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Posts posted by TheDavy

  1. So, you broke companions making the game boring as hell, then fixed it, only to go RIGHT back to it being broken and boring as hell?

    Going Forward

    So, what does that mean going forward? We will be increasing the power level of Companions. And while they won’t be as powerful as they were when Fallen Empire launched, the increase will be significant. I have gotten together with the Design Leads and we have re-discussed our goals for combat and content difficulty. We want players to enjoy [Heroic 2]s and level up their Alliance. You can find the exact changes coming in tomorrow’s patch, below. And I assure you, we will continue to carefully watch how content is being enjoyed and adapt as necessary.


    Companion healing has been increased by roughly 48%. (Influence level and character level will determine exact amount.)

    Companion damage has been increased by roughly 15%. (Influence level and character level will determine exact amount.)

    Companion base stats have been increased by about 15%. (Influence level and character level will determine exact amount.)


    (click the spoiler tag for specifics)


    Backus, I hope you get fired.

  2. *yawn* You know, some people like things that you don't like. That doesn't make them blind, that just means that they see things differently.


    Personally, I'm ok with the event. It's much more than I would have done if I were in charge of the game. I wouldn't miss it if it were not here, but since it is, I'm happily throwing snowballs all over the place. (sorry to those in WZs with me... yes, I will continue to throw them in the middle of combat.)


    No more heals for you.

  3. I know that Bioware fanboys will go to unlimited lengths to defend SWTOR. I am hardly an over-the-top critic of BW and the game, but I have become more and more critical of the lack of creativity from BW to support the game.


    Bottom-line, if you don't see the lack of creativity and disconcerting direction that the game is heading then you are completely blind. Your unquestioning love of the game and unwillingness to accept any criticize of the game will ultimately do more harm to the health of SWTOR than any troll on these forums.


    You must be REALLY short.

  4. The problem isn't that and misleading may have been the wrong word to use, however an expansion does add on the game yes this in a way doesn't it targets a percentage of the player base I'm not going to say how much because I don't know and everyone is allowed to play as they like.

    As it stands the only part that makes GS part of the game is the fact that you need to instal SW:TOR and subscribe to it currently to access it. To be honest this feels more like a browser type mmo chucked into an existing mmo, theres no explanation for it to be there, and for my already levelled chars why would they suddenly want to become a pilot?

    It may be personal opinion here and many may disagree with me here as we all have our different views but to me an expansion should have something for everyone what we got was another arena for the pvp which was at least something there but that was it apart from GS that some have no interest in (the some I refer to are my friends and guildies thay I have spoken to, there may be more but if there are I'll let them say.)

    What people may start to think is Im ranting that theres no PVE content which to a degree I am which is why I asked the initial questions in the op. I would like to see some PVE content that doesnt involve a daily for a change as to be honest with this patch I was most looking forward to the THORN rep vendor which as it turns out never even got added.


    Again though, that's what you *feel* an expansion should be, which is again arguing semantics. I'm not saying you have to like it, and you have the right to feel that more should have been included, but that doesn't make it any less an expansion. There are a lot of players, with a lot of play-styles, not every game change will target every part of the audience. Patch, Expansion, Space PvP addition, we got what we were told we would get regardless of what you call it. It isn't like they added this and then decided that they were done with the other aspects of the game.

  5. I think the real problem is with the PvP system as a whole. I understand the reasoning behind lumping all the battlegrounds together to make queues faster and to reduce splitting the population, but the problem is not everyone PvP's for the same reasons.


    It's the same as PvE in the base game. Some people just like leveling and the story, and role-playing. Some people like to do end game raiding. Some people love crafting. With pvp you have people that love objective based games, but you also have people that just want to run around killing people.


    There is nothing wrong with just wanting to run around killing people. However if that's what you want to do, you shouldn't be playing objective based games. And that right there is the REAL problem. People that don't want to play objective based modes and just want to kill people don't have that option. They can't chose to not play the objective game modes because it's just a big random pool.


    It annoys me just as much as the next person when people refuse to play the objective, but as it stands right now I can only get annoyed with bioware for not giving them any options otherwise. that's why we need the options to play objective game modes, and non-objective game modes when we queue. That way when people just want to kill people they have that option without handicapping the people in objective games.

  6. Agreed. They kept saying they would make it part of the game but to be honest to call this an expansion to me is completely misleading as it has nothing to do with the game to the point where they now refer to the actual game as ground game.


    It expands on the game, that's the definition of expansion, getting larger. Does it correlate directly in to the story? No, but it's still something else to do within the game that you couldn't do at all prior to it. Besides, it's free. It's not like they are misleading people in to spending money, they aren't "leading" people anywhere. I mean that just seems like an *incredibly* petty argument over semantics. Not to mention they laid out exactly what it is and what is included, that's kind of the opposite of mis-leading people.

  7. are you better off selling the crate or opening them up and selling the items within?


    That's a matter of luck. People buy the crates in hopes of getting one of the items in them that are worth a lot, either to sell them, or because they want them and don't want to pay the stand-alone price (on those items usually millions). You could open one, get lucky and make 15 million, or you could open one and get a bunch of things that combined won't sell for 50k. That's the thrill of the pack; do you feel lucky punk? Well, do ya?

  8. This always makes me laugh.

    People get into a game with controls not exactly as they were in another game they enjoyed and immediately say "these controls suck".


    Wanna talk about absolutely insane control schematics? The original xbox had a MechWarrior game that REQUIRED the purchase of a special controller, the controller had roughly 45-50 controls. (2 joysticks, 3 foot pedals, and 2 thrust sliders, among others) to make you feel like you were in the cockpit. One of the more intensive control schematics and the sheer difficulty made it unplayable by the vast majority. If only they had kept making games for THAT control pad....people would never complain again about simplified controls that we have in this space fighter.


    Are the controls "perfect"? For some, yes, for others, no. Then you have the crowd that'll never be happy without a joystick, mind you if you listen to the chat...those running joysticks are the people getting slaughtered more often than not as well...it was not designed for joystick styled flight.


    I remember that, the controller was like 100-150 bucks as well.

  9. Why do people always feel the need to have stupid arguments over what boils down to nothing more then semantics and point of view. From one viewpoint they are free, from another they are not. They are part of the package, everyone knows this, the semantics are irrelevant.
  10. Should I save up my SR to buy a Gunship first or start maxing out my Scout?


    That's kind of a hard thing to give advice for. Depends on how you want to play, scouts and gunships perform vastly differently. Do you want to be fast moving, and maneuverable, with decent firepower but low durability? Or do you want to be slow and cumbersome, with the ability to decimate targets at range with incredible firepower and relatively high durability, but almost no maneuverability.


    It all really boils down to *how* you want to play it exactly. However, if you subbed by nov. 1st I believe it was, you should have access to the gun-ship right away anyway (i believe)

  11. Do you know what time it is? It is patch note o'clock :rak_03:


    Enjoy the notes!




    that kinda sucks, looks like yall decided to pretty much just make assassins and shadows cosmetically different juggs/knights in the tanking department. What is there theme supposed to be now exactly? Im kinda disappointed yall couldn't think of a better fix than gutting rotational healing as a means of staying alive and replacing it with armor buffs. We already had the brick wall tank, now we have 2 tanks playing the same way essentially, I dislike that you took an axe to the diversity of their play-styles.


    All in all though, pretty good patch.

  12. Well, we have all the older presumed patch notes for 2.5, at least for class changes. So, at least we have some vague idea of the changes. I just hope they didn't destroy the feel of shadow/assassin tanks. I get that at high levels the self healing wasn't efficient for dealing with spike damage and whatnot (at least that's what I understand was the reasoning behind the change). But I liked that all the tanking classes felt distinctly unique. I'm worried the proposed class balancing is going to take away the shadows uniqueness. They seem to just be saying "take the healing, replace it with damage mitigation", I'd rather them at least make it passive mitigation, focus on avoidance instead of absorption/active mitigation or we will just have another jug/knight with a different look.
  13. Have you seen the graphical direction of wildstar? Lol. SWTOR has nothing to worry about. Hello Kitty Island Adventure Online may be worried though.


    graphics aren't everything. Isn't the most played FPS right now TF2? Also, like you said it's a graphical direction, which you may not be a fan of, but that doesn't make it bad. "good" is a relative term depending on the subject at hand. I actually like the look of wild-star. kind of reminds me of an upgraded sci-fi WoW art style. That being said, it will be a game you can potentially play without any restrictions at all for free, given the prices on the monthly time buys in game aren't ridiculous and assuming you are at least semi efficient at making money in MMO's. Personally I don't foresee myself ever having trouble affording to buy another month with in-game money.


    That being said, I'm not the kind of person that quits one game for another, I'll buy Wild-Star when it comes out, and i'll play it as long as I continue to enjoy it. That doesn't mean I'm going to drop TOR. Just like the fact that I like TOR doesn't mean I won't try out new MMO's or that i'll quit playing others that I enjoy. We don't exactly live in a world of absolutes.

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