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  1. Forgive me if this topic has already been covered but I was looking at the new end game PVE gear on the PTS and noticed that there weren't any set bonuses. At least for the IA. Does anyone know if there will be set bonuses or will we have to transfer over the bonuses from the Rakata gear?
  2. Since we're, hopefully, not too far off from 1.2 I figured why not get into the speculation game. What do you hope they change/balance for the Medicine tree in 1.2? I, as I'm sure most Op healers do, hope they change RN and make KP more efficient.
  3. The laugh is when Tactical Advantage procs.
  4. Ok. My question with sedatives is this, it says when the effect "wears off." Does this still work if you break the effect by attacking?
  5. So I have every intention of end game healing however, I believe there are some points and talents in the medicine tree that are pretty useless at this point. So until they change them I've put them (DS, RN) elsewhere to help me in PVP as well as daily PVEs and such. Just figured I'd post it and get some feedback. http://torguild.net/calculator/imperial-agent/operative/?p=20301000000000000002032322010032121103003220000000000000000
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