class. Sure there are classes that are sub optimal. But not worthless in ranked. Not by a long shot at the hands of a skilled player.
  17. Yeah queues have been slow. But youre right, its not that its lack of players its lack of players who want to give up their rating. At any given time during the day I can find 10-12 people that are solo queuers but aren't in rotation because theyve already achieved their 1400+ rating or whatever. Every server is like this that has a high skill player base. EH and Harb may pop more often than JC, SL, or any east coast server but i know from personal experience, and experiences of friends and guildies that the quality of the matches are incredibly poor. Every seasons, regardless of server, ranked pops hard for first month then dies out, then when rewards are announced it picks back up. Its like clockwork. IMO I would rather have a decent set of teams pop less often than tons of pops with garbage garbage players. I'm not about comm farming. I just like the competition. And sometimes 4's aren't always doable early in the day with people being at work/school. *EDIT* Pops are back today. As of right now I count 26 solo queue players and 4 teams in queue on JC. Matches pop less than 5 min apart.
  18. Yeah I agree with this. There will be server mergers and x-faction in the future. I'm hoping by season 8. That would solve alot of the issues. Solos is just rough right now. Its still fun if you don't care about rating. Generally the better PvPers do Ranked. So its always fun to go up against people of the same mindset and higher skill than regstars. Of course there are trolls that do ranked. But I think Solo should be improved, never removed. If you are going into Solos thinking you are going to farm rating and get all these amazing matches, you are setting yourself up for failure and anger. Just queue, try your best, learn from your mistakes and have fun with it.
  19. lol whatever dude. I will continue queuing with the rest of the server. Two bad days and you're all whiny about server dead? Even though TorStatus shows JC is more popular than SL most of the time. So many freaking whiners in this game. Good lord.
  20. Are you missing the class buff? Most of our health is 69929 without buffing.
  21. On JC I usually solo queue from 3pm to 10pm. Usually I can get 20+ games in at least.
  22. Lol JC had one bad night and its automatically dead now?
  23. Credits are so so so easy to come by. You can make a million an hour easily by just doing heroics by yourself and then selling the loot that drops. There is zero reason to buy credits in this game.
  24. Yeah man it sucks. You can come back from it though. I was super super unlucky and started my first 10 games 2-8. 4 of those were leap insta deaths from RIshi Map that kept popping over and over. But if you play enough games it evens out. I'm at 80 something wins now and got my silver. But yolo is RNG as hell with alot of that. I've been on 2v4's. Ive been 4 dps against a healer, tank team. The matchmaking doesn't work out so well. But if you play enough matches you will even out and get where you want to be. Don't expect to play 10 games and get the rating you want. It takes time.
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